You all…just look at the top photo in this post! That wide open space, that beautiful lush land? That’s Carahuasi, Peru!
But first, here is the agenda for today…
- As promised, I’m going to explain where the name for this blog, “Rich Faith Rising”, came from.
- I’ll tell you of the incredible event, the one many of you gave to, so children in the Andes mountains could have brand-new, locally-made school-shoes.
- We will have our weekly, UNITE Link Party.
First, “Rich Faith Rising”. Where does it come from? James 2:5
“Listen, my dear brothers and sisters: Has not God chosen those who are poor in the eyes of the world to be rich in faith and to inherit the kingdom he promised those who love him?”
Friends, this idea….The POOR are actually RICH seems like an oxymoron. It seems so counter-intuitive to our world and present-day culture.
The lacking, inheriting? How wild is that?
In our, my culture, it can be all about…
So much so, we can get deceived into thinking…those most prosperous or materially rich are somehow the only ones blessed.
But in God’s Kingdom?
- He uses the weak to confound to proud.
- He lets the least of these teach the so-called wise.
- He takes the most likely and demonstrates His power through them.
The broken welcome His Spirit and He dwells often in the least suspecting.
So, where did our thinking go wrong?
When I started blogging, I didn’t want another place simplifying, “12 Steps to Grow in Greater Wealth or be a better Christianity.” I also didn’t want to be a space where we simply sit back and pity the broken and needy.
My heart was that as you read, you would actually flip your thinking. See the broken as beautiful, the down-trot as the ones He most desperately enjoys seeking…
The poor, timid, and weak are His children…not just the rich or perfect.
Jesus said it himself best in the sermon on the mount…
3Blessed are the poor in spirit,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
4 Blessed are those who mourn,
for they will be comforted.
5 Blessed are the meek,
for they will inherit the earth.
6 Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,
for they will be filled.
7 Blessed are the merciful,
for they will be shown mercy.
8 Blessed are the pure in heart,
for they will see God.
9 Blessed are the peacemakers,
for they will be called children of God.
10 Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Why is it we can want to change, eradicate or justify Matthew 5 – 7…
- We can claim…”poor”
…must not REALLY mean “poor”.
- We can state, “meek” must mean something completely different that what we think of as “meak”.
- We can explain away the definition of, “peacemakers”.
- We can justify, “pure in heart” meaning only partially “righteous”, purity or holiness.
Why is it we this…alter or nullify Christ’s words? Struggle wrapping our minds around a Savior who sees the ugly things in this world, as beautiful….
The least of these He calls to, “I love you”, “Come-as-you-are”. But the amazing thing is, He doesn’t leave us there…
I mean, that’s the amazing thing about Jesus, He has always seen the unseen or unwanted, received those societies reject, embraced those not seen as holy or perfect.
And oh friends, can we collectly just ask for His eyes to see the world as He sees it?
This is the heart behind, Rich Faith Rising.
Thursdays trip to Carahuasi, Peru
Secondly, look at these pictures!
This is the amazing event that took place in Carahuasi, Peru last Thursday…all because people like YOU gave!
Your response to our GoFundMe campaign astonishing!
We asked for support to buy school children desperately needed shoes, and you gave $2695.00 in 15 days…
Did you get that? $2695.00 in 15 days!!!
Thank you, from the bottom of our hearts!
I wish I could have seen this event up close, but I was busy parenting four young children solo while my husband jumped on a plane, flew to Lima, Peru, met our oldest son, then flew to Cusco…
From there, last Thursday, he took a two hour drive down into the depth of the Andes Mountains, where children were waiting to receive their new shoes.
Will you join me in reading the rest of the story HERE? Click on our page, then go to our final update.
Again, thank you to those who gave and were praying!
Friends, this week we witnessed the miracle-working power of a God who really is, does, and gives far beyond our wildest and most amazing imaginations!
Please, join us Friday for the continued story of my most recent, life-changing trip to Peru.
UNITE LINKY – It’s time to link up below. YOU are welcome. Please, join us!
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Thanks! I often wonder if what we think as “Blessings” is really not. In our mindset of ease we seek more of the same and often miss true “blessings!” Thanks for sharing your story!!!
Thanks for sharing this at Booknificent Thursday on!
I loved this! This whole topic has been on my heart recently and it’s a joy to read this and see the work you are doing for these children.
I loved learning the thoughts behind your blog title:)
Love reading about Carahuasi too, and this wonderful ministry you and Cid made happen.
Love YOU, dear Jenger, and your precious family.
So glad to have met you through this blog, some years ago.
‘May the Lord bless you
and protect you.
25 May the Lord smile on you
and be gracious to you.
26 May the Lord show you his favor
and give you his peace.’
Jen – I love the Scripture that you got the name for this series from.
I have been doing a series on the Beatitudes and your post goes right along with Blessed are those who are poor in spirit. it seems like an oxymoron just like you said, but when we are “poor” in anything we realize our need for a higher power – aka God/Jesus/Holy Spirit. thanks for the linkup – it was a busy week and I am just now getting back to comment. (Also we are neighbors at #RaRaLinkUP too)