I got the e-mail, then a loud, “yes” in my spirit, after reading the words, “Would you consider writing for Missional Women” over a year ago.
At the time, I didn’t know what I was getting into. It was blind faith, really…and trusting that still small voice inside me that saw, what at the time, I couldn’t understand.
And God has blessed this “yes”, molding and transforming me through an amazing group of women. This weekend, I was so blessed to be able to share at the Missional Women Conference in Denver. Meeting faces I had only had contact with in the distant, safe screen of black and white.
And in a world of, “What you see isn’t what you get”, words alone can never determine the heart of who another really is.
But then I walk in, and Melissa Deming greets me like a long lost friend. Sara McNutt following with her gentle grace. An instant God-connection forming as I listen to her story of patiently waiting on the Lord for what to say. It confirmed my own story, and I knew this was one lady, walking deeply and closely with God.
We find a table, where Jenna Knight and her friend bubble over in such joy. We all share in the break-outs sessions. I hear about her half marathon and her heart for adoption. I love her instantly. How can you not?
Then, there is Melissa Davis Bradley. A gentle soul, with one God-strong passion to serve the Lord with all her heart, soul, mind, and strength. A powerhouse, and a sister in every sense.
Rhonda Denison and Erin Herbst, I also just loved the moment I met them. I have so much respect for Rhonda’s instant vulnerability, and Erin’s deep, well-thought out wisdom as she speaks.
Then of course there is Laura Krokos, the heart and the soul behind Missional Women. Often you find people either gentle and gracious….or strong powerhouses, filled with unwavering faith. More rarely will you ever find BOTH of those qualities in one person. Yet, my daughter and I, throughout the entire conference kept saying how we were so moved by the cool combination of strength and grace in a women who made leading an entire conference seem relaxing and completely effortless.
Angi Pratt from “Stuff Angi Does”, was another who I love and who just beamed with a heart for the nations. If we had more time, I am sure the both of us could talk missions for hours. (You know you want to come to Seattle Angi! Just sayin’…
Oh, and then there is Joy Barker Rudolf. An iron woman, overcoming incredible odds. A worshiper, a fighter, a lover of Jesus. Once you hear her testimony you learn to know just how much she truly clings to Jesus. (Oh how I love that kind of God-needing faith)
I am not sure now how I ever used to think online people were somehow “unreal”, where the fast game of life is like a hard game of speed-ball. One where you keep your helmet on, glove up, and pad yourself with distance, protecting yourself with a chest-plate around the thing most vulnerable in all of us….our hearts.
Because, let’s face it….real life, in your face people…people we are up-close and personal with…can sometimes hurt us.
But God is always in the business of shining truth where lies have pierced us. And it’s amazing how we can go from grace to grace, person to person…and find faith in people we would have never known, unless someone like Laura challenged us to come out of the shells and embrace the identity of being who God calls us to be.
Oh and then there was Ann Dunagan, author of The Missions Minded Family. The first time I heard her speaking, I literally wanted to jump out of my seat and shout, “AMEN!” She talked about not only head faith, but heart compassion; about not running from this roller-coaster life, but fearlessly living out boldly our deepest heart passions.
With seven kids, churches, ministries, and evangelizing all over Africa, Ann seems unstoppable.
Getting to really witness in her a reflection of my own heart-cry to answer the call and follow in a BIG-WAY, revealed that the God-passions He has placed in me, is not sin, or some prideful selfish thing…but truly HIS passion living, breathing inside of me!
Her new friendship was one of the biggest blessings of the conference! There is so much I can learn from her and I can’t wait to connect again soon.
And last, but not least, Shaun Groves from Compassion Ministries. Nearly every person I talked to said he was the person that impacted them most. His stories took us into the very heart of the children he told us about. He made us laugh and cry. And he somehow managed to confront our cultures sin of inequality, and yet we cheered him along; realizing we all take extra mana…just in case it turns out, “One day, God can’t be trusted”. His heart was so God-tender and His words, grace-filled, and eloquent.
When I first talked to Shaun, I wanted to tell him about my husband and I meeting our sponsor a few months ago. But in reality, you can never go up to a person of great humility and share in any other way than to lay down all defense, baring it all, and exposing your own heart….for the sake of wanting the fullness of the very same Christ alive in that person.
So, I shared my heart with Shaun. Cried for the bazillionth time. And asked him to pray. He didn’t turn away like some other people known as “celebrities” may have…but really listened hard, got low, and said he could relate to this heart-cry, bubbling over to display God’s great splendor to all the world.
And most special was to get to spend three straight days with my oldest daughter who at eighteen felt called to sponsor a child. She made a commitment to a five-year-old from Africa. The whole story is a beautiful testimony to what can happen when we lean in, really listen, and are willing to say “yes”.
She now goes around calling herself a new mother. (So, wondering…does that makes me a Grandma??)
And what if we all stilled ourselves to listen, resisting all thoughts, all logic, all sense that we might be too old or too young, too rich or too poor, too fixed or too broken….and just followed God’s call to care for the orphan? How might the world be different? How might WE be different?
So now, I am so full as I wake up this morning. As if I have been more than crucified….but resurrected. Severely sleep deprived, but awake like I haven’t been in years. I have been thanking God all morning for His heart and clear call to share about foster children and adoption.
And I have been resting in awe at how God can use an online world, like Missional Women, to reveal…
- Not all people require defenses, or helmets, or chest plates.
- Not all leaders gate around for their own glory, seeking their own fulfillment.
- Not all Christian’s live sucking the energy and using those around them….others really live outward, faith-filled lives, selflessly serving missionally.
And not all online people live behind smoke-screens, covering up their lives, behind walls and computers….
There really is a world filled with strong, capable, kind, humble, gracious, spirit-filled people that live for just one person and one purpose only…..
“To make His name known among the nations.”
Have you pulled up a chair, and really sat down with the ladies from Missional Women yet? If not, after linking up, stop by and listen to what they have to share, by clicking HERE.
It sounds like the fellowship at the Missional Call Conference was really a blessing. Thanks for hosting today.
Your excitement and entusiasm really comes through in your posts.
Yay, Jen! I am so glad that you had a wonderful time this weekend at the Conference. I was praying. xoxo
You are bubbling over! It’s wonderful to read and I feel like I’m meeting and enjoying these special people right along with you. Thank you for your enthusiastic sharing – I’m smiling!
Judith – It was amazing! Wish you could have been there, so I could have met you in person!
Sandra – Does it!? Ha…still so overwhelmed with all God did!
Lyli – Missed you!!!
Janet – I am so glad! Yea, sometimes I am not very good at “hiding” my feelings!
I am a technically a “youngest child” after all! 
Well, I am FINALLY catching up on my reading and I’ve been thinking about you and about your weekend. I’m thrilled it was such an amazing experience. When you are around people with such energy and passion it become contagious. Thanks for sharing your adventures with all of us.