Built in the 1950’s, it only had eight lanes, wood wrapped floors and a slow, mechanical, bowling ball rotation, that took you back in time.
Four of us played. We carefully propped up our ball, eyed where the bowling pins were, and took our shot.
The technique and execution were correct, but each and every ball curved left and ended up in the gutter.
Something seemed suspicious, so finally I walked out onto the alley, placed a large ball perfectly still in the middle, then slowly let it go.
Sure enough, the ball independently rolled down and to the left.
The girl working at the bowling alley brazenly retorted at my little “experiment”…
“What do you expect? This place was built in the 1950’s. The foundation is sloping, so all of your balls will roll away from the middle.”
Yet to be fair, my life in the past has sometimes been like this same bowling alley.
Can you relate too?
We set everything just right, but once we let go, everything seems to shift, despite ourselves, slightly…
(Come finish this article, here, as I write with the amazing Laura Krokos over at Missional Women today.)
Hey everyone! It is sooo good to be back! Hope everyone had a good summer…or winter, if you are in the Southern Hemisphere!
Can’t tell you how I have missed everyone!
In June, God whispered during devotions one morning…“This would be a summer of healing and restoration.”
At first, I was like, “What?’
But now, after not having any foster kids, or homeschooling, missions trips, or Home Groups…
I realize, it truly has been a season of peace and tranquility, but most of all a time with beautiful communion with Him.
At the same time, it’s so funny because when I stopped writing, I was actually FLOODED with mental blog posts unraveling in my brain…
Almost every. single. day.
It was pretty funny, actually.
But also, super neat to know; words and stories, faith and that intimate seeking for deeper understanding of Him; are clearly part of me…
Whether I am blogging or not.
Hopefully, I will get to share some of those stories, here, in the days and weeks to come.
God has definitely been on the move in so many ways.
It’s SUPER exciting!
Do you remember, Hudson?
The little boy from, “When Two Foster Mom’s Meet Across The Globe”?
Well, if you haven’t already read the article about him and his awesome foster mom, please check it out here.
What I love about Hudson is that he had so many people believing in him every step of the way…And that made all the difference.
When we met Hudson in Shanghai, what we instantly learned was…Hudson is smart, engaging, and was advocated for by so many humble and Godly people.
Also, Hudson was in an amazing healing home who loved him deeply and challenged him to be all he could be.
Well, over a month ago…
I was sent a video of sweet little Hudson…
You know, the boy who couldn’t walk, but whose foster mom believed with all her might that one day he would?
Well, in this video…
Sweet little Hudson was up on two legs, not only walking across the living room, but was picking up items, while trudging, like the little fighter her is, all the way to the camera.
It was a video that made my heart just leap!
That’s one thing I love about these kids, all they need is for someone to believe in them. They are no different than us, really!
O.k. Wait…
I haven’t even gotten to the best part, yet!
Hudson…Yes, that sweet, adorable little boy we played ball with right before racing off to the airport…
You know, the one whose foster mom and dad were headed to Peru, the EXACT same city my husband just so happened to be from?
Well, just two weeks ago…
I got another e-mail….And you won’t believe it…
Looks like Hudson might have a Forever Family coming for Him!!
Tell me that’s not amazing!
As you might know, adoption is never complete until all the papers are signed, and a child heads home with his forever family…
So, will you keep praying for Hudson and His family?
A lot needs to happen before this adoption is finalized and Hudson’s on his way to America…
Will you keep lifting up his forever family, for faith and finances, wisdom and courage as Hudson’s family opens their home to the most precious little angel?
Also, will you pray for Hudson? Adoption is what every child hopes for, but it also means another move, a new home, and culture…
If Hudson has showed us anything, it’s that he is resilient, strong, and courageous…
But please, keep praying! God is the Advocate of the Orphan, The Healer, Our Redeemer…
But at the same time, He calls for the children He loves to petition Him and pray, to give, and seek Him as we care for those He puts in front of us.
So humbled and beyond thankful for those of you who have already invested in orphaned, foster, and abandoned children in so many amazing ways.
Over this few week break, God keeps reminding me…
We have so much to be grateful for.
He died so we can be more than saved, but to partner with Him to bring freedom and healing to others…
He is the deliverer, but He can and wants to use US to help Him set the captives free.
Thank you for praying, giving, and believing in the ministry here at Rich Faith Rising.
Thank you for returning and reading, amidst us having countless foster children, while exploring faith in every day living, or while traveling on missions.
You too are a light, made to shine the brightness of Him wherever He might take you…
How has He called you specifically, to invest in His Kingdom?
1 Comment
Great to see you writing again! Visiting from #tellhisstory today