UNITE Link up. Beautifully Broken. {Day 7}

“They are all a bunch of low life’s”  I once heard someone say about the church I was attending….not knowing that they were talking about my church at the time.

It’s true, there weren’t high heals clicking, or Mercedes and BMW’s filling the outside of the building.  In fact, there were drunks, addicts, and the lost; people who were a mess before Jesus found them.

I was home.

Still amazingly enough, after a short time in the presence of God, many were recognizably different.  That is what revival does…it transforms a life in an instant.

It doesn’t take effort, or counseling, or “working hard” at being “good” to clean up your mess.  The Holy Spirit touches the lives of men.  And when He does, He makes the hearts of people….recognizably different.

Like a boiling done internally, His presence simply lifts the residue from us, while anchoring the substance of God, down deeper inside of us….Until finally we just can’t help but bubble over.

Prior to this church, I had heals, but no substance.  Something is wrong when you settle for plastic smiles, and become an expert at putting on masks, and faking it.

I looked the part on the outside, but on the inside, I had been plagued with the horrific places I had been, the tauntingly appalling things I had done.

That was before God set me free.

We were a motley crew.  We all knew we needed Jesus. And I think it was that hunger, that thirst, the desperation that made God so graciously show up, time and time again.

 Eventually, we all must get to that place where all our striving won’t work, our “good works” just don’t make us feel good, like they used to….

Eventually we all face that pillow where loneliness, and fears, and taunting questions lay gripping us.  It is then when our conscious speaks most and we must face the reality of our spiritual condition.

Still recognizing our deficit has the benefit of challenging us to willingly surrender our souls to the only one that can fill that God sized hole inside of us.

For it is in that abandoned surrender, that white flag waving, that helpless position where God meets us most…

At the end of ourselves is always the beginning of God.

One beautiful woman that gave her testimony on the same day I did (more on that to come), had a miraculous story of how God touched her, prepared her, before bringing her to this revival.

She was in prison when God showed up. Yep, right there in the middle of the prison cell.  It was then God entered the bars she was confined in.

And isn’t that our God.  Not one who will leave us imprisoned in the consequences of what we done….but a God who graciously, mercifully encounter us…just when we need Him most?

She saw Him.  He talked to her, not because she was “good”, but because He had heard her heart cries of needing a Savior. (She was an unbeliever at the time)

Little did she know, like me, that we both were entering a church that was alive with God, a God who would soon be our healer.  Little did we know at the time, God would call us, lead us, out from our brokenness…

Into sharing with a room filled with women, the truth that….

He really does bring beauty out of ashes.

(Linking with JenLauraJust SaraTracyTitus 2)

You are reading part 7 of a series entitled, “31 Days to Real Faith and Revival.” To read the previous posts in this series, click HERE.

UNITE Link-Up Party

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  1. So real, Jen. We all come bare and naked to the cross of Jesus once we just even begin to understand, to grasp that He forgives and loves and accepts us just the way we are. From there, we grow in Him and begin to realize that there are so many others who need Him, His love, His forgiveness, His acceptance. Oh, that we should all come to that saving reality of His grace. Our prison walls will fall away. Hallelujah!
    Caring through Christ, ~ linda

  2. Linda – Something you said is the exact same thing God has been impressing upon me this week…We don’t come to Him just to get healed…
    But to share His goodness and love with others.

  3. Terrific post, Jen. There is nothing to describe those moments when we SEE God. And I am so glad that He talks to me, not because I’m good – but because HE is.


  4. Hi Jen, I’ve really been enjoying your series on revival. Beautiful posts with so much truth. Thanks so much for taking the time to write and share them with us. I’m looking forward to reading more. : )

  5. At the end of ourselves is the beginning of God- oh, yes, Jen. That’s so true. And despite the fact that I try my hardest NOT to reach “the end”, once I do I am always awed by WHO I find. Love this post!

  6. Sharon – Yes, oh how much grace He bestows upon us…when we offer Him the least amounts of “goodness”…and yet He walks towards us, with armloads filled with love!

    Cathy – Thank you for reading! It’s definitely a “faith leap” to write all this…but, I am trying to obedient. So glad to know your sharing in my journey!

    Alicia – Isn’t that the truth friend! We struggle to get to “the end” of ourselves…but every time we do, there is always goodness awaiting us! Oh how I need to remember this the next time I find myself holding on too tight! (And rest assured…there will be a next time! lol)

  7. Hi Jen,

    The Bible teaches that Jesus DIDN’T come into the world to condemn anyone; but rather, to save sinners by His amazing grace. What a precious truth! And if He didn’t come into the world to condemn sinners, then neither should we. We are here to love, forgive, and share our hope and joy!

    Blessings for a wonderful week sis!

  8. Denise – Such great truth, my friend..
    There is no condemnation in Him! Oh how incredible it is to think that Christ came to give life and life to the fullest…not just for “certain” please but for those of us who least deserve it!

  9. For so long, I thought it was about striving to be good. And I think I still deal with this — not in a fake way, but in a “i still have unlearning to do-way.”

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