She was four the first time her brown fingers wrapped around the sign stating, “Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you. ~ God”
A dark-skinned couple drove slowly out of the abortion clinic.
Nice looking couple. Beautiful car. Brown paper bag in hand holding the pill that would finalize the termination of their pregnancy.
My African American daughter must have caught this older mans eyes, because he slowly rolled down his window as he passed by.
I ran up to his window, as if a house was on fire, children inside, burning. I knew this might be my last change…to save the innocent, this unborn child ready to be terminated.
“Do you know about Margret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood?” I ask them nonchalantly…
Saying unheard prayers quietly under my breathe…
That this child inside this woman’s stomach wouldn’t end like the dozen’s I had seen extinguished at Planned Parenthood just in the last hour.
“Not really, why?” He questioned inquisitively.
His wife or girlfriend sat sheepishly next to him. Her brown paper bag, folded neatly on her lap after leaving Planned Parenthood…
“Margaret Sanger”, I went on, “is the founder of Planned Parenthood, and she believes in racial cleansing”.
The words sounded almost Hilter-ish, as I spoke them.
And yet, with all my research, I knew they were truth.
The founder of Planned Parenthood was a wicked lady, seeking to exterminate non-white babies, or abortion for the sake of creating smaller families, in this developed society.
“She intentionally placed Planned Parenthood’s in poor, minority communities.” I tell the dark-skinned couple. “But each child has purpose.”
“Just read about her, please, before you go through with the abortion.” I beg un-apologetically.
My mind flashes to the report I did in college about the study of not only mothers, but dads having night terrors, depression, addictions, as a result of regretting the abortion of their child(ren).
I also remembered the fact that although society might tell us, abortion is a choice, the reality is…
Most women abort because someone in their life would be disappointed, or disagreed with them choosing life…
It can be a parent, a consulting physician at Planned Parenthood, or sadly, a partner who ultimately makes the woman’s decision about her body…
But not her.
Where is the women’s choice in that?
And I knew that if the man in this car, alongside my brown-skinned daughter was lingering…
There was a chance to save this child.
“Knowledge is power”, my High School teacher used to tell me. But why do so many condone abortion without knowing the true facts about it first?
Life has value, whether black or white, disabled, or even conceived in horrifying ways.
After all, we don’t choose life, life chooses us.
Where did we get that notion that we are God and can exterminate? Isn’t He the one who breathes life into a mother’s womb…not us?
We can’t make ourselves conceive, or even say our life is worth more than the baby inside us, if the choice is to terminate….
And I think back to the fifties, not that long ago…
How many women died during labor? Yet, the children that survived? Most went on to live far more exceedingly…
Because they knew what the gift of their life meant. They were grateful for the sacrifice their mothers made, not to end the pregnancy…
Even at the risk of losing everything.
Isn’t that what love does. Gives our lives sacrificially? Regardless of the cost? On behalf of one another?
But, before you start thinking I am self-righteous…
I cannot count on one hand, o.k. or even both hands, how many women I know who have aborted, regretfully….
And no, they weren’t teenagers. Most were mature, smart, beautiful, and educated women…
Not the women you would suspect, or even the ones who stumbled into Planned Parenthood.
Women who abort can come from good families. Many simply feeling external pressured to terminate their pregnancies.
Worse yet, some abort due to shame from their faith communities…
Hiding their “sin” by terminating a life for the sake of the pride of a religious organization, or group of people.
Where is the choice in that?
My four-year-old brown-skinned daughter holding the sign was adopted. Her mother I am grateful for, because she chose to give her life.
When reality is, many African American and ethnic women are pressured to abort.
The advisers at Plan Parenthood use excuses for abortion like, “Don’t you want to fulfill your dreams?” Or they use guilt to shame women, “What kind of life can you give this fetus?”
And how does pushing agendas ever uplift any woman’s rights? How is the manipulation of down-trot women giving them any hope or freedom?
Remember Margret Sanger who started Planned Parenthood as a way of ethnic cleansing?
I mean, come on. We all know Planned Parenthood is nothing but a money-making machine. And if you don’t….Again, please research it.
Watch the videos of children sold for body parts at Planned Parenthood. Read the reports of Planned Parenthood making millions on prescriptions, birth control, and government handouts.
Dead body parts of exterminated children are being sold by Planned Parenthood. Are we going to stand up and speak about it? Or will we stay silent because we don’t want to offend?
And yet, wasn’t the process of cramping and discarding a child excruciating for both the child and the mother?
Still, did you know, most parents refuse to abort once they see their children via ultrasound.
After watching the video’s of how a true abortion works….Most will be against them.
Are you reading this and pregnant? Before making any decisions, won’t you research abortions on youtube? Get an ultrasound and see for yourself, what you carry is more than a fetus inside you.
And late child abortions? Don’t even get me started…
As foster parents, we have held children born thirty-three week, a few pounds, undeveloped as they have struggled with breathing, turned blue, lungs barely breathing…
And some might say, “Why not just let those children die? I mean after all, they are drug exposed and unwanted.”
But, these children are flesh and blood and deserve to have the same fighting chance if God placed them in their mother’s womb.
And despite my heartbreak for the parents that can’t keep their children…
We must be grateful any mother makes the self-less decision to choose life.
I pleaded with the African American man in the car. The others I am standing with, sit silent.
And I guess I kind of forgot….This was supposed to be a silent demonstration against Planned Parenthood…
But, silent passivity doesn’t save babies. Truth will.
I tell this dad generalities of quotes like the ones…
Margret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood said, “We don’t want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population.” (Woman, Morality, and Birth Control. New York: New York Publishing Company, 1922. Page 12.)
“[We should] apply a stern and rigid policy of sterilization and segregation.” (A quote from Margret Sanger in Woman and the New Race, ch. 6)
And I think about how many women didn’t have a choice to read the fine print of what Margret Sanger believes before they are pressured to abort?
How many aren’t aware, aren’t educated, don’t know Planned Parenthood is a multi-million dollar making machine, feeding off of their innocent fetus?
These woman are innocent victims to a society that has taught, children are a burden, not a gift that’s been given to them…
Struggling with hurt and shame, caught in a hurricane of emotions, most are alone without even a friend, boyfriend, or husband beside them.
I know, I have seen them straggling in. A few are hard-hearted, but most look sweet and innocent…
They are our neighbors. Our friends. Our cousins. Our fellow church attendants, needing someone to put an un-condemning arm around them…
Someone to tell them, “It’s o.k. God knew your child before it’s conception. He knows this child’s name, and He has a plan for it.”
Let’s stand beside these women. Let’s support and connect child-less homes, giving these mom’s real choices, if need be.
I mean, how many parents would love to wrap their arms around an infant, if a birth mother knows she isn’t equipped to parent?
And yet, today, already over 1,500 children have been aborted in America. Already this year, over 260,000 children have been exterminated by Planned Parenthood alone. (
And ever wonder about late-term abortion?
“Partial-Birth Abortion is the procedure where a living baby is pulled, feet-frist out of the womb, minus the head. Then, the baby’s skull is punctured with a surgical instrument at which time, a tube is placed into the wound to suck out, the baby’s brains. As a result, the skull collapses, and the mother delivers a dead baby.(
Please do your research. Late-term abortions are never necessary. A c-section can guarantee the protection of both the mother and baby.
The man at the car left that day, holding the woman’s hand beside him. He promised to look into the reality that the Planned Parenthood founder wanted to terminate colored children.
I may be mistaken, but if I remember right, his stoic wife/girlfriend softened a bit, and gave me a small smile before driving off that day.
My four-year-old, adopted daughter, still holding the sign, “Before you were formed in your mother’s womb, I knew you. ~ God.”
Yes, they want us to stay silent. The world wants us to shrink back and let abortion simply progress, silently taking our innocent.
But, evil prevails because good men say nothing. We need to speak up.
It all started with first-term abortion. Now late-term abortions are being asked to be accepted.
We are allowing the purposeful death of the elderly, terminating children having down-syndrome, or the abortion of those that might not be the preferred gender we are wanting. Where does the killing end?
We are using guilt to manipulate young women to hide their pregnancies.
Too many men are being cut from the equation. Not parented to lead, or aware that they can have a voice in what is happening to their babies.
We are not victims to our society, are we?
Have we become muted sympathizers, letting the innocent die because not offending is more important than speaking up might tarnish our reputations?
No, we are the generation who supports life, and real choices….
We are the people who support unwanted children; directing a woman to life, while giving alternatives and hope.
I don’t know if that child in the womb of that African American couple was saved that day. But my gut says it was.
My adopted daughter is ten. And I cannot image my life without her.
She is bright, athletic, funny, the kind of child every parent would want.
So, please, don’t stay silent. Make your voice heard. Unborn children, every moment, need to have a voice…
They need more than your quiet “Pro-choice”, ideology or thinking.
Let’s not let Hitler-ish, Margret Sanger win in her unseen war of racial cleaning, exterminating unwanted races, the disabled, or simply unwanted infants.
Children have value. Not one life is worthless. Every heart-beats strong at only twenty-weeks gestation.
Who are we to stop it?
Thank you for speaking up, for telling the truth!
Elizabeth – As you know, sometimes the truth is harder to speak that what society tells us. But oh how it’s needed. Oh that my heart might be increasingly ignited with His boldness. Blessings, my friend!
Oh, Jen. Thank you for writing this beautiful, informative, heartfelt piece. I’m praying MANY read this!
Lisa – You encourage me so! Thank you!
Jen, such a powerful post! Such Truth shared with such a loving heart…many blessings to you
Thank you Beth! Your encouragement means so much! Oh that the people of God might be set upon a hill, the enemy’s schemes not prevailing, because God’s people are so filled with LOVE. Have a great week ahead! ~
Thanks, Debbie!