Love Without Borders – What Radical Faith and Pure Religion Looks Like

Need an escape from the current world state? Want to sit back, relax, and unravel yourself from the web of the latest news and current issues?

Around noon I received “Love Without Borders”, by Anglea Braniff, a story about one woman’s brave journey out of anxiety, people-pleasing, and the box other people placed on her.

Angela moves towards love, towards the orphan, towards a faith that leads her like a tiny light whispering in the dark…“Come…come to where I call you.”

How many times have we bowed to others opinions? Compromised our convictions? Stepped sideways, away from where God was leading us, because we didn’t want to look “weird”, unconventional or prideful?

We can often compromise our call, our purpose as women, to appease those around us, who end up stripping us from power and priviledge, and rob us from our rightful place in God’s kingdom.

But what if we lived bold? What if we let His still small voice lead us in the quiet? What if what He said held greater precedence over the clanging symbols blasting all around us?

What if we refused to be afraid? Afraid of losing time, finances, reputation? Afraid to lose life itself?

A seed must not only fall to the ground to product life…it must also crack open, lie barren to a greater purpose and die to it’s prior design.

And yet, how often do we hear self-sacrificial-living in America’s pulpits? How often do we shake the status quo to live bold, moving in whatever way God is leading us?

When did the bystanders become those we bow down to? Isn’t God the only One we live for and give praise to?

If a thousand fell, yet Jesus was by our side, wouldn’t that be enough?

If we lost all we had; job, esteem, the praise of people’s opinions, yet had the acceptance of The One who created us. Wouldn’t that be sufficient?

When did we become frozen mannequins, dressed daily by another person’s opinions? Frozen, still, incapable of doing His will?

Let’s let life rise in our lungs. We are chosen, able, called to fulfill His purposes.

Angela took that leap of faith…not just once or twice. She discovered her identity, but also found true freedom, by giving up her life and letting it glimmer of Him.

Her words are humble, thoughtful, and convicting.

The subtitle of her book is, “How Bold Faith Opens the Door to Embracing the Unexpected”. 

Bold faith. Fearless faith. Radical faith. Isn’t that what Christians all throughout history have been full of?

So, why in this culture, in the past few decades, have we thought holiness incuded shrinking His purposes? Love meant comprising who we are, just to appease those around us?

When we get to heaven, who will we bow down to? Jesus.

When we enter His throneroom and step through those pearly gates, what will ultimately matter? His goodness.

When all is said and done and He asks us what we did with the message of His son, “How did we spend our life?” Who will we blame?

Will Jesus say on our final day, “Well done, good and faithful servant?”

Did we live this faith journey boldly?

10:00 p.m. I squinted by eyes by the one side-table light, as I finish the last words and close Angela’s book.

The words, “I couldn’t put it down” are so over used, and often just a way to flatter the author. But truth is, that’s what happened. This book was captivating.

It was a journey close to my heart, one of transracial adoption, international travel, and a timid child transforming by the power of the Spirit into a bold witness for Christ…

Not just weighed by her words…but her life.

If you want a distraction from the present doom and gloom of life, pick up, “Love without Borders” on Amazon. Or check out the audiobook on, narrated by Angela herself. Angela also has a popular Youtube channel, ‘This Gathered Nest”.

You won’t want to miss her journey, especially if you have any interest whatsoever in big families, homeschooling or adoption.

Lastly, Angela mentions a video in her book that I think is worth adding. It impacted me years ago, and I think it might touch you too. Check it out here.

It’s called, “Depraved Indifference.” It changed Angela’s life and I know it will radically impact yours too.

Bless each one of you. And may God meet you where you. Now, let’s go out and live for Him alone! May He be our audience of ONE!

(For more of my favorite foster/adoption book suggestions, click here)

  • Also, for the record, no one asked, solicited or requested I write this review. I independently wrote it because I think Angela’s book is a powerful testimony of faith, one worth digging into. 

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1 Comment

  1. Thank you for such a thoughtful, wise and inspiring article. I’m getting the book! Love you Jen!

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