Sky darkens, earth shakes, lives seem to suffocate under mud, searching desperately for oxygen. While others seem to have an I.V. An answer. A solution for everything. A way to cope and control their future and their own destiny…
But what if God just wants us to pray?
Some claim education is the only hope of our culture, others turn to their families, or sports as their goal for their own personal fulfillment.
Idols resurrect like Saviors…but people seem to be weakening.
For what do we do when life, and culture, and bodies fail us? What do we have then?
Could it be that God simply wants to use our brokenness to draw us ever closer to Him?
And what if political unrest draws us to the nightly news. Concerns of children, behaviors, labels, and dysfunctions….pushes us to strive vain-fully….hoping to be better parents, alleviating guilt.
Do we think teaching, and pills, and well learned skills will somehow make us better in our sphere of influence…
When maybe all God wants for us is to come to Him and pray?
And it can be easy to fold hands, say words, lift up hearts….when the seas are calm, when lives are at rest, when all is as well as we think it should be…
But what happens when spouses leave, finances fail, natural disasters rage, or those we have spent our lives for walk away from the gospel? What then? What happens when people become dismayed? Life betrays us? All our perfect doctrine and church attendance doesn’t cure us?
What happens when a plastic culture refuses to step out and come to our rescue? What then?
Could it be that God uses it all, to draw us closer to Him? Could it be that all He wants is for us to bow low on our knees and pray?
And in a culture that exonerates complicated. A culture that likes webs, and intellectualism, contemplation, and witty solutions….
Could it really be ever so simple?
Does God use our communion with Him? Can God really use the uneducated drunk, or some prostitute? Can the most simplest among us really reach the heavens with one mere human breathe too?
Or do we need to fix ourselves up from broken to reach Him?
Does God love and wait for, long and anticipate our one cry to heave, one gasp for hope, so He can touch us with grace in this unsatisfying world?
And what if it were so simple. Not our words, but the heart-cry that draws the God of the heavens…near, close, personal, intimate, alive, and working?
What if God humbles the proud and brings down those that think their own wisdom is in themselves….and takes the most broken, the humblest of hearts…
Drawing it close to the Fathers chest…in order that He might become the heartbeat that we most desperately need when our lives are failing….
And what if all of this; the persecutions, the trials, the victories, the triumphs, the hopelessness, the weary achiness of our times… all a call for us to draw our hearts closer to the fullness of the Living God?
Would we turn on Facebook in our emptiness? Open the refrigerator for satisfaction? Depend on a substance, or a person that continues to fail us for our hope when we are needy?
Or could it be….the answer was with us all along; Not only in joy, but a flame still alive in the deepest of our sufferings?
Could it be the quiet surrender, the silent humbling, the bowing low of our own conscious is the answer we have all been looking for?
And when our worlds crash, and babies cry, and people we love die when it just isn’t time, or doesn’t seem right….
Maybe that is when we must turn our eyes to Him. Maybe it is time to ask Him and wonder….
What if it’s all so that we might turn our eyes from us, this world….and look upon Him instead, and pray?
“But what happens when….” God happens. God is enough. God BECOMES enough. Great post, Jen. Blessings on your week!
Wow! I don’t think that I’ve ever been #2 on a link-up before! lol
Thanks for hosting! <3
June – Oh yes! God happens!
Love it!
Julie – Glad to have you and that you were able to post early!
Beautiful, Jen! Reminds me of an Oswald Chambers quote, “Prayer does not equip us for greater works— prayer is the greater work.”
Love this quote! So glad you shared it!
When I was much younger, when a problem came, I would call a friend and talk about it. The urge to talk to someone was so strong – and I realize now that feeling was a call to prayer. I am learning to go to Him first – to take it to Him – about our country, our community, my household. Such truth in your post Jen – such wonderful advice. I wish someone had told me that a long, long time ago!
Lyli – Love that!
Blue Cotton – I hear ya! And so true, talking to “mere men” never satisfies in the same way as pouring out our hearts to God himself. Wish I would have known this too, in my 20’s!
Your posts always seem to gently call me to the authentic abundant life with Jesus. Thank you for the call to prayer vs. managing life’s challenges!
Amy – Oh that is my point others to Him!
I constantly ask the “what if” question as it often causes me to look to the One who has all the answers, can change any situation. The “what if” question turns my focus to prayer. This post moved me to tears this morning as the thought went through my head, “What if you prayed about THAT (the need currently on my heart) as well?” Thank you for reminding me that I can bring ALL things, great & small, to Him. Blessings!
Jviola – Isn’t it incredible that there is nothing we could say that would make Him love us less? So glad He truly is our refuge and fortress in any and every circumstance!
As I get older, I have come to pray first, many times throughout the day as a constant dialog with God. I wonder how people without God in their lives make it through. I hope with all of us preaching His message they will hear His Word and come to know Him. Prayer is so powerful. Wonderful post here.
Kim – Thank you! A life without Him truly is empty and void. Love your continual prayers and constant dialogue with God.
Thanks so much for hosting today. It is always so good to stop by and read your post and see your pictures of your sweet little daughter. Have a blessed day, Jen.
Thanks Judith! I learn a lot from my little prayer warrior!
Wonderful, inspiring, truth-filled post!
Sometimes I think we look at prayer as a last resort. And oh, how the enemy loves when we buy in to that lie!! The Bible does NOT endorse a “when all else fails, pray” mindset. NO! It tells us that the prayer of a righteous person accomplishes much! Prayer is a weapon, a solace, a firm stand against all that the world would throw at us.
We never exhibit more strength or hope than when we kneel and pray.
“Prayer is a weapon, a solace, a firm stand against all that the world would throw at us.” Amen Sharon! Amen!