“I haven’t given up on you.” Bible turns covering the porch of all my hopes. Prayer just finished. Heart begging for what only God and I know…
Those secrets nobody sees.
And sometimes there’s secrets. Secrets only you and God hide inside the core of your chest. Planted in infancy, born through trials, come to life through nothing short of faith and the miracle of how God uses broken vessels for His good and faithful purposes.
And I am not going to lie…faith has been in wanting lately. Diagnosis. Schooling difficulties. Little flecks of situations piling upon piles to drive us to the very depths of where we were created from.
But then His Spirit calls deep unto us. And He says, “He has made us alive, spirit beings…not just fresh and bone.”
In Him, our faith can be bold. “His yoke is easy, His burden is light” He reminds us over and over again. And my God says, “in this world you will have troubles, but fear not, for I have overcome all of your difficulties.”
So, why do we worry? Why do we doubt?
I lay these giants at the feet of Jesus. Will you lay yours down too? Regardless of this list of reasons of why she shouldn’t be used…
And some think, if we strive hard enough, try to live “doing” good works…we will somehow reach harmony and perfect nirvana with the God of all Creation. But, take my life, make a list….and my good deeds could never outweigh my sins…
And a scale-less God….that’s who He is. A God who doesn’t part the seas simply because we have done everything He has ever asks. He is the God of Rahab, the prostitute, the God of Mary Magdeline who turned from all she did to follow God despite her sins…
So friends, today, do you have a dream? Do you have a deeply seeded hope that hides entrenched within where nobody sees?
Well, God knows. He sees. He says your “good” could never repay for the death He died and the hope He gives…
It is only His blood that washes away our sins. And the good work He started? Trust Him alone to finish it…
So, we can rejoice…this life of “try hard” can be crucified with Him. The life of “works” and “duty” and living life of purpose to repay a God that loves us is meaningless and can be turned to a love that delights only to please Him.
For doesn’t scripture tell us, God chose to die for us…while we were still full-blown sinners?
For freedom He has set us free. And friends, today, I think it would glorify God most if we lived free for Him indeed. Laying our list of worries, and doubts, and fears, and difficulties humbly at His feet.
Because I have a dream. A dream confirmed over and over again in my heart of hearts where no one sees. And my guess is…you have one too.
How about together we trusted God, rise up in faith, believing that regardless of what we have done…God hasn’t given up on us yet….
And we can and will walk out in faith the journey He has set before us.
And I bet, if you quieted your spirit. Stopped right now. Silenced everything around you…
The same God who rose Christ from the dead, the same Spirit that lives in us because of the blood that Jesus shed…would call to you in your heart of hearts…would draw you in hope, and faith, and with encouragement….
He would whisper to you too somewhere where heaven meets earth, deep where divine dreams are birthed…there, in the soil of our souls…
He too calls you out of love….And it doesn’t matter what you have done or where you have been….
“I haven’t given up on you yet”.
Today was another one of those posts. The ones where I have something else written, but God burdens me with a fresh concept I feel He wants me to write. With this blog dedicated to His wil land His purposes….I pray this touched someone and spoke to people in a way that my own words couldn’t.
Thanks for the link up too! I may have lost my other comment!
Such a wonderfully moving post. I am so thankful God does not give up on us…ever. So undeserving am I, but so grateful for His amazing grace.
Very thankful for you and the weekly link-up. I always leave here refreshed.
Laying my GIANTS at His feet! Love! Thank you, this was powerful. ♥
Thank you – Sometimes I compartmentalize my God into ‘pray for…thank for…please by…’. You’ve reminded me that he is the God who creates with a word, raises from the dead, and cares. Truly cares. I needed to read this today “I haven’t given up on you yet”. Thank you.
Thanks for sharing this beautiful post and it was EXACTLY what I needed to hear this morning! I’m so thankful that all of the striving we do here on earth doesn’t fill us, but leaves us hungry for the hope of the Lord. Many blessings to you as you seek the Lord and take time off from the hustle and bustle. I would love to have you share your heart with the Saturday Soiree Blog Party every week. You are a blessing to others!
Thank you for being obedient to Him. It appears I’m not the only one who needed this today. I don’t want to give up when He wants me to continue in hope, faith , and action. Many blessings to you, Jen.
Beautiful words and truth right here. God never give up on us. And for those I’m praying for–God isn’t giving up on them either. I’m thankful you have a tender heart–quick to listen to the the promptings of the Holy Spirit. ~Pamela
Praise God that no sin, weight or trial is too great for His mercy & grace