When He Whispers, “Get In”

I see the river, bubbling, flowing, twisting, turning, unpredictable, exciting…

Going where no man or woman could define His love.

IMG_0584And I hear Him whisper, “get in”.

I see the washing over, and yet want some flotation device to separate my soul from getting wet.

I want a cushion, some assurance, a safe-guard before I tip-toe in…

All He has for me.

Yet He tugs and pulls, and I hear Him calling out to me, ever so lovingly, “get in”.

I hear it roar. It spans great space, is far from a shallow trickle others might have thought or known.

There is a power as it sprays my face, an unheard mist that rises from the depth of it’s trenches.

There is a wonder, a soul-cry that almost unconsciously knows to follow.

Yet I wait. Reason takes hold. The lies of “safe”, the dry lands others have known, worm their way into my mind.

I wonder as I see this River of Life…

Have I been dying and not even known it, wandered away from this thirst I once long for? Taken in the deception that “hard” is just the way it is…

When there is more.

Then, I hear Him wrestle inside my soul.

I see the laughter, remember the thoughtless leaps into it’s depths, the overflow of joy that was known when I leap first and thought later.

I feel Him like thunder, crash into my Spirit, “get in”. I go there in my mind, and relic in the life I once had…the memories of a life lived large for the sake of Him.

Other voices swirl inside my head, “Is it too late?”, “Can I do this?”

Yet, I taste the tips of the water with my hand, brush across Life and let the limbs of my mind get wet.

My soul fills deep with Him.

He, being life and peace, joy and happiness. His water soaks in as I simply want more of His presence.

So, I go deeper.DSCF8627

And now it is not just me vs. Him.

Will I, vs. won’t I.

Can I, vs. should I.

Now, I sense the breeze of His life all around me, in me. His Spirit wrapped up in all of life, His presence standing near me…

And He walks with me, “get in”.

I take a step…

Then another…

Then another.

I let out a breath and forget all the lies that have entangled me in deception.

I try not to think, and just let myself be free, small, surrendered to these waters that brought me into being.

They are not foreign like they had seemed. They are familiar and kind. A part of my life before entering this flesh.

They are not separate and overwhelming, but the waters I have known and were born to be a part of.

I let myself go.

And feel Him near me so.

Washing down, around, through the waves that crash around my soul.

And I am free.  Free from standing and staring. Free from living in my mind and thinking about the possibilities. Free from thinking I was separate from this great River that was born to overtake me.

And I care not now if DSCF8628I drown. I dunk low and bob around…

As if floating in His strength, carried by His hand.

Life leaps forth, the mist fills my face, the warmth of His glow shows me, I need not know what’s corning.

All I need is obedience…

To trust His still small voice…

To go where He calls me.

All I need is to remember that I’m not alone, that His Waters are what each of us where made for…

Having faith that He is all we are created for.  Trusting the waves, letting go…

Each of us must ask…will we, “get in”?

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  1. What a glorious picture of the Christian life and the deeper following that we are called to. Thanks for writing about it and for curating a space here where we can encourage one another to go deeper!

  2. Wow, this is beautiful and so poetic… I love the visual being painted of His call on us, to step out where He wants us most. Wow. So glad I visited today from #TellHisStory, would have kicked myself for missing out on something so filled with His presence.
    Thank you.

    1. Tiffany – Yes, often it seems we (or at least I) overthink things, weigh, and evaluate the risks taken…when all He wants us to do is leap! Thanks for stopping by and for your encouragement! Love having you here!

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