When Flowers Bloom in Winter. UNITE Linky

It sits on the window seal these darkest of days. Letting light in…but keeping ice frozen on the other side of the pane.

And flowers can bloom deep in winter, if we let them.

My little one has concerns. The thrashing storms of life testing her roots, leaving her drooping.  Even I cannot deny that.

An old man stands behind us in Target today.  He looks at my seven-year-old and tells her coarsely, “Why aren’t you emptying this cart for me?”

Another mom might have blown it off.  Another mom who has never experienced children shun her, or had little girls refusing to hold her hand simply because of the color of her skin….might not be bothered by what he said…

But I was.  And I could feel the soil of my heart welcoming winter.

But I smile.  Walk away.  Hold my tongue and pray…because words and negative emotions were never intended to mix. 

Jesus never shines in us when we try to teach and there is still poison bubbling alive in us.

I kneel next to her bed at night, explaining sticks and stones. How bad looks hurt, old men’s words challenge the very core of us all, eventually.  And children at school can rototille souls.  If we let them.

This year my word is “love”.  Yet, it’s easy to love those that love in return.  How harder to love the offensive, the proud, those that bring themselves up, by bringing others down.

And I have found….I am not very good at turning the other cheek when people use words to bring bondage….or plow away intentionally, just to be mean.

For harsh words, and pride, and selfishness is more like poison than fertilizer…even when I have been the one arrogant, hurtful, or proud…or unsympathetic.

And it’s a day where this generation is so craving green.  A day where young people are tired of plastic, and pompous, and pretending….

They want real.  I want real.  I want kind and compassionate, because none of us can grow without it.

I see her wilt.  We talk bout frozen ground.  How when soil gets hard, deciduous leaves fall…and the plants becomes sticks.

And everyone knows nothing grows from sticks.

But, God wants soft soil.  He wants our hearts to be free from poison, and thorns, and the stones that other people throw at us…whether in word or deed.

I remind her of her plant downstairs, sitting blossoming on the window seal. How we have watered and cared for it even when it’s winter outside.  We celebrate how it’s blooming now.

Because good things always grow when the soil of our soul is soft.

And isn’t that how God wants our hearts.  Guarded, protected, like fertile soil, thoughtfully and well cared for?

She gets it. Soil that falls softly, light, airy, unhardened when it tips over because somebody bumped it.

And no matter how hard we try to prevent it….every container will get bumped…eventually.

I think about how love is like the window, filtering the harshness of those around us.  So that we can bloom…even when it’s cold outside.

I curl up next to the one my roots are intertwined.  I close my eyes.  Pray for soft soil, heavenly wisdom, insight to parent this child I love with all my heart…underneath my breath.

And I see in her Jesus forgiving love.  Love that is strength, potential, a drawing to all she is to become.

And I trust His window. I trust love that covers a multitude. I trust love has the power to do incredible things we haven’t even seen yet.

For harsh winters will come without question, every season….but I have already known and experienced how love takes the broken, changes the soil of our souls radically until …

Even we can bloom in winter…. 

Regardless of those who throws sticks at us.

(Linking with Laura)

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  1. Oh Jen- how H A R D ~!]
    What a wise mother you are, using the analogy of the plant flowering in winter- I’m so glad she gets it.
    You must order up GRACE by the container-ship- full !

    God BLESS you, your husband and your children.

    How is the planning for the upcoming trip going? Leave me a msg on FB as I don’t always see replies here.
    Love and prayers.
    Mary <3

    1. Mary – Oh yes…grace…the most important ingredient of all! I’ll message you back on fb about the trip. Thanks for asking dear friend!

  2. Loved this post! Praying this morning that the soil of my heart remain soft. My desire is that my life would grow & flower even in the cold of a winter season. So grateful to have read this as it went along with my post this morning. God is so wanting us to be like Him & not let the world push us into its mold. Have a blessed day!

  3. Dear Jen
    Yes, dear one, we trust God’s window for we know it is only there where the Son shines on us and the Gardener of our hearts tends to us always. No matter what season it is outside, our roots in firmly rooted in the fertile soil of His love and grace.
    Blessings XX

  4. Dear Jen,
    Much wisdom here . . .”words and negative emotions were never intended to mix” We all need to pause and seek the Lord’s perspective.
    I love the analogy of the flower in winter. May you and your daughter continue to grow, blossoming in the warmth of God’s love. Blessings!

  5. Mia – What a comforting thought, Mia…to know the Lord himself tends us daily!

    Carol – Thank you for your sincere encouragement! Unfortunately, any wisdom you might find, was learned quite honestly, the hard way! :/

  6. Thanks for sharing your life with us. Yes, there are a lot of mean people around! Seems I can barely get out the door without encountering one of them! It can be tiring extending love in the face of all these mean people. But we do make a difference when we refuse to engage with them on their low level. We are the light of the world. Kudos to you for holding your tongue. I can’t imagine how hard that was! Only in His strength.

  7. Laura – Your comment is sooo timely for me right now! As I read it and think about how there is a world full of hurt people out there hurting people…your words remind me of the importance of being filled hourly with the fullness of Christ! Yes, only in His strength can we withstand frozen soil around us. I am shutting off the computer and headed to devotions right now! Thanks for pointing us to the Only One who can empower us to love difficult people in many of these very hard circumstances!

  8. People can be so uncaring when speaking to children. I have had the same type of things happen to my children. You are doing the right thing in how you discus it with your daughter. It gives opportunity to open her heart of to the Lord.

    Thanks for hosting today 🙂

  9. Judith – I so appreciate the encouragement friend! Sorry to hear you have experienced similar things! Knowing God will use these hard things for His benefit, somehow, someway!

  10. That was beautiful and you are so wise. I don’t know that I would have been as loving and kind. I pray I would have the love in my heart that you do.

    You are a wonderful mother.

    God bless you!

    1. Beth – Oh trust me…we all fall so short from the glory of God! Without grace, parenting…or anything else is really…is pretty much impossible! Thanks so much for your comment friend!

  11. Jen – it’s so hard when meanness comes at our children. I’ve talked to my boys about how sometimes the meanness of a bully is really the cry for help – and his/her soul calling for someone to pray for them. It might not change them now – but it will plant a seed – which God will send along to water:) Praying for your little warrioress!

    1. Bluecotton – Oh I love that! Turning a situation off of us and really digging into the core issue, having mercy and compassion on others…because all of us need grace, love, and understanding! Sooi good!!

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