UNITE Linky & What Our Culture Didn’t Teach Us About JOY!

In school, you were likely taught about math, science, success, and finances…but were you ever taught about joy?

The first place I saw genuine “joy”, was in my husband’s culture, Latin people.  If you are, or know someone Latin…you can attest to their joyous disposition, the ease of heart, and the weightlessness, many people of that culture live with.
I learned to laugh from my husband.  I mean, really throw my head back and laugh hysterically. It was a freedom that eventually helped to slay the dragons of my own soul. 
For there is just something about joy that takes us higher…above our circumstances….and brings us to a place where we can almost float along, effortlessly, carelessly, ease-filled and peacefully, as if carried on wings of eagles.
C.S. Lewis once said, “I sometimes wonder if all pleasures are not substitutes for joy.”
And though my husband grew up extremely wealthy, in a extremely impoverished nation, joy is one of his greatest gifts.  The gift that let’s him see things in retrospect, with ease, and with clear glasses.  Joy is the gift that takes him over, above, beyond, and through His tomorrows….whatever they bring.
And I want to embody more joy, don’t you?
Still, there is a misconception, in some societies.  There is a misconception that those in the 80% of developing nations lacking much of the world’s resources, are sorrowful.

We think of poverty and we see, pop-belly African children, curled up in huts, with pain screaming from their eyes on t.v. And somewhere along the way, we have twisted poor, or not wealthy, to equating to extreme sadness.

And worse yet….has not this twisted truth created a monster in us….making us strive to find peace through our bank accounts, joy through the material things that are supposed to fill us with the fruits of the spirit?
And yes, true poverty is devastating, damaging, and according to Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs; there is no self-actualization, without first feeding people….
But, what people don’t know is, much of the world living off of minimal resources….are not as sad as many of us here in America where anti-depressants are the number one prescribed medicine.

The reality is, often the “less fortunate” are happy until Hollywood comes via square metal boxes into their homes, and tells them different…that they are supposedly missing something. 

In third world nations, children are constantly out in the streets playing soccer, or stick ball, or helping their mama’s cook in the kitchen….and they often have more joy than we here, in our individualized culture of materialism.
And there is just something about simplicity that softens us, like clay in the palms of Jesus.
And I wonder where along the way have we invaded third world cultures and pasted a “condition” to other people’s happiness?  Where have we labeled, and claimed, and written other people off as “not happy” because they don’t have as much as we have?
This Christmas, we are scrambling for presents and gifts that won’t satisfy…but are we happy?  Are we peace-filled?  Is the joy of the Lord and the joy of the season permeating our spirit?
  • David grew in a field, with nothing…just sheep…and he sang with joy, prepping to be King.
  • Joseph was honored with a coat of many colors,  lavished in materialism of his day, far above his brothers….but clearly he wasn’t happy.  His brothers scolded and mocked Him continually.
  • Saul had wealth and wisdom above all….but at the end of his life, he called it all meaningless.
  • The rich man in the New Testament wanted to follow Jesus, who told him to give away all he had.  He went away sad (without joy) because he loved his possessions more than the life he could have had, with Jesus.
I could go on and on….the disciples who died a martyrs death, Zachaeus who just naturally gave what he had when Jesus came to meet him.  But, you get the point!
C.S. Lewis also once said, “The very nature of joy makes nonsense of our common distinction between between having nothing and wanting.”
For even prison couldn’t take away Paul and Silas joy.  Though they remained barred externally, there was a freedom internally, requiring they sing in the most unexpected of places….prison.
Yes, my husband grew up wealthy, yet when he came to America, He left everything. He worked hard, yet because we were young and stubborn, we re-fused to go on well-fare.  And we had very little. We had nothing, but that immeasurable, priceless joy that regardless of possessions, never left my husband.  
Even today, as God has multiplied what he has given us, laughter is not conditional on whether we have or don’t, are in need or have excess.  
Laughter is a well of living water, we can continually tap into, when we know we have a living, breathing, King of Kings who reigns and loves us, in charge of the universe.
And we have and are still learning, He alone is our joy….not our bank account, not our culture, not our appearance in front of other people.
I ask you…and I ask myself today….would we be willing to put away your bankcards and pick up joy today?  For a season, a day….a moment?  He is here, waiting to fill us with living water that satisfies more than any big screen, expensive purse, or any new kitchen appliance.

Would you stop today and consider (maybe even leave a comment telling us) what it is that brings you joy?  Where is your joy stemming from?  What has your culture been teaching you about joy….especially during this holiday?

After all, I long for more joy, moment by moment, day by day…especially at this season….don’t you!?

This month God is drawing my heart into a journey of joy.  A journey not conditional upon what we have, what we feel, or our earthly circumstances.  A journey where joy is our strength and continues to remain….one of the biggest gifts we could give this season!  
Will you join me for this JOY SERIES?

(Linking with LauraJenEmily)

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  1. JOY! Not enough of it on any given day, I must admit. What brings me joy is watching a young child that I am tutoring begin to grasp how to read, to see an elderly one tenderly cared for as age takes on such tolls to one’s body, to hear children playing on the neighborhood playground, to hear a baby laughing at something so silly, to receive sweet words of encouragement from loved ones. It is in these small moments that I find joy. It is not is “stuff.” I praise the LORD for these tender spots in my life. I think I shall look for more of them. : )

  2. Oh friend, just reading your comment…(i.e. babies laughing, children playing, old one cared for…etc) brings me JOY! Thank you so much for sharing!

  3. i love love love this post. I love to laugh more then anything else. I feel God has given me the gift of laughter and joy .. even in one of the most difficult years of my life I have laughed deeper and harder..because that is the gift of coming alive with Christ. Thank you for the reminder of the sweet gift of the melody of laughter

    1. Jenn – Oh I think we would become fast face-to-face friends! 🙂 Just because we are Christians, it doesn’t mean we need to lack joy…in fact, shouldn’t we (like you) actually have more of it! Thanks for share your testimony of joy in hard times! You inspire me!

  4. I loved reading this post this morning. It brought to mind watching my 16 month old run down my hallway with JOY yesterday. Her joy was solely in the running. In the freedom. Not for any other reason. And she laughed each & every time she ran back & forth. All by herself, no one chasing her. To watch her & hear her joy, made me laugh. Thank you for sharing this post. I, too, want to experience the fullness of His joy continually this Advent season.

    1. Joanne – Your little one sounds so precious! Praying she always knows that freedom, forever living fully in that sweet joy God has given her!! 🙂

  5. Hi Jenn
    I cannot agree more!! Even though I daily experience terrible pain, exhaustion and the other symptoms that goes with Fm/CFS, I can honestly say that I have much more joy than before this illness. Before I knew of God, but now I know Him. Joy is possible only as we abide in Jesus.
    Blessings XX

    1. I am sorry you are suffering so much Mia, but yes I hear you…even suffering can draw us to the Father…if we let it. Prayers to you today friend!

  6. Thank you for the first-hand proof that joy is not dependent on circumstances. I learned recently that the difference between joy and happiness is just that: the later depends on what happens, the former is always there because it is inside you (Christ).
    I used to work with a lady from Ecuador and she exuded that same joy you spoke of: even when she was mad! She was so passionate about everything and it lifted everyone’s spirits. We all wanted to be more like her.

    1. I can just imagine the life in your friend from Equador! There is just something about people who are joyous….it somehow becomes contagious, doesn’t it! 🙂

  7. Our culture has devolved the definition of poverty. I grew up poor – but was rich in love, family, traditions, values and faith. Have you noticed how our government keeps raising the poverty bar? Poverty more a state of mind than a financial condition.

    I loved. loved. loved your post!

    1. Bluecotton – So glad you enjoyed the post. YES, poverty and wealth can refer less to material possession and more a state of mind. Great point!

  8. Love this, Jen! One of my favorite Scripture passages is in Isaiah 12: “Surely God is my salvation; I will trust and not be afraid. The Lord, the Lord Himself, is my strength and my defense; He has become my salvation.” With joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation.”

    He alone is our source of joy.

    Looking forward to this series. 🙂

  9. Jen, so very inspirational! I remember reading something that C.S. Lewis said about JOY – that it was the feeling that comes upon you once in a while when it seems like you’ve stepped out of time, and all seems perfectly still and peaceful and wonderful. Joy is so much more than happiness. It’s a touch of heaven. And it’s something to be sought after and treasured.


  10. Sharon – “Joy is a touch from heaen”. Just wow! I am so humbled. I have been sitting here reading all of yiour beautiful comments outloud to my husband and tears are streaming down my face. Each comment teaching me as to what real joy! Thanks to all of you for blessing me today!!

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