It’s easy to become blind. Wars. Rumors. Hate. So many things keeping faces locked in cell phones, people dazed on sitcom’s, binge watching t.v. series that do nothing for us…
Unwilling to escape.
Let’s face it, the world can seem bleak when we actually see hardships and disillusionment…
And cheesy humor, selfies, or intentional chosen ignorance can feel like the only way to cope.
But what if, we were made to feel. What if being blind isn’t the call God has launched us into when He placed us intrinsically in this world?
What if the pain is meant to lead us to Him. The pain and pressing, a way He draws hearts left broken?
What if the aching is love’s true heart-cry, for His hope and deliverance?
Pharisees vs. Jesus
I am not going to lie. I can imagine being a Pharisee.
Every day, walking to the temple gates, passing the lost, destitute, the beggars.
I can imagine not seeing.
Not seeing is easy.
I can even grip the collective decision to place the lepers, the vial sinners outside the city gates, where wicked choices don’t contaminate…
Other people’s sin does plague or taint.
But Jesus, He came in the opposite spirit. Jesus came to not push, reject, discard, but to draw near the broken.
He was hope for the needy, a well for the thirty, healing for the desperate.
Fasting Social Media
On a New Year’s social media fast, I scribble frantically in my journey….talk to the One I had replaced with Facebook for far too long.
I scratch prayers for my family. Bend my heart over the little one, who is now no longer with us.
I cry out for her mother…Those far in proximity, but forever woven to my heart.
Just then, I get a text from our National Churches Prayer Journal, “When we honor God, He honors us. Pray for sensitive hearts towards the least of these today.”
I bend over in lament for those unseen in so many congregations, those walked past in cities central.
Far too many dressed nice, passing quickly those most needy, in the Body of Christ.
And where did we formulate this notion that we love on only those within the walls of the church? If they come to church, then we will love them?
But isn’t that a Pharisaical notion?
Jesus Model
What about our Savior? Didn’t He go to the broken?
Didn’t He bend low and write in the sand near those committing the most horrific of acts?
Didn’t He love the sinners? Those hated most, the tax collectors…Didn’t they become some of His most dearly loved disciples?
I mean, when did we start building a wall between the church and broken?
Where is the Acts notion of love spilling out to where nearly 3000 people came because revival has no limits, no stipulations to who can and can’t be saved?
And why didn’t Jesus just sit on his high backed chair, in the walls of the synagogue, beckoning only those He deemed worthy or chosen…
Those He thought were justified enough to enter His graces?
Isn’t seeing, doesn’t not being blind mean aching and hurting with the broken? Isn’t His call to weep with those weeping, rejoice with those rejoicing?
A numb life is not what God has called us to, is it?
A life comfortable and insulated, a life where we are in control of everything. Isn’t that the farthest life possible from what Jesus walked the earth for?
They were hungry and He was their food. They were thirsty and we are called to give something to drink.
Like Jesus, who went through forbidden Samaria, where are we going that others might hesitate to reach people or enter?
Our Call
Where is the forbidden He has called us to step into, by faith and empowered by His Spirit?
He has called us outside the city gates.
He has not called us to set up castles to our will, idols of babble so that we can live blind to the reality that real people are suffering. Every. Single Day.
We are called to be the light to the nations. A city on hill. A beacon of His grace and mercy.
I am tired of being blind, aren’t you?
I don’t want to be blind anymore. I don’t want to be lost in Facebook, building pseudo worlds, when real people need us.
He has called us to see. To walk toward the broken and the needy. He is the broken way. He is true redemption.
I look at that text. “Pray for sensitive hearts towards the least of these today.”
My mind starts reeling at all those I have forsaken, those I have been numb to and have failed to pray for.
His heart wells up inside me. And I bow my head obediently…
Asking, for a heart like His.
Oh your beautiful sensitive heart is encouraging and lifting mine today dear Jen.
Thank you for causing me to stop and think and reassess; re-evaluate.
This line:
where are we going that others might hesitate to reach people or enter?
Makes me bow before my Maker and ask that I be always willing to go where He needs me to go and speak to whoever He needs me to speak to, whether it is convenient or not.
I know you respond eagerly to His Call Jen.
God bless you in everything you do, as you bless us with your beautiful writing.
Mary – Your comment makes me think of that verse in 1 Corinthians that says, “You are not your own, [property], you were bought at a price…”
I love that! It’s His call, not mine inside us! Oh that we might a life that glorifies Him! Love you dear Mary! ~ Jen
So glad I visited here from Spiritual Sundays…I’m going to send this link to some friends…adoption has touched their lives too.
Anita – Thank you so much for the visit and for sharing! Adoption is such a gift, so glad it has brushed past you and you have seen the beauty of it, first hand! Hope to connect again in the future!
Thank you for sharing this! For me, it’s more about blogging, and trying to keep up on all the myriad things that need to be done… but the problem is the same….
Visiting via Spiritual Sundays. 🙂
Have a Lovely Day!
Oh Lillian – I so “get” you! It’s easy to feel consumed by anything that takes tons of time and energy from us! May our first priority be Him! Glad to have you hear today! ~ Jen
Wow, so poignant, weighty, and convicting. May the Lord forgive us and help us to see those around us who are hurting and reach out and touch them in whatever way possible, like He did.
I join you in your prayer for a heart like His.
Great post! It is too easy to numb ourselves from the pain and suffering we see around us, but we need to be proactive in showing God’s love especially to those in need. Visiting from #TellHisStory
Your words really resonate with me today, Jen. I’ve been seeking God for what comes next and while I can’t really see what that is, God has been reminding me of what I can see – His goodness, His wonderful character, the blessings of this life all around me, the opportunity to serve right where I am. I don’t want to be blind to those because I’m fixed on something intangible in the future. Thanks for sharing your encouragement to keep our eyes open. Glad to visit from #threewordwednesday
This post really speaks to what God has been teaching me. My husband and I started a new small group (last night, officially!) and we want to focus on local service, walking toward the needs we see near us. I have no idea what God is creating here, but I’m excited to be a small part of it. Thanks for your words and encouragement. And thanks for linking up at #ThreeWordWednesday.