“There’s nothing left to do but pray.” Haven’t we all heard that phrase, or said it?
As if we have this stack of resources, shuffling through them until there, left at the bottom, all alone, sits the only thing left…the one thing we haven’t tried yet...prayer.
But friends, I am here to tell you, prayer is more than some token, some “Emergency card”, some “last resource”, some “Don’t know what else to do, so maybe I’ll petition the heavens” kind of thing.
Prayer is the air to our spiritual soul, it is the life, the purification, a connection with our very life source. Prayer is our foundation, our starting point, our maturing muscle, our everything when it comes to this Christian walk.
How many times have you been prompted to pray for someone not knowing why, but finding out later that at the time, something was wrong, that you couldn’t have possibly had insight into?
Well, those are God-prompts, spiritual nudges, those are whispers from the throne room of heaven, welcoming you to be a part of what God wants to do as a result of your praying.
I sit alone with God. Feeling prompting to pray for the physical safety of my husband, whose been working the same job for twenty-one years. That night, I wake again, a burden to pray for His physical body.
I get a call the next morning, “I have fallen five feet from a bridge that wasn’t anchored”, he tells me. He could have broken his back, he could have been paralyzed or even shattered a bone, but instead he cut his leg and simply ended up needing stitches.
And yes, some can get obsessive about prayer, thinking they have control, that they can dictate God for their every want….or if they will it and dream it, God will simply have to fulfill whatever they lift their heads to in expectations.
But in my experience, prayer has been more of a following of God’s promptings, than a demanding or requesting, entrusting or insisting God follow our wants, our dreams, our ways, our wishes.
For isn’t it told to us….we don’t even know how to pray except that God might teach us?
So, we wait on the Lord and He shows us how to pray. We present ourselves in His secret place or align our hearts where we can hear Him…then we pray. Or we get a specific urging, a prompting or a direction…then we pray. This kind of praying making us servants, turning our hearts towards His will and His wants, His purposes….not just ours.
This kind of praying calls upon the powers of heaven to work on His behalf, not because we have anything special about us…but because His will was meant to come to pass….and we are the one He has asked, “Will you stand in the gap?”
So what if we don’t pray? Doesn’t Jesus still fight and intercede for us? Isn’t He still Lord over all? Won’t He just do whatever he wants to do…and we have no part in that anyway? Scripture tells us…
Our connection with God can prompt us to build arks in dry season, fight a battle weapon-less, simply by circling, like Jericho with praises in obedience. Our one-ness with God can call us to the mountain top, receiving the commandments He has for us, hear His thunderous voice, receiving dreams where He is leading us.
Us talking to God is vital because who of us can do this life alone? Without the companionship of our Creator, without the one who loves and made us?
Will you join me in calling out to the one who made us, not just in trouble, but in praise, adoration, during the morning, and night, in all times….
Because friends, we are not alone. He is only a whisper away. So, let’s stop what we are doing and pray….
I have been blessed here many times, Jen, but none any more than tonight. I LOVE this post. I can’t thank you enough for sharing your heart. God bless you, sweet friend.
Oh Cheryl,
I literally walked in the house a few minutes before 6:00 (when the post was due) and threw something together quite apprehensively! So glad God could use my scattered moments for good, to bless somebody else! Only Him! Blessings friend, Jen
“…making us servants…” That phrase touched me, Jen…prayer -making me a servant. Yes, when I am open to Him and willing to pray His will, I am more full and more the one He wants me to be. I am here to serve my Master. And that is what I want to do and be.
Encouraging me tonight, young lady!
Caring through Christ, ~ linda
Linda – So glad we can sit at His feet together, basking in His goodness, dear friend!
I’ve just been writing about some similar topics. Working an upcoming post about how prayer isn’t just our ‘hail Mary pass’ when we’re desperate and have nothing else left. It’s building our relationship to God – spending intentional time with Him, listening for His prompts, sharing our lives with Him – and along the way, bringing our petitions to Him. How awesome you could pray for you husband just at the moment he needed your prayer!
Kathryn – Oh yes, those desperate prayers that turn a Savior into a friend, our Redeemer into someone more than a person that can get us into heaven. Oh that heart cry that leads us beyond the torn veil, into His holy of holies…where true peace lies.
Prayer is not an option but a commitment and responsibility.
Thanks a lot for hosting and I appreciate your timely reminders too.
Remain Blessed
Thanks for joining us! Glad you are here!
Amen sister…thanks for your inspiring words on prayer! Looking up with you…
Amy – Oh friend, can’t you just see Him rising? Over our circumstances? There in abundance? Decorated with His goodness…for all to see!!
Thank you for hosting!
Thanks for being here, Debbie, week in, week out!
This here is so true! >> “Prayer is the air to our spiritual soul…”
It always amazes me how different I feel after spending time praying. Prayer infuses hope, faith, peace, comfort & courage to press forward in His strength. Grateful to have read your words this morning!
Joanne – Isn’t it amazing how we can come to Him weak, helpless, broken, and weary…yet, stand from His presence whole, filled, complete from His freedom! Oh how I love to be where He is!
This is so powerful, “Our connection with God can prompt us to build arks in dry season, fight a battle weapon-less, simply by circling, like Jericho with praises in obedience. Our one-ness with God can call us to the mountain top, receiving the commandments He has for us, hear His thunderous voice, receiving dreams where He is leading us.”
Prayer… what a language, what a gift, what a deep connecting it gives us. We meet on a spiritual level, with the Spirit… we pull down heaven when we pray.
I always enjoy reading your words, but this is one of my favorites, I think.
Great post!
Thanks Dawn! Always love your feedback and encouragement!
Jen, what a wonderful post on prayer. Thanks for the reminders, especially that we don’t pray to somehow “twist God’s arm,” but to get in tune with His heart. Thanks for your linkup! Blessings!
Donna – Haha…Oh how I love that! Can’t tell you how many times I have come to Him in the past wrestling with God as if “twisting His arm” as you so perfectly put it. But yes, I wonder if it’s our submissive will, our surrendered hearts that welcomes His goodness…more than desperate pleading! Thanks for joining us for UNITE and for taking the time to comment!
Waiting on the Lord and listening for His still, small voice are often difficult, but crucial to prayer! Thanks for the great post & for hosting, & God bless!
Laurie – Oh how it’s often said, “We have two ears, but one mouth…that we might listen twice as much as we talk”. Oh how I want a relationship with God like that. Waiting, listening, hearing…more than my babbling, or insecure constant pleadings! Love having you here, friend!
I love this message, Jen! How you explain that we can become God’s servants by helping Him to accomplish His will and purpose is just perfect. I want to stand in the gap. Thank you for this wonderful encouragement!
Laura – How powerful when we join hands and stand in the gap together! So good linking arms with you!
Love this, Jen. I am going to share it with my prayer group. — Just this week, I felt prompted to pray for my grandparents after a conversation with someone where they come up. I have no idea why I was prompted, but I often pray for people these days when the Lord brings them to mind.
Lyli – You are the SWEETEST! Thank you so much for sharing with your prayer group! You are loved and appreciated!