It’s like he’s been here a thousand years. The fresh air almost visible as it calms and soothes, making wrestling spirits find home.
They race and dig, collect eggs and play, as if time stopped, yesterday has run right up and swallowed this day of nuisances and noise.
Technology is replaced with trees beckoning. Pregnant fluffy tails prance up to greet them. The feathered ones fly overhead as if guaranteeing He is protecting them. And life couldn’t be sweeter in this sunshine, in this place of walked out callings and purpose.
I mean, I longed for this when we lived in the city. The space, the open, the less pressing walls and people, cement floors, missing nature in all it’s forms.
Music dances in my soul as it swallows up this whole living, this organic growth….this ancient path He longed for us, ages ago….
Where noise is no more, sun shines, soil dwells beneath their hands.
And I wonder if that’s what Jesus felt, as I see the wholes in the dirt they have dug with sticks. Dirty fingers laced and squishing, smiles, and pretending with soiled covered hands.
And yet, too often, we don’t get soiled, in a world envying clean. We don’t like wide open, because walls, fears, and isolation can be comforting.
But, “Come”…
I can almost hear Him speaking…to me, to His people. The well is outside, the people and fellowship of this world wide open with all it’s good and hardships, beckons us nearer…
And it is in this fellowship with joy and suffering, His face becomes clearest, our hearts long much deeper for oneness we gain, at the opening of His hands.
He chases red feathers around our property. He used to be chased, but now is the chaser.
And it’s amazing how a little self-esteem can get in one, and make the captured into the pursuer, the one shrinking, fly as if with wings into all God longs for him.
Does he know a story is unfolding. In that look, that smile, in the way he asks and questions everything?
Isn’t it in the asking for more, the leaning, the needing, we get where we are going and some of our pain takes in real answers?
She has learned a lot, our older one. Experiencing loss, and love, and love and loss, and still standing tall…..
It’s a remarkeable thing.
And who says we have to get weaker, harder, more calloused, consumed with unbearable pain? Maybe it is in the difficulty we build resistence and that’s when true muscle grows?
I haven’t heard her voice in ages. I dream of what she’d say. I see her face because grace has given me a doorway into a world I have no deserving of.
And strangers can become fellow partners, warriors, because of love. Love is the bridge, connecting people and places, ethnicities and cultures.
Yes, there is no difference between us, really.
I let my mind wander. But then try to turn it to gratefulness, gratitude. Because every child is a treasure, every laughter, every smile, a gift like no others….
And who are we to have been given it?
Oh that we might pour this Living Water. Be the vessel He uses to bless other people. Might we forget our own comfort, our hearts, the gift or the loss, and put us aside completely….
Because we were made to live for one. He alone, the cornerstone of all our affections….
And when He is, nothing else matters.
And it is then, we are able to see butterflies dancing, children play carefree and happily. The fields are open and wide and welcoming.
And we are not caged any longer. His peace is but grace to walk in our identity as children of the Father.
And it is here we are home, healing just naturally, in the power of His great love.
Jenger, you are waxing poetic today, Beloved
I wonder if the girl you refer to is the one you were writing about when God first connected our hearts?
I just LOVE these words, and my soul sings a hearty AMEN:
Oh that we might pour this Living Water. Be the vessel He uses to bless other people. Might we forget our own comfort, our hearts, the gift or the loss, and put us aside completely….
Because we were made to live for one. He alone, the cornerstone of all our affections….
And when He is, nothing else matters.
Jen, Your words always pour into my heart and touch my soul. Thank you!
“Because we were made to live for one. He alone, the cornerstone of all our affections….
And when He is, nothing else matters.”
It reminds me of “Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus”
“Turn your eyes upon Jesus,
Look full in His wonderful face,
And the things of earth will grow strangely dim,
In the light of His glory and grace.”
Blessings and Hugs!!