One thing about being in Guatemala was that it was hot…really hot. Temperature’s surpassed a hundred, but it was the humidity that left us constantly drenched.
We would take a shower, but moments after we would be soaked in moisture. We were close to the equator. And I knew it….every second….except one.
One night while standing in the back of an old pick-up truck, as it sped around cars, through the scorching jungle…it become not-so-hot. We had just done puppet shows for children in the jungles of Guatemala. And it spontaneously, without any warning, rained. No, it didn’t rain…it poured.
Friends of ours from the Kaitlin Mobility Foundation were with us. They had just brought wheel chairs to disabled children in these remote places.
It was so amazing how, by grace, these disabilities and wheelchairs were our access to multiple groups of children all through Guatemala.
And how often is it, that hardships opens doors to even greater types of healing…the healing racial barriers, healing of cultures, the healing of our souls?
Well this night, it started to rain. Though the sun had scorching all day…the rain felt freezing.

And since revival started in my heart…there has been a constant yearning for more than luke-warm, a longing for more than sub-scorching temperatures.
Yet, He reminds me…The stirring and yearning and wanting more of God didn’t come just because I stepped into a building where they had been fasting and praying for a move of God.
The passion started in my tiny bedroom of my old house. A bedroom that used to be a closet, keeping me back with fear. It started, as my husband slept next to me, I asked God for a burning and a stirring for truth, digging endlessly into scriptures.
I was tired of “Five Steps to Christianity”. I wanted a God who was alive…like the one burning fire on the alter. I wanted faith like Elijah who was unafraid to taunt the false Gods.
I didn’t want life sucking, mixed up, self-righteousness. I was worn ragged by my own…why would I want anyone else’s?
And sometimes, the fire of God comes when we least expect it…
- It comes as a result of endlessly reading scripture.
- It comes in those moments of obedience, those hours we invest in a Living God.
- It comes as a result of those prayers of begging God to come quickly because our hearts are failing, our lives are a mess.
- It comes when we are empty of self, and our well finally reveals our nothingness.
- It comes as we cry out to God, aching for something more than anything we can do in and of ourselves..
And I don’t personally ever want to forget that His presence is not just in a church. His giftings don’t just flow through “holy” men, or moves of “righteousness”……
Though it’s easy to not remember, I never want to forget….
- We have the same access to the Creator of the Universe.
- We have the same power, the same living God alive and working through us.
- We have free access to scriptures. Each day, they are at our fingertips, a word God-breathed, useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training us in righteousness.
If we stop. Listen. Want Him. Pray. Pick up scripture. And seek His face. He promises to be there.
For many waters cannot quench His love…no lukewarm people, no hard circumstance can diminish who He is…
For many waters cannot quench His love…no lukewarm people, no hard circumstance can diminish who He is…
Not even rains in the back of a truck of Guatemala. Singing loudly as we do puppets shows, and delivering wheelchairs….all in the name of love.
Yes, even a thousand waters, cannot, will not, ever quench His love.
Revival can be a journey. If you have missed prior posts in this series, “31 Days to Real Faith and Revival”, click HERE.
(Linking with Jen)
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Jen, I am reading this on a cold and rainy night. And I really enjoyed your message. It was inspiring, to say the least. I am reminded that the Lord can kindle His fire in our hearts at any time, anywhere. He’s like the fire in the fireplace I have going right now. The Light, the warmth of His love, fills my soul.
Sharon – Such a great analogy. Oh that He might burn away the dross in each of us as we fan into flames His fire in us.
Great post, Jen. It reminds me of Jesus with the 3 disciples on the mount when He was transfigured. — We can’t stay up on the mountain top all the time with the glorious light. We have to come down into the valley and do the work.
3d – So true! And oh how much more we can accomplish when we know…it’s all Him, and none of us. Thanks for commenting friend.
Jen- I sense the Fire of God on your life as I read your blog posts- today especially so.
I feel He wants me to tell you:
THANK YOU for your obedience; for giving your all; for going to inhospitable places to minister to the needy- Jen- He adores you and is dancing over your life with singing.
Because the fire of God is so powerfully in YOUR life, you are igniting forest fires in the Spirit wherever you go; wherever you are,
WELL done, good and faithful servant.
I feel totally blessed to know you a little, and look forward to the time when we meet face to face, in His Presence. Oh the Joy !!
love and prayers always,
Mary – Your words always strengthen my spirit. Thank you! Sometimes I think even our most “filled with Him” moments, will be nothing compared to when we stand there, face to face, in His presence. Oh how my heart leaps at the thought of it, friend!! See you without a doubt then…if not before!
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your prayers.
Amen Jen! When we allow God to change our priorities and attitudes, He doesn’t allow us to remain lukewarm if the desires of our hearts are to serve Him with joy and all our strength!
Blessings and bunches of hugs sister!
Have a blessed week,
So grateful that He cannot be quenched & that He always quenches. Beautiful post!
Denise – Yes! He can ignite fire on wet kindling, when our eyes are on Him!
Jviola – So beautifully said, friend!
Dear Jen
A.W.Tozer wrote in his book, In Pursuit Of God, something that will stay with me forever. He said we can just lift up our hearts with longing and our Pappa will soon answer!
Blessings XX
Jen, your blog looks so open and inviting. Love all the feet!! Love the picture of your family. Makes you so real.
Thanks for the linkup party today
There is so much beauty here and so much of God that can be tangibly felt. I’m with you — I want to serve a living God whose love can never be quenched.
Coming over today from Soli Deo Gloria…and Oh! I love this:
I was tired of “Five Steps to Christianity”. I wanted a God who was alive…like the one burning fire on the alter. I wanted faith like Elijah who was unafraid to taunt the false Gods.
So very good! So very true!! Huge blessings on you today!!
Thanks for the wonderful post & for hosting & God bless!
We don’t have a say in hardships–but in the way we respond to them. Yes, “Hardships open doors.” You write with such emotion, Jen. I’m always blessed by my visit.
Hi Jen! I think you are so right about being constant in Scripture reading, and constant in desire. God knows what is best for you, and he knows it’s him!
What wonderful experiences you have had ministering to other people. There is no way that you need to hang on to someone else’s experience. You have plenty of your own! It is good to be supported by the testimony of others, but again, you were so right…you need your own way.
Great post!