Encountering the Presence of the Secret Place

It all starts in the Secret Place.

I worship. Come to Him with weeping.  My heavy yoke burdening me.  It’s time its His.  Again.

I enter the tent of Asian.  The Holy Place where His glory lives…a place where mere words are far from sufficient.

It falls away like scales.  These weights, all burdens slowing my feet from reaching Him.  But here, behind The Veil, nothing else matters.

I throw it all down and am drawn like a magnet to my Savior.

Dirty, calloused hands, made new.  Getting clean as they grip around the ankles of this one before me.  For there is healing in His presence.  Grace that floods me, taking all my difficulties, and making me weightless.  

Empty of myself.

It is here I cling as winds come.  This Secret Place where I am made One with the only love I have even known.  He is Brother, Father, Friend, My Deepest Affection.

It is here joy rises and perfect peace dwells in His presence.

I never want to leave, this place on my face, at the feet of my Savior.  But “rise” I hear Him whisper.  Gently, tender, “Rise, for there is more than soaking in my presence”

I reluctantly obey.  Lifting my head from its lowered state.  “Rise.  Go.  I have made you for this season.”

And instantly I see His wings like eagles, soaring far above the earth and all its difficulties.

I rise on him, like a warrior, with bow and arrow instinctively at His direction, shooting the patches of darkness I see below.

This bird turns fast, it’s quick, agile.  It sees things others can’t see.  It moves.  It knows the way.  And
all I must do is to trust, the one I rest on knows the way.

“I have made you for more” I hear Him say.  And suddenly I am back at the tent.  Head lifted as if from a dream, hands still gripping to His feet.

In His eyes is fire-like love that pierces me.  Love yearning for someone to stop, listen, and do His will.

Scripture says, “He searches the whole earth over.”

And as I sit there in His shelter, it is now, I long for more than perfect peace, my solitude, my own safety in this secret place.

Like a child, I long for more of Him too.  I long for what He wants.  It is now I want to blindly and only do My Father’s will.

So I stand in faith, rise, and find the arrows strapped strangely to my back, and a bow laying across my shoulder.

I am not my own.  I am my Fathers.  So, I rise in faith and take my place as a witness who was with Him.  A witness who has not found anything apart from the curtain that once distanced us.

I rise because I love Him.  And He is all that matters.

Will you meet Him?  Will you boldly come join me deeper here at the throne room of His goodness?

Will you hear Him calling, lay your burdens, join the army of His people as we trust His power to take down the darkness creeping like shadows on a foggy morning?

For there is more.  More that waits for you my friend….I promise..

And it all starts here, in the Secret Place.

(Linking with Barbie, Michelle)

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  1. Hi, Jen! 🙂 I’m stopping by from The Weekend Brew, but I often link with you for UNITE. As usual, there is just so much beauty and truth in the words you have written here. What a call to action in the ending – so encouraging. Thanks!

  2. This was beautiful. I need to find a secret place – somewhere outside where I can pray and listen with less distractions. For I long to hear Him speak to me, and I long to empty my heart and lay my burdens at His feet.


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