“Teach me to treat all that comes to me with peace of soul and with firm conviction that you will govern all.”
Elizabeth Elliot wrote these words despite the fact that her husband, Jim Elliot, was slain by the exact tribe he had been ministering to, in Equador.
I am sure Elizabeth didn’t expect to be a widow, didn’t plan to have the one she’d prayed for have a spear places straight through him.
Yet, Elizabeth didn’t retreat, didn’t flounder, fear, shrink. She preached peace, God’s sovereignty, and actually went back into the jungle to convert the very ones that killed the one she loved.
And in a day when spiritual warfare seems to be intensified, in a day where we too often shrink back due to offense or out of bitterness, Elizabeth Elliot was a woman who exemplified true grace, giving mercy to her murders, loving Jesus more than life itself.
The Bible is filled with examples just like her; Esther risking her life for the Jewish people, David standing against Goliath, Elijah challenging the false spirit, Baal in an epic battle against God vs. god.
And yet, when we step back, look around, we can almost feel small, insignificant. We can forget God’s sovereignty and feel useless in our calling. We can trade our Missional life for relevance and mediocrity. We can…
(Skip on over HERE to see what real faith looks like in the life of Elisabeth Elliot, and so many others.)
Today, I have the privilege of writing over at Missional Women; a site whose goal is to empower women to be effective….not just globally, but as college students, parents…right where they are.
Will you come on over and join me there?