It’s easy to become a “savior” in orphan ministry…
When a stranger throws a premature infant at you; expecting you to feed, care for, and bring it back to life. Or when a failure to thrive infant lies dead-like in your arms, and all eyes look to you for answers.
Maybe you don’t save orphans, but you can relate; your children expect dinner and instruction, your parents demand perfection, or your ministry starts leaning on you too much, now your afraid to fail them. Can’t we all, at one time or another, easily cycle from Jesus-centered living to a self-focused performance mentality that places us and our works at the center of it all? Even scripture talks about how easy it can be to misplace worship. Remember the golden calf, the tower of Babel, the crippled man seeking Peter and his resources to heal him? Yet, the Bible reminds us, even as idols rise and we can find it easy to resurrect a monument to ourselves, Christ “got low” and took the place of humble servitude, giving Himself as an example of what it means to put God at the center of it all. And could it be that long-term ministry that glorifies God most is not found in titles, presentations, or the amount of people we have on Facebook…but in stepping back, intentionally pointing Him out, letting our ministry circle around His great name, not ours. Wasn’t it Paul who said… (Read the conclusion of this article, “When Orphan Ministry is Not About Me”, HERE.)
It’s that time again where I get to join my amazing sisters over at Missional Women.
If you haven’t met, Laura Krokos, and all the other incredible women over at Missional Women, you’ll definitely want to.
They are a bunch of Mission’s Minded women who are Making. Things. Happen. for the glory of God and the good of others. Come check ’em out!
Hope to see you here!