When Trusting In Jesus Makes Absolutely Zero Sense (UNITE Link-Up)

It made no sense. Can’t you just imagine Him…slow, methodical, not racing to man’s expectations…instead, wise, intentional, focused on His primary mission?

A man born blind, approached, talked about, questioned as to why he can’t see. Once learning to make his living, sitting and begging…Heightened senses likely listening, discussions of whose fault it was, his deficit and disability.

Then, the one people have been talking about, the one becoming famous for extraordinary works….Takes mud and places it on the blind man’s eyes.

It’s this mud-touching, power-giving, quiet encounter with Jesus that simply changes life for the blind.

He sees. And testifies. Confounding the proud in the Synogogue, shattering the lies that only some are meant to be healed, the wise and educated or holy are the only ones to be approached and touched by Jesus.

The blind man encountering Jesus is never the same again. (John 9)

Yet, it can seem, centuries later, we have become repulsed by mud; the tactics and methods and workings of Jesus.

We have sadly become a culture of quick fixes, instant pleasures, calculated measurements and clean and tidy performances.

We want our religion, but strangely enough, we also want some resemblence of control.

And I can just imagine the Pharisees at the time of the blind man’s miracle, discussing and disecting, questioning, criticizing, gossiping and inspecting how Jesus did the unexplainable with just a heap of mud.

Still, Jesus loves those with blind faith. The ones faithful and obedient, who wash where He directs them, trusts His plans and purposes are higher than their ways.

I can also see the disciples. Those who surely thought they had the inside scoop on Jesus and HisIMG_0189 ways.

Miracles had been taking place. I mean, they had a front row seat, witnessing the wild and unexplainable.

And yet, just when they witnessed a miracle, Jesus turns and heals in a whole different way.

And I wonder if our Lord decides to twist His methods, create, and illuminate and recreate His miracles individually, because if not, we just might make a mathmatical equation of Him…Figure we are smarter or wiser, or keen on His tactics, therefore elevating man…instead of the Savior Himself?

The paralitic gets up and walks (Matthew 9 v 2-8), a lady with a blood disorder touches his cloak (Mark 5 v 25-34) Jesus heals a withered hand, with likely the whole town witnessing. (Luke 6:6-10)

Let’s face it, sometimes God doesn’t make sense, we cannot wrap our minds around Him, control or outline Him with our so-called heightened intelligence…A God who tells us His every plan, orchestrates ways our minds can comprehened.

God’s not safe. He’s not a man we can disect, understand, or fully comprehend. 

God shatters our idol images with His mud-slinging, mind-blowing, religious-overthrowing, unconventional ways.

And I don’t know about you, but sometimes I wrestle with this God. A God so big, I can’t wrap my mind or thoughts around Him, a God I can’t tuck safety in my pocket…

God has been calling me towards unconventional, uncontrollable places where His power dwells and perfect love is all that matters.

atlasDo you know Emily Wiergenga? She’s the most humble author of Atlas Girl, a blogger, and well-known writer.

Maybe you have witnessed her story; daughter of a pastor, wife of a teacher who returned to Africa, the place she grew up as a daughter of two missionaries?

For years, Emily sat behind a screen, penning beautiful pieces of compassion and truth.

Then, God stripped her, led her to put feet to her mission. He moved her to the streets of Africa where women were impregnated, children hungry, churches were aching for something concrete and sustaining.

As a result, Emily started Lulu Tree, a non-profit supporting churches, pregnant mothers, preventing tomorrows orphans, and equipping safe deliveries through something called, “Mama kits“.

What really touched me this week was an article about a recent trip, demonstrating the radical works of a faith who stands with feet and serves. (Read full article, HERE)

Another friend, Sonya Schweighardt, founder of Hope Ministries Uganda, an amazing mom to a bucket load of kids; both bio and adopted kids, didn’t stop at adoption ministry.

She let her heart keep bending, molding, kept going where God prompted and guided her. Today, she provides aid and homes and beds for the abandoned children of a the Batwa tribe, in Africa.

Her words peirce deep:

“You have enjoyed yourself in Christianity enough. You have had pleasant feelings, pleasant songs, pleasant meetings…much happiness and handclapping and shouting of praises. Now then, to go down among the perishing crowds is your duty…your crown is helping them to beat their cross…’ ~William Booth

Believers. You have to roll up your sleeves and get dirty. Jesus went to the lame, the blind, the “unclean”. He came so that we would know how to live our lives. Stop. Being. Comfortable. Christians. It’s time to start loving like you have never been hurt. It’s what Christ does for us daily. Trials and hardships are real. And yes, they hurt like hell. But it is how we choose to get through them which determines whether or not we let our hearts grow hard and bitter, or we learn to forgive and keep pressing forward. We have to keep pressing forward. We have to keep rolling up our sleeves and getting dirty. Why? Because the most important thing you can do on this earth after you accept Christ as your Savior, is to live it out loud. Share Jesus. With words. With actions. With your whole heart. It’s hard. It’s hard to love wide open because often: The. Love. Is. Rejected. But you keep loving. You keep pressing forward. We have to choose to live for Christ. Many won’t understand you. Sadly even Christians will attack you. But you keep pressing in. God created you for this. You were created to love. To love like Jesus. On purpose for purpose. Go and do. It was never said to keep your butts in the pew. Life is short. Don’t waste it on foolish notions. Serve Christ with all you have in you. And hold nothing back…”

And I wonder…when did we exchange a radical, mud-touching, mountain-moving, life-changing Jesus for frozen and stale Christianity?

I don’t know about you…but I want to touch a Savior who is unconventional, meet a Jesus who isDSC_1006 kind and compassionate, and walks TOWARDS the broken…

I want to lock eyes with a father who loves the hurting, not just the good or those seemingly perfect children.

I want a faith with feet. Won’t you help us as we mobilize the gospel?

Perhaps you read the post from last week? (Find it HERE)

My husband and I have been touched by the Incan people of a small village called Carahuasi, in the middle of South America, Peru.

We have begun raising funds to buy many of the kids in a school there, their very first, real pairs of shoes.

When people inquired of Jesus, they didn’t just see words, or empty religion from heightened pews or high backed chairs…They saw a man who walks amongst the poor, touched, redeemed, and transformed each and every place His feet were called to walk.

As a result, God has ignited hearts to give towards this vision to shod the feet of the children in Carahuasi with leather shoes, and ultimately His gospel of peace.

Won’t you join us in reaching our goal?

$10.00 can buy one pair of shoes. And one pair of shoes can literally change a child’s life. We only have about 10 more days to reach out goal. Thank you for considering giving up the price of two latte’s to help a child in need.

We need YOU to make this vision a reality! Cick HERE to give. So much humble appreciation for your prayers and support.

Now, it’s time to UNITE! Add one or more of your favorite posts below. Let’s get started:

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  1. I think desire for control is one of the hardest things to relinquish – from the Pit, I do believe. Yet once done, we (I) still need to practice it over and over again. Well said and well lived. s.

  2. No! God isn’t safe -is he. He’s always moving us, shaking us up, being the potter shaping us into his design – and, like you, I don’t know the details of my life plan – but it’s a stretching, out of my comfort-zone thing. Your post, as always, makes me think, makes me pray – and think out of the box!

  3. “Yet, it can seem, centuries later, we have become repulsed by mud; the tactics and methods and workings of Jesus.”

    This is powerful.

    “You have enjoyed yourself in Christianity enough. You have had pleasant feelings, pleasant songs, pleasant meetings…much happiness and handclapping and shouting of praises. Now then, to go down among the perishing crowds is your duty…your crown is helping them to beat their cross…’ ~William Booth

    “And I wonder…when did we exchange a radical, mud-touching, mountain-moving, life-changing Jesus for frozen and stale Christianity?”

    “I want a faith with feet. Won’t you help us as we mobilize the gospel?”

    This post resonates with where I am in my heart right now. I copied and pasted these into a document and labeled them from here to ponder and pray over. Thank you!!

    I love the work you are doing, wow. My heart longs for adventure God’s way.

  4. So powerful and true… and oh how we think we want control… (how we so often think we actually have it! LOL!) Also – I love Emily and her writing and laying down any misgivings of having control… learning to love the mud and the faith-stretching reminders that we are not, in fact, in control on any actual day!

  5. “God’s not safe. He’s not a man we can disect, understand, or fully comprehend.” I love this reminder. It can be scary to trust a God we can’t comprehend. But if we could comprehend him, he wouldn’t be God! Hence the struggle! Thanks for the post, Jen!

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