What a humbling gift to be the Keynote Speaker at the Missional Women Retreat this past weekend. I am continually moved by the solid, Christ-centered hearts of the women at Missional Women.
Whether it’s sharing about foster and adoption at a church in Denver, communicating God’s heart through our testimony at a college in Colorado, or driving up the mountain to a quiet retreat center, in the highest parts of Durango….
God has always been so faithful to meet us, at every conference hosted by Missional Women.
What I love about these conferences is how the speakers don’t sit and gather notes or collectively collaborate with one another about their topic or conversation….
Yet, the Holy Spirit is active and present amidst this conference, every single year. God himself is so faithful to minister, prompt and reiterate similar messages, as materials are gathered and women share.
At every Missional Women conference, ladies from all over the country present a similar thread of topic or message, because God Himself sees what women are needing. It is at these conferences He is given free reign to guide hearts and the presentation of each message.
For example, the topic of “Tikvah”, the Hebrew word for “Hope”. Multiple people shared on its meaning. Stories wove delicately, yet were shared uniquely, sprinkled with personally experiences.
Humility was apparent both in table conversations and speakers sharing.
Vulnerability was evident. This wasn’t one of those; “be happy”, “superficial” or “try-hard” conferences.
Women connected through team-building games, private discussions, and reflection questions that pressed each individual deeper towards relationship with Jesus.
God wasn’t presented as some powerless puppet at this conference; one we thought we could control with ramped up demonstrations. He took His throne in this conference with Scripture pointing to Jesus, and discussions on His sovereignty, Lordship and supremecy.
This Jesus-first model grants us permission to step off our personal platforms and step safety into His His sovereignty, so His goodness can be felt and known.
Making Jesus Lord always quiets our souls, unltimately allowing us to walk away with greater peace, trust and eternity-driven joy.
If you haven’t attended a Missional Women’s Conference or Retreat, I highly recommend it. Look for the next one in 2020.
This past September, my oldest daughter got married. We have always attended conferences and done road trips together. This year, however, it was a special joy for her to join me on the travel adventures we have shared since her childhood.
We flew into San Franscico, had a 2 1/2, and 3 hour layovers there, took another plane to Aluquerquie, New Mexico, rented a car, then drove to Durango, winding up a gorgeous mountain to a retreat center hid in what I call, “The closest thing to heaven, I have ever seen.”
Multiple deer grazed on the grass next to a river. The air smelled clean and unpolutted. Gorgeous black and white birds called “Magpie’s” fluttered to the sky as our car twisted along the windy path towards our destination.
Colorado is saturated with breath-taking beauty. Before any person every says a word, God meets them through His glorious creation.
Laughter overtook our car. We also rested well in a clean and spacious room in a lodge tucked in the mountains of Colorado. It was like joy just flooded my daughter and I as we connected and shared, traveled and talked with the women of the Missional Conference.
And did I mention how God speaks here?
For example, I was discussing health on the way to breakfast one morning. “Coincidently” (Or not so coincidently, more-like) one of the very next speakers shared how our bodies are a temple, and how we must take care of them to continue to advance His Kingdom purposes.
I also was listening to a podcast on the plane, David Platt. He was challenging my heart towards Missions, something ignited in my soul, in a way I hadn’t experienced, since children. I told no-one.
Then, at the conference, I “happened” to sit next an ex-missionary of fourteen years, who blessed me with sharing her story while we painted rocks at the craft table. We joined hearts over His call to advance His purposes through Missions and I was challenged by her message of how it’s “never-too-late”.
Other speakers shared about loss and infertility, parent’s passing, and drug addiction. The list goes on and on. More amazingly, there was no judgement eachother’s stories. This conference was saturated with grace, mercy and His goodness trinkling down like the sparkling waters that cascaded down the breath-taking landscape of Colorado.
On our drive to Colorado were the most glorious cliffs, rock chiseled from what I quoted as appearing like, “The footstool of God”. Rock red and brown layered on one another, as if to point our soul towards Him, even before arriving at the conference.
On our drive, towards the end of our long journey, we turned to our right and saw the earth, shining with a full rainbow. It was as if God was guiding us to our destination, demonstrating His promises, boasting of His faithful, while reminding us….
No trip towards Him is ever planned in vain.
Another mother and daughter were also at the conference. God would have it that I would sit right next to them. They shared of world travel and personal purposes. God wove all four of our hearts together in a way only He could have orchestrated.
I could go on and on, but let me just share some photos with you of this years Missional Women’s Conference. Below is a photo fo the amazing Laura Krokos who hosted this years event.
Hope to see you next year at the Missional Women Retreat.
“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” ~ Romans 15:20
HiJen! I just found your blog. Thank you for sharing your experience. By the way, I gotta say I love your posts about your children, I’d like to hear more about them.
Glad it went so brilliantly and that it was such a precious mother/ daughter time
Sounds like a wonderful experience for you!
Your line, “No trip towards Him is ever planned in vain,” really struck a chord with me. We can never go wrong when we are moving towards being closer to Him.
I had such a good time meeting you and your daughter at the retreat! It was a special weekend. Thank you for sharing your stories with us. I know my daughter and I both want to go back next year!