Adoption Stories Guaranteed To Move You #UNITE Linky

So excited to introduce you to someone who has made a huge impact on my life and my writing. Her name is Laura Krokos. She is the founder of Missional Women, a site I have been blessed to be a contributor at for the past few years.

The thing you might not know about Laura (from behind the screen of social media anyway) is that she truly is humble and wise, fun and passionate about Jesus….Not to mention one amazing mom, wife, and ministry leader.

What I love about Laura, is that she would be the first to tell you a story of something funny she did earlier that day.

She shares her flaws and weaknesses, and yet shines Jesus in the most amazing way.

Every horrible thing you have ever heard about leaders? Well, throw it out the window. Laura is kind and compassionate, filled with grace and mercy, and leads with transparency, in submission to Jesus and with respect for those around her.

downloadI remember when I had my bags packed and was getting ready to leave the hotel after my very first time speaking at a Missional Women Conference. Tears fell down my face and I honestly didn’t get why.

Later, I realized, I was so in awe of the group of women God had placed me with, I just couldn’t stop crying at His goodness.

I mean, me? A flawed human being….placed in the middle of this group of sincere, humble, and incredible women! How did I get so incredibly blessed?

So today, I want to give you a chance to dance around the web and read some other amazing stories of adoption, including Lauras.

Let’s get started! Here is Laura….


Six years ago God showed off in a big way. Oh a beautifully wonderful way!

Austin and I had always wanted to adopt but figured we would wait till after a couple biological kids to give us some experience parenting. I totally had it all planned out. After 2 years of being married we would get pregnant have a couple kids two years apart and then look into adoption.

Then came the reminder that I am not the author of my life. I do not write the pages. That “right” was surrendered at the cross. After 2 years, our desire for kids diminished and returned a couple years later (after seeing examples of godly women who were still involved in ministry with kids). So we tried to get pregnant to no avail. After 2 years of trying and experiencing the two week cycle of hope and let down God stepped in and saved the day.

November is National Adoption month and our alarm happened to be set to the Christian station. For a week straight we woke up to stories of God rescuing and redeeming little lives through adoption. Tears of amazement and joy ran down our cheeks every morning for a week.Laura

Shortly after the morning tears, I spoke at a women’s retreat and Austin the same weekend at a men’s retreat. We both had incredible conversations with people close to and effected by adoption. Austin met a guy who had been adopted and I met a mom whose daughters placed babies for adoption. Our convictions began to solidify and desire began to grow.

Then not long after the retreats, in our time with the Lord, God showed us multiple adoptions in Scripture and how He used them. One day I walked in on Austin spending time with the Lord and music blaring, singing his heart out, “Yes and Amen, whatever is in Your heart…” and crying. He was saying Yes to the Lord, no matter what the cost, no matter what He asked….

Click here to read the rest of Laura’s God-glorifying story.

Missional Women is also in the middle of a month long series entitled, “It’s Not About Me”. You won’t want to miss it!

To read more about Laura, you can find her at her ministry page, here. On Facebook, here, Twitter, here, as well as hosting her own Youtube Channel, here

More stories guaranteed to inspire you!

Now, for more adoption stories! Honestly, there are so many stories out there, but these are some of my favorites!

Lisa Harper’s Incredible Story of Adoption & Redemption

The Dennehy’s touching story of adopting multiple kids from around the world

Chloe – A Story of Infertility, Adoption, & God’s Love

8 Adoption Stories that will give you the feels

Also, don’t miss the other Adoption Stories from this past month!

If you haven’t beeen with us, this post is a part of a month long series Rich Faith Rising has been doing for National Adoption Month. The goal is to highlight specific stories of real people, just like you and me, who have chosen to be obedient and walk the journey of adoption.

Our primary intention is to glorify God and to point out, you don’t have to be some Hollywood star, or superhero to adopt. God is simply looking for people willing to walk in obedience, and follow where He is leading.

If you missed any of the previous, incredibly inspiring stories, you can find them here.

(Linking with Kelly, Char, & Jennifer)


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  1. Love reading the stories about adoption. I was adopted at three days old. So I know adoption from my perspective but not necessarily others. It is fun to hear from the other people in the story. Next year I am going to have to put it on my calendar and write about it in November.
    Thank you for sharing.


    1. Maree – I would so love to hear your story if you write about it next November! Adoption has impacted nearly every part of my life since I can remember & I find the more we connect, the more we can each find beauty, despite the hard, in one another’s stories. Thanks for reading! So good to have you!

    1. Maree – Thanks for taking the time to check out the other posts in the link-up! I am not sure who was before you, but sometimes writers close comments on their blogs. Wondering if that’s what happened?

    1. Michele – Laura is one pretty amazing lady, that is for sure! And the ladies at Missional Women? So real, so authentic, and genuinely Christ-centered! Feel so humbled to be able to be a part of what God is doing there!

  2. Thanks for sharing these. I only read the first one but would love to read them all. We have two incredible adoption stories of our daughters from Africa. I wrote about each of these adoptions in my book, African Adventures with the Almighty’s Signature. Amazing stories of God’s wonderful goodness. Thanks so much.

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