Imagine, a boyfriend (Or girlfriend, if your a guy reading this) who was everything you dreamed of. They were perfect in every way.
They were what dreams were made of; beautiful, embodying every trait or gift you desire in a mate. They were smart, capable, beautiful from the top of their head to the tip of their toes.
You adored this one, who you committed yourself to loving; this one you thought about constantly, you wanted and consumed yourself with, night and day.
Only thing is, this person you were promised to marry, was busy. They had a job, family, a social life, they had agendas and plans, that often crowded out….Spending time with you.
Oh yes, you would text. You would send little love notes, you would remind them frequently of your adoring love and affection for them….But rarely was it reciprocated.
Don’t get me wrong, at first, your love was blazing! You both desired to be together every, single second you could. You would hold hands, take long walks, and spend hours just gazing into each others eyes.
And the conversations? At the beginning? They were about anything and everything. You talked about your day, history, your thoughts on global warming….How you styled your hair and every little thing in between.
And no, the conversations weren’t just superficial. At the beginning….You poured your heart out to that person, you both were honest, genuine, vulnerable, and transparent.
The conversation were open, and more than anything, you loved this person, you trusted them to do life with you because…The relationship was safe.
You would sit for hours and envision a life together, confess your hopes and dreams, wrap yourself in each others arms and grieve, confess, or just relish in the beauty of a colorful sunset….or how the earth was created intentionally and beautifully…As if solely, just for you.
But over time? Something happened. Your boyfriend or girlfriend started getting distant; not answering calls, returning text, failing to miss those dates you had planned together….Just the two of you.
You don’t know why it happened. After all, your love for them never changed. You didn’t like them less, how they lived hadn’t disappointed you…And yet, something was different….It was easy to see.
In the few random texts you did receive, they promised profusely, everything they were doing was all for you; the work, the service, the long hours late into the night, the waking up early to get everything they needed done…
But sometimes, sometimes, what other people didn’t know was, they forgot to text you back. In the hurriedness of their day….sometimes you didn’t even communicate at all.
And worse yet, you heard rumors that they were spending their time with someone else.
But you loved them more than life itself. So, you waited, remained faithful, interceded, and clung to the believe in this once, beautiful relationship.
Yet, all the while, you dreamed and remember what your relationship used to be.
In fact, most people looking on your relationship didn’t even realize it….but sometimes it would be days, weeks, or even months between when you would talk to them.
Yes, you would text and ask how they are doing….After all…your love hadn’t changed, your desire to see them every second, to be with them, stroke their face and look into their eyes hadn’t diminished…not one single bit…
But on their end? They didn’t reciprocate. But again, they promised…everything they were doing was for you…because they loved you…
But it was hard to believe…..sometimes.
You call in hopes to talk to them. They don’t respond. You go out of your way to purse them, offering flowers, gifts, making special dishes prepared just for them…but they never eat them.
They can’t be reached. Every time you try to speak to them…Silence and business.
Rumors swirl that they have found another first love, though in your heart you don’t care….you long…Just to be with them.
Sadly, however, despite how much you reach, the million ways you show you love them every day. Despite your love letters, your history together, despite the times you have stood by them and never failed…nothing changed.
They were too busy, rarely reciprocated….And just never seemed to have time for you.
You were not their priority.
* * * * * * * * * * *
O.K. Do you have this picture in your mind? How does it make you feel? Angry? Sad? Like you want to tell this person not reciprocating, to get lost? How would you respond to them?
What would you say to this persons whose love has endured despite their busy boyfriend/girlfriend, or spouse? Do you feel angry and want to plead with the one giving everything in the relationship to, “Cut their losses and run”?
And why is it fairly easy to see when one gives everything and the other gives nothing, that professed love, words alone, don’t mean anything when it comes to real relationship?
Actions speak louder than words.
Relationships require work, daily communication, time spent in each others presence, time alone, uninterrupted to keep the flames like a blazing inferno.
And yet, I wonder in the church, if sometimes we, I, can be the distant boyfriend or girlfriend in this story….when it comes to our relationship with God?
I wonder how easy it is to profess our love where others can see, work hard, labor for His Kingdom…
And yet, God is like the giving spouse in a relationship; seeking, longing, desiring just to be with us….To look into our eyes….
Hoping we will slow down enough to spend time where He dwells.
He seeks us. He thinks of us constantly. He wants nothing more than for us to come and engage with him…Hear our voice, stop, and just be in His presence.
He is calling. Are we listening?
He has written love letters (The Bible), will we read them?
Won’t our hearts crave the intimacy of those moments where He fills us with the hope of His glory, the beauty of a relationship where in His presence makes everything perfect.
That place where regardless of what we have done, He offers grace and forgiveness.
Let’s put aside our business, all those things we say we do “for” God, and come near Him, in humility and transparency.
We are His Bride. He is our husband. He has prepared a wedding banquet and is inviting us to real, relationship with Him.
How many of us will put aside our business, the things that distract, the stumbling blocks that have kept us…And come and join Him?
Simply resting in…the beauty of His presence?
There is no severed relationship with Him, that is too far gone, that it can’t be restored.
“My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.” John 10:27
“The Spirit and the bride say, “Come!” And let the one who hears say, “Come!” Let the one who is thirsty come; and let the one who wishes take the free gift of the water of life.” ~ Revelations 22:17
Jen my word for this year is PRESENCE. Practising the Presence of God. Being PRESENT fully with Him.
So I have borrowed these lines for my journal: Hoping we will slow down enough to spend time where He dwells.
He seeks us. He thinks of us constantly. He wants nothing more than for us to come and engage with him…Hear our voice, stop, and just be in His presence.
Thank you, beloved.
Mary – So love, “Presence” is your word for this year! May you feel Him ever near, know the fullness of the beauty of all He is, there where He dwells!
Thanks, Jen, for this reminder that God is the faithful Lover of our souls and rejoices to spend time with us. How foolish we are when we forget to stop and spend time with Him. I’m so glad that He continues to be faithful even when we don’t show up for our dates with Him.
Ruth – Aw yes, He is faithful, isn’t He! I was just sharing with my daughter this morning how amazing that us coming to God isn’t something He forced, but a sweet invitation that we are welcomed to be a part of! Oh how I love that about our God!
I’m so impressed with your work with children. Thank you so much for all that you do.
April – Humbled. Thank you!
I am so thankful that God never stops pursuing me, even when I turn from Him to keep myself busy with other things. Thank you for sharing at Glimpses this past week.
Amen, Barbara! Agreed!
All. The. Time. This whole past year, my goal was to be more mindful…to know Him and to refuse to run ragged and overextended day-after-day. It’s amazing how God speaks in the quiet moments.
Just yesterday I was talking to Him about writing. I’d just finished apologizing for being so “needy” – always wanting affirmations about the projects I’m working on and asking Him to help me to trust His timing and cadence. I was laughing to myself about it when an email came through about a new writing opportunity. Amazing. He’s so good, even when I act like a crazy daughter.
This is a perfect example! Thanks Jen:)
Meg – Haha. What an incredible testimony! Such a great point, that His good gifts are not at all dependent on our behavior…He gives freely, not because we deserve or even earn anything He has done! Your comment reminds me of Psalms 46:10, “Cease from striving and know that I am God.” Love His wonderful reminders like you mentioned! Thanks for sharing today, friend!
He seeks us! So true and a great comfort for when we are praying for our lost loved ones. Thanks for writing and sharing over at #tellhisstory