He Waits

She wakes, stumbles downstairs, nothing in hand, clinging to the mug she sips coffee from.  And He waits…

Kids clamor awake.  She pulls herself up from her slumbering state, feeding them, gets them ready for their day.  And He waits….

Bus comes.  Finally the house is silent. The demands of little hands aren’t there pulling at her, taking from her what she does not have.

But bills stare at her, dishes taunt her, the needs of many keep calling…and she cannot ignore them.  So He waits….

The church needs a pie to take to a lady who just had surgery.  The car break.  She must call her husband, and it isn’t even noon yet.

He waits.  He sits.  He stays silence in hopes she’ll turn her day around, and come and sit at His feet.

Work calls.  She sends five e-mails.  The coffee pot is empty.  Now she must run to the corner store to get more creamer.  He waits.  He waits.  She leaves, missing His beckoning….

She is busy.  Hurried.  He sits silent.  In this world, the squeeky wheel gets all attention.

And He is not squeaky.  Not loud.  Not boastful.  Not arrogant.  So ignoring Him is excuse she uses, while replacing Him with her busy list.

Dinner comes. Bitterness fills like a poison no one sees.  She is tired now.  Dragging.  Empty.  Weary.

But He waits….still.  He will never turn His back…though she has turn her back on Him.

Slowly her mind fills with doubt and regret.  She screams at the kids, scrambling stealing time missed amidst a house not filled with chaos.  Her heart is weary, her day seems empty…though every second was completely full and she “had no time” to sit.

And it was in her all important, always needed, tine consuming agenda…that she missed Him.  Missed Him waiting.  There, in His quiet place.  The place the fullenss of eternity was waiting to encourage her with all she is.  His love waisted. Her power useless.  His arms empty….

His whispers of healing and encouragement, wasted…because she was too busy.

And she didn’t think she needed Him.

Yet, He waited.  

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” ~ Matt 11:28

“The LORD will guide you always; he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame. You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail.”
~  Isaiah 58:11

(Linking with Lyli)

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    1. Joy – Yes, but how cool that His love doesn’t change, no matter how many times we run busily throughout our day and miss that He is even there… 🙂 Have a great week ahead! Thanks for commenting!

  1. This was powerful, Jen. I wonderful reminder of his unending love for us . . . He is always there waiting for us. My prayer is that I realize more and more each day my need for Him. Blessings to you.

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