Soapy hands, sudsy heart, bubbling over to hear His voice. Stuck between running water and dirty dishes…In more ways than one.
“What if your in the middle of a miracle and don’t even know it?” Those words prick my spirit.
I stop, reflect, recount what God has been doing recently, in the days and months previously.
“Without vision my people perish,” I hear before going to listen to a man who has 69 children, in Honduras.
They were pulled out of the garbage dump, because him and his wife take it serious, “When you fed, clothe, or give someone something to drink….you are doing it as if unto me.” (Matt 25:36)
Christians are good at waiting and praying, but at the end of the day, angels won’t feed the poor, care for the orphans, save people.
We need feet-moving-faith, practical service, and tenacious obedience to reveal God as the miracle is someone else’s day.
And yet, I long for the friendly skies to fly me to someplace sunnier, easier. Clouds sink deeply and I struggle to see the miracle on this dark, good Friday.
Still, we plead and fast and pray God would open the heavens and pour down his promises, resurrect some kind of revival that’s visible and evident….
Yet, I wonder, can we have cleansing rain when too many hands live content in dirty dishes?
God isn’t blinded to our sin. He doesn’t cover up our pain or put a band-aid on our ugliness. He takes away our inadequacies, and replaces us with a heaven-fill of grace.
And that’ a promise worth clinging to…even on our darkest days.
The living room looks like a hand grenade went off, toys scattered everywhere.
I pull out a plastic bin, with drawers, to organize our little guys toys according to type and size.
I see him from the corner of my eye….
“Am I leaving?” His eyes refuse to meet mine. My heart sinks as I remember he came with a similar plastic bin….Not a garbage bag, like most.
“Oh honey, no. I am just trying to organize what you have. You don’t have to go anywhere.”
Still, I imagine what it must be like to have plastic bags and plastic crates, as the first sign life will be turn upside-down any day….
“Am I moving again?” Those words. That face. Could there be anything more difficult that a sojourner who always questions where home is?
And yet, we save and prepare and set up castles, storing treasures here on earth. We get comfortable, safe, forgetting that eternity is beckoning…
Still, where is a sweeter dwelling? Have we forgotten, gotten content, and not remembered HOME is with Him…
He is where our true treasure lie?
God’s Speaking
Let’s be honest, most often…I long for earthquakes, when more often He speaks to me in a child’s whispers.
I like bellowing thunder, when instead, He often offers lessons when I just watch and witness the circumstances around me…
God is already speaking; in the suds and the clouds and the water and the sound of a little boy asking where home is….
Am I listening?
Those hours when Christ went to the cross…
Darkness covered the land, hopes of parading and dominance, and lavished ideas of grandiosity must have floated in the heads of Jesus’ disciples…
Yet, weren’t they crushed instantly when He was crucified Him to the tree?
Blood streaming. Earth rumbling. Curtain’s taring. Jesus professing, “Forgive them, for they know not what they do”.
And yet, I can guarantee His disciples didn’t realize, couldn’t yet see….They were in the middle of a miracle, and just didn’t know it.
We see in part, only God sees fully.
And I wonder, in their darkest hour…
Wasn’t that really when the sins of all humanity, the enemies schemed to crush Jesus purposely, the plot to destroy the future king…
Was crushed permanently and eternally?
And I wonder if we all need to…
- Cry out for wisdom, ask God for vision so weakening hearts refuse to perish.
- Pray for obedience, so that we can be the miracle in someone else’s day.
- Beg God, like Solomon, to grant us the ability to see as He sees, the wisdom to rule our home, our hearts, our children.
- Let’s plead for the ability to zoom back and see the larger picture of what He is doing in dark hours, among dirty dishes, kids asking questions no one can answer, but Him.
“We are His inheritance.” I read. “The reward or exchange for what He did on Calvary.” (Ephesians 1:18-19)
- Us. In our sin. In our rebellion. In our opposition and bickering and bitterness.
- Us. Those who denied and crucify Him.
- Us. Who live selfishly as if it’s our right to get pleasure and possessions from a life that was meant to temporary, and poured out for His purposes.
“His inheritance.” The miracle.
How will we live as a result of what He’s done for us?
The soap and suds soak my hands. Deep in dirt and dishes, I look out over our land at the hope of sun beaming, and the promise of a beautiful day.
“What if your in the middle of a miracle and don’t even know it.”
- What might your miracle look like? Could it be completely different than you imagined?
- Might you, in your dark hour, be right in the middle of His answer promises and not even know it?
- If so, how might that make you live different, knowing the resurrection of our Savior is just around the corner?
Be encouraged friends…When the earth grew darkest, that was just before the Savior was about to rise!
1 Comment
My heart breaks that F thinks he might be shipped off somewhere else when you tidy up his toys
May he grow in feeling safe and secure with
Love reading your posts and hearing your heart.
You have been blessed with an ability to reach out and touch the hearts of your readers with your words.
Love you dearly.