As you know, it’s National Adoption Month. As women, it’s easy to wrap our minds around adoption….scooping up a child and letting him or her call us, “Mama”.
But what about dads? Dads are vital, yet often the least appreciated people in society.
And when it comes to adoption, we can think of them as the brake, women as the gas petal.
Still honestly, I am not sure anything reflects the heart of The Father more than when a dad really “gets” his own part in the adoption story….
- Orphaned…turn son or daughter.
- Abandoned…now wanted.
- Wandering….to fully belonging.
And once a man knows His identity in Christ, it is then he can walk tall, secure, love another child without fear or intimidation.
This month, Rich Faith Rising is doing a month-long series where people from my own community share their personal adoption stories. (If you misssed the other stories, you can find them here, “Other Adoption Stories”.)
Today, I am so excited to have my friend Erick sharing. Erick’s story reminds us, the road to adoption is never easy, but when orchestrated by the Lord, it is always worth it!
Adoption takes time and resources, requires faith and us not just saying “yes” in the moment, but persevering despite the hard.
And yet, as I have thought about Erick and his wife’s story, I am reminded, struggles fade in the light of His goodness, pain becomes dim as He leads us, and in time He always, always reveals His faithfulness.
Erick’s heart is so much like our Saviors; giving, not demanding, but trusting in His timing…loving through it all.
And despite the hard, Erick’s dream never fades, he keeps the faith, responding in trust to His Savior, instead of controlling, demanding, or raging.
This family remains clinging to their Savior, and that makes all the difference.
And then, the miracle!
Isn’t it beautiful how God often brings the miracle exactly when we least expect it?
How when we put our hope in embracing His love for each of us, God proves to us, His plan was perfect all along.
Adoption has a cost, but then just think of His ransom for us, the price He paid on the cross, so that we could be adopted into His family.
I remember when Erick held his baby girl in our living room. The way his face lit up when he looked at her and cared for her. No one could doubt, this couple adores their children.
Feeding tubes were fastened to their tiny baby. Yet, as he writes, all I read is of joy and gratefulness, love and the heart of a Father shining through every word.
And I rejoice that when God thinks of our own personal stories of adoption, from sinner to saint…He doesn’t point out our pain, blame or shame us. He looks on us in the same way….
With gratitude and delight. He lavishes us in love and says we are perfect in His sight.
To Him we are beautifully chosen!
Adoption Story – by Erick
My name is Erick.
My wife Beth and I have been married for almost 19 years. We were married on March 20 1999. We desired to have children from the very beginning of our marriage but infertility haunted our dreams.
We tried to have a baby for 8 years.
Each year on Mothers Day I had to console my wife as she wept because one of the deepest desires of her heart was unfulfilled. This broke my heart as well.
I wanted nothing but to be a dad. I wanted to be able to wrestle with my son and play Tea Party with my daughter.
We found out about a ChristianAdoption Agency that worked with placing foster children into loving homes and later helped those families adopt those children. We prayerfully made the decision to follow that route.
During this time both my wife and I lost our jobs to where we placed in a holding pattern until our finances improved.
Even after working very hard to remedy our financial issues we still waited for things to move forward with this agency.
We waited for 4 years.
We were broken hearted again. We decided to leave the agency and put the dream of having children on hold.

Then something changed.
We were approached by a mutual friend of a lady we knew that found out she was pregnant. We were told that this lady had found out she was pregnant and she knew she wouldn’t be able to keep the baby due to past bad decisions.
We were told that she prayed and felt God wanted us to adopt her baby. We were stunned.
Fast forward a few months. We agreed to the adoption and were active in our soon to be son’s birth moms pregnancy.
One day, I was on my way to take her to a couple of appointments when Beth called me to let me know she was in labor.
I had to make the decision to either freak out or man up and become the father I had always dreamed about being.
Later that day I held my son for the first time.
As I looked into his little eyes I swore to myself and God that I would never let anyone or anything hurt him.
A couple of years later we were told of a lady that was pregnant and wanted to find a family for her little girl. She heard our story from a mutual friend and wanted to meet us.
We went into the meeting open hearted.
If we didnt adopt the baby we wanted to at least help her find a family for the baby.
After that meeting we were picked to adopt our little girl.
Faith was born with several health issues where she spent a significant amount of time in the hospital.
Both our children are thriving now. They squabble like brother and sister and our home is filled with laughter and love.
I have the little boy I dreamed about wrestling with and the little girl to play Tea Party with.
If I know anything about the God I serve, I know this scripture is true…
Ephesians 3:20 says, “Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us.”
~ Adoptive Dad, Erick
Thanks Erick!
Makes me tear up every time I read your story!
Readers, if you had any doubts about what God can do, please let Erick and his wife’s story encourage and inspire you!
Oh, and the point of all these stories (Another story, here) is to remind you, adoption is God’s heart for his people, the church, as well as for children without families.
You don’t have to be a superhero, to open up your heart to His plan.
(Want more adoption stories? Check out these, 8 Adoption Stories That Will Give You The Feels)
If you are enjoying these stories, please share. See you back here Friday!
I love these adoption stories, Jen! So beautiful. And, how wonderful to hear the father’s side which is often missed.
Thanks Lisa – I agree! A dad’s story is so important too, but often/rarely ever heard! Thanks for joining us in reading these stories this month!
So beautiful! thanks for sharing. It’s great to hear a dad’s perspective too!
So wonderful to have you here, Samantha! Thanks for taking the time to comment! And I agree, love dad-stories of adoption!
I love hearing an adoption story from a Father’s perspective. It shows the desire to be a parent is not just a woman’s desire. Thank you for the post!
Amen to that, sister! Love hearing a dad’s perspectives too!
Thank you for sharing this at Booknificent Thursday on!I absolutely LOVE reading and listening to adoption stories. I think adoption is one of the most beautiful pictures of God’s love for us!
I absolutely agree Tina! And I am just like you, can’t get enough of stories where God brings the lowly and otherwise forgotten, into families!