Swaziland. Adoption. Foster care. Testimonies. This next family sharing for National Adoption Month, seem to have done it all.
They lead teams to Africa, have a growing ministry, foster, adopted four, and together have eight children. They run camps and help at-risk kids, both here in the states and across he world, in Africa.
Yet, they would be the first to tell you, it’s all grace. Anything good, they are about to testify, has come from His faithfulness.
While praying about this post today, God kept on giving me the following verse….
Revelations 4:10-11 “Twenty-four elders fall prostrate before Him Who is sitting on the throne, and they worship Him Who lives forever and ever, and they throw down their crowns before the throne, crying out…
Worthy are You, our Lord and God, to receive the glory and the honor and dominion, for You created all things; by Your will they were [broughti into being] and were created.”
For days I have been meditating on these words, “They throw down their crowns before the throne.”
And just think of the glory and majesty and beauty of our King, that twenty-four elders who stand around the throne throw down their crowns in wonder and amazement, in awe, at the holiness of our God and king.
And the Rainey’s? They are examples of people who lay down their crowns, willingly. They live with this kind of understanding that all grandness and beauty and majesty belong to our King.
As a result, this couple has sold their house, down-sized, given up their time and finances to reach children who might otherwise not have know the love of Christ.
They serve Christ without question or hesitation.
How might our lives change if our strategy became “giving” instead of “getting”? Would we find great joy, peace? Might we receive greater infilling as we offer our lives as a sacrifice of love, like Christ did, willingly?
And just imagine, one day we will see Him sitting on His throne, high and lifted up….the train of His robe filling the temple. (Isaiah 6:1)
What will we say then? What praise and joy and glory will over-take us that moment we look into His face?
Will you stop and meditate on an excerpt God put on the heart of my friend, Kymm Rainey?
Adoption Excert – by Kymm
This is a story of Your faithfulness…
So very long ago You…
placed in me a strong desire to be a wife & mother
gave me a tender heart toward little ones
provided me with life experience & trauma
allowed me to make poor decisions & mistakes
instilled in me a passion to fight for truth & justice in order to protect
those that I love
showed me a picture of my dark skinned daughter
gifted me a strong & loving husband to walk with on the journey
and 4 amazing sons
Then, You called me…
that I may mother the motherless
love & see through Your eyes
extend compassion & have understanding
advocate & fight for those in need
show humility & give grace
You Lord, have been my rock…
providing peace & comfort through the garbage & when it’s time to let go
forming beautiful relationships with bio families & children that have left our care
inspiring a spirit to fight when its Your plan for a child to be a part of our family forever
gifting me 4 more incredible children allowing me to be a part of this incredible story!
This is a story of Your Faithfulness…
Powerful, Kymm! Thank you!
And friend’s, just look at four of her eight children! Aren’t they beautiful!

I am reminded as I read this, the value as foster and adoptive parents to remember God’s faithfulness…
Not just during the easy, but especially during the hard.
Nothing is ours, not our families, not our children, not our story or our testimony…
It is all Gods. Every. Last. Ounce of it.
And as we serve Him, as we stand up in courage and take just one more small step to where He is leading us….the goal isn’t to get more, climb higher, display our own crown or splender….
But to gaze wider and brighter and more awe-filled at The One who bought our story by the power of His blood, who gave us everything, so we could live as examples of His great love!
Adoption isn’t “rescuing” children because of anything we have done. We simply lay down our lives and let Him do what He wants, in and through our “yes”.
We ask for His heart and then go as He calls, letting Him lead us, as The Good Shepherd.
By grace, as Kymm reminds us, He then places, provides, gives, shows, equips, and instilles in us the power to do His will.
I see these words underlined all throughout Revelations in my open Bible before me. Don’t you hear Him? Come, friends!
Will you follow where He is leading? Whether it’s foster care or adoption, or just to open your Bible and learn a little more about what He is speaking to you personally?

The Rainey’s are some of the most humble people I know who genuinely and authentically love Jesus.
If you have a heart for overseas missions work, soccer, foster, adoption, or seeing God move through unpriviledged children, make sure to follow them on Facebook, Adventure Soccer – Facebook Page or on Instagram, Adventure Soccer Instagram.
Currently, the Rainey family is selling wreaths to help raise funds for Africa. They also sell trees, have dinners, host mud-runs, and a number of other activites to help support their ministry.
These people are Paul’s, I tell ya, who don’t sit around and wait for funds, but go out and do the tough, hard work, to keep their ministry running. Any support you can give them, I know, would be greatly appreciated.
Again, here is the link, if you feel drawn to give. Help Support Kids in Poverty by giving to Adventure Soccer.
Personal Adoption Stories
Here at Rich Faith Rising, we are in the middle of a month-long series where adoptive parents share their stories. If you have missed any of our series, click here, “Adoption Stories”, to read the story of how it began.
And remember, the people sharing here this month, aren’t rich and famous people, but people just like you from my very own community. People I know and love and have asked specifically to share.
The message isn’t that we have to be perfect. Adoption is for real people who’ve chosen obedience and simply long to follow where He is leading.
Will you write your own story of His faithfulness today? Let’s sit down and each mediate on the wonders of His grace…the power of His unfailing love.
Join us Monday, for another adoption story. For previously posted adoption stories, click here.
Oh, and don’t leave before reading more about the MIRACULOUS way Adventure Soccer was born, “The Birth of A Ministry.”
Aw. This is such a beautiful and heartwarming post. My friend who wants to have kids should read this. I’m sending the link to her.
Thank you for sharing, Lux! We will be having different adoption post all month long. Send her our way to check ’em out! Thanks for reading!
Beautiful testimony! This > “By grace, as Kymm reminds us, He then places, provides, gives, shows, equips, and instilles in us the power to do His will.” Thank you for sharing about this family and ministry!
Joanne – So wish you could meet them in person! Just humble, honest, real good people! Wondering how many others God’s placed around each us, with testimonies nobody hears?
I’m sitting here trying to not cry. This is so very touching! Thank you! (From Inspire Me Monday)
Bethany – So glad it blessed you! The video at the end, each and every time, makes me cry too! Oh that we might…that I…might live which such obedience to His will.
I so admire those who have taken in Foster Children or adopted. The woman who use to babysit my daughter did both. They are angels on earth for sure. Thank you for sharing at Pictorial Tuesday
Peabea@Peabea Scribbles
Peabea – Thank you for your kind words. I am the first to say, (And I am sure Kymm would say) we are not angels. Just people who love kids and want to serve as He has asked. So great to see you here! Thanks for taking the time to comment!
What a beautiful story! It always amazes me how God uses our past trauma and experiences to equip us for serving him. Our pain is never wasted.
“Our pain is never waisted!” Amen, Anita! And so true!
What a beautiful story. LOVE IT!
Yes, the Rainey’s are pretty special people! Thank you so much, for popping over Sarah, and for sharing their story on Twitter!