What Has the World Become? 10 Day Post Paris Olympic Opening

It has been ten whole days since the table of debauchery was lain out before the world’s eyes.

And while we should not be surprised that heathens mock Jesus, we can be shocked that a global event known for unity and athleticism shifted the narrative to feature obesity, perversions and a twisted obsession with perverse sexuality. 

Can’t we have even one thing set apart for the pure enjoyment of the nations? Do we always need sin shoved in our faces?

Do children and families need to sit on their couches and be forced to watch the shocking twistedness of an Olympic Committee’s interpretation of what a country has chosen to stand for?

And quite honestly, the table of perversion, mimicking the Last Super (as some assumed), wasn’t solely what gutted me and left my head spinning.

I mean, we know the world is hostile to Jesus. We know perversions and those saturated in darkness detest the holy sacraments, the beauty of fellowship Jesus shared with His followers before He died.

Still, of all the media’s many discussions on the long table at the Olympics opening featuring trans men, a half-naked blue something on a platter in front of a Lesbian glutton with supposedly Jesus’ holy crown…

One this is clear, we are seeing the debauchery of this world for what it is. It is finally out in plain sight. And for that I am thankful.

No more grey. No more hiding darkness, pretending it is something beautiful. No more masking with Christianity as if perversions and Christ can somehow co-exist.

If we step back, it is important to look at the whole picture. Not only was there a table filled with twisted sickness, but why was a child dining with such perversion?

And did you see the screenshot of the man behind her? The way he looked at her? The man that, according to some reports, had part of his testicles protruding from his pants?

Anyone who has been a victim of se_ual abuse knows well, the look of another lusting human, after them with dog-like salivating. It was evil. And evil does not belong at the Olympic Games, let alone on a world stage when millions are watching and questioning.

And if that wasn’t bad enough, there was implications of a menage a trois?

We can argue about the intentions of the large table, but no one can argue that the Olympics Committee was clearly portraying a threesome between two men and a woman.

You know, the part where they all almost kiss each other and then shut themselves behind closed doors, seductively.

Why are we not talking about this perversion? Why is the world quiet about the sexual deviancy clearly portrayed in the opening ceremony of the Olympics?

And did I mention, millions of families were watching, including children?

How does a threesome represent the supernatural dedication male and female athletes showed as they qualified for the global stage? It doesn’t represent us well, does it?

We won’t even discuss the beheaded Marie Antoinette, an apparent trans stripper-like dance, the Golden Calf, or the White horse (Some believe symbolized the Apocalypse in Revelations, signifying death and accompanied by Hades/hell) galloping through the ceremony.

What kind of world are we living in where a beheaded woman, men dressed up as women and threesome’s sexual deviance somehow shows the collective athleticism the Olympic Games decided to portray to families that day?

Yet, as Christians, we can be thankful. Thankful that evil is not playing cat and mouse anymore. Evil is right up in the world’s face and it is not apologizing anymore, for it’s bold public stance, or evil demonstrations.

Still, the part I found most shocking about the Olympic opening, isn’t the pure evil, it is seeing so many Christians that have been drowning in the quicksand of post modern belief systems, not only NOT standing against this filth, but actually defending sin, while knowing children were watching?

Is that the result of the evil slope we have seen since American’s lukewarm and watered down preaching? A post modern belief system that has blinded the church saying now, “To each their own?” “It’s no big deal?” “It’s just the world?” “We must love these sinners and not speak up against them?”


When did Jesus become a pacifist? When did Jesus cower to the evil that came while He was in the dessert? When did Jesus partner with darkness, just to appease the crowds?

And while many so-called Christians are saying, “Don’t judge the world”, have we forgotten the Holy Scripture and what it tells us? Or have we longed for only-love theology that we have forgotten to read our Bibles?

Scripture says:

  • God saw that lightness was GOOD and He SEPARATED light and darkness. (Genesis 1:4)
  • “What do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness? What harmony is there between Christ and Belial? Or what does a believer have in common with an unbeliever? What agreement is there between the temple of God and idols? For we are the temple of the living God.” (2 Corinthians 6:14-16)
  • “But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a consecrated nation, a [special] people for God’s own possession, so that you may proclaim the excellencies [the wonderful deeds and virtues and perfections] of Him who called you OUT OF DARKNESS into His marvelous light.” (1 Peter 2:9 amp)

God whispered to me one day while I was wrestling for the hearts of my now adopted daughter. See, in the trenches of warfare, we can forget, what is light and what is actually darkness.

And I get it, many have been in warfare so long, they can’t think straight, let alone rightly divide good and evil.

And no, people are not darkness, but we do “wrestle against principalities, and powers, and rules of this dark world”. (Ephesians 6:12)

During those hours of one of my greatest battles, God whispered, “We don’t negotiate with evil”.

Have we, as Christians, been negotiating with evil? Have we done as Isaiah says, “called evil good, and good evil? Have we “substituted darkness for light and light for darkness”? Are we “substituting bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter”?

The prophet Isaiah makes it clear? People who call evil good and good evil, will experience the wrath of God. “Woe to those”, “Judgement is coming”, Isaiah 5:20 tells us.

More than fearing the wrath of those who condone the Olympics opening, I fear a God who I will stand in front of on judgement day.

And will he ask us…“Did you say anything”? “Did you speak up?” “Or did you cower in fear at the onslaught that is coming when we rise up against darkness and stand bold, in light.”

Friends, we are a “City on a Hill”. (Matthew 5:14-16). “You are the light of [Christ to] the world.”

Oh, that we we are not blinded by the sin of the culture, or coddled into lukewarmness by the watered down theology of our day, that says, “Just love and say nothing”…

May we be as Scripture says,

“Nor does anyone light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good deeds and moral excellence, and [recognize and honor and] glorify your Father who is in heaven.”

After all, He is our King. And our King will bow at nothing.

Friends, never, never, negotiate with evil. Either we will love God and hate the world. Or we love the world and hate God.

When we read Scripture, it is clear…

We cannot have both.

“Do not love the world [of sin that opposes God and His precepts], nor the things that are in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.” (1 John 2:15 amp)


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