What If We’re Never Supposed to FIND Our Calling?

Like fire and fury, it waits under the surface. Magma-like, with capablities to take down a thousand idle-forests….

Wild, alive, more powerful…

Than even our wildlest imaginations.

Yet slow, gentle, unafraid of its capabilities. Unapologentic, flexible, not timid, fully welcoming and embracing its God-given purpose.

Knowing, every God-given calling….to influence, change, and rearrange the landscape…

Comes really from His fire in us.

Dormant it waits, quietly rumbling, patient…for just the right time.

And although we ache and reach, and beg for purpose…What if each and every lava-like dream, calling, already lives in us?

The world clashes with creation. Teaching us to fight, power-through, intellectualize until we “find” our purpose.

Psychological tests dissect our personalities. Guru’s, teachers, so-called wise-influencers thrive on telling us what our dreams are.

When, what if our calling is not something to “find”, but instead a lava-like fire and fury, already living inside the volcano of our being?

What if it’s less about reaching and grabbing, striving and achieving. And more about waiting, digging deeper, and meditating on The One that made us in His image?

file0001124553129So much pollution.

Oh, when will the fire of God burn away the dross?

And yet, still, we live in a world filled with so much noise.

Someone once said, the devil doesn’t want to lead us into sin, as much as he knows he can derail and distract us from our calling by making us busy.

Because could it be, busy-souls often find it impossible to tap into the chisel that unearths our God-given purposes and identity?

Business drowns out the power of stillness, that gift of walking in the fullness of the One who made creation.

And isn’t it the quiet that teaches us, more than any podcasts or Youtube video?

Isn’t it creation that educates, with its wild freedom, methodical existence….with the ebb and flow, and signs and wonders that are constantly speaking?

Still, are we listening? Or do we prefer headphones and t.v. chatter instead?

Do we lean on some other teacher that supposedly has wisdom, a professor or influencer that makes his living on “hits”, or a profit from some latest marketing scheme?

Or do we take the free gift, The Book, His Holy Word, and let it saturate our souls, teach us what it means to have the fire inside us awakened?

Do we do the hard labor of denying ourselves, setting aside distractions, removing ourselves from toxins around us…

So the rumbling inside us can wake?

And aren’t we the ones God said…

“I have predestined you to do good works?”

Isn’t it HIM who has placed plans and purposes in us from before the beginning of creation?

And yet, we look for our joy and hope, purpose and calling outside of where He dwells? Why is that?

This morning, I see the rumbling. The quiet quake that stirs. I ask for vision and revelation. Wait in the moring, behind the glass doors of my room, before tiny feet dart out…

Asking for breakfast.

There, I embrace this stillnes reminding me….regardless of how many dwell inside our roof….ecd5e7ba8a0a43d631abd8413a42023d

There is only One we begin with. And One we will end with. His name is Yahweh.

The magma of His own unique purpose can’t ever be revoked. Some callings grande, taking down vast landscapes and leaving His footprints in the wake…

Others slow and methodical, holding quiet drippings of lava-like-love….trickling and burning with His fire, everything in it’s path.

Either way, aren’t we called to leave this world better than when we came?

Despite how big or small.

His purpose lies in us. When will it boil over?

When will we slow the fury, running outside ourselves, looking for approval and answers?

His fire dwells in us. His call if found in the silent surrender of our souls.

And yet, the rumbling waits for no one. We have no power over what He chooses to place in us or create.

So, what if we stopped busying ourselves with distractions, chasing the wind, gazing into the heavens, missing what He wants to do through us?

What if we learned contentment, and stopped wanting another person’s calling?

For, isn’t that a sorrow that grieves Him?

Isn’t is a tradgedy that all the while we were looking for answers else-where….

We’ve missed this mighty revelation….His power lives in us.

His resurrection life is the hope we have for tomorrow.

So, let’s be still. Quiet ourselves and know, His unique call is just waiting to be undug by the quiet unfolding within.

It’s time to change our story, impact history, reach the nations.

But first, let’s quiet ourselves and listen. Listen to the rumbling.


Where in your life do you hear the rumbling? Could it be that is the place of your one, true calling? 

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  1. Oh Jenger, I LOVE this post, and my heart resonates in agreement.

    These words hit the mark exactly:It is about the

    waiting, digging deeper, and meditating on The One that made us in His image?

    Praying often for you and the precious ones God has placed under your tender loving care.


  2. I think it was in the Screwtape letters that C.S. Lewis wrote about our enemy making the path away from God’s will easy and soft underfoot, not wanting to startle us into actually thinking about what we’re doing. Thanks for this encouragement to walk the narrow and hard way — close to the Source of “the rumbling.”
    Blessings to you.

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