Sitting with the silence swirling in empty places, taunting me, whispering, “Nothing. Nothing. Nothing.” But then the still song rises around me. And peace fills those deep wells within me crying out for more.
And as I sit cross legged on the couch begging for glimpses of God; the wrinkles ache, the puffs under my eyes want to call me toward complacency. A laying down of all I am in surrender and in apathy.
“But there is more.” I sense Him say.
Echos dance where children used to play, dreams were being made. But now I “Wait”. “Wait”. “Wait”. Stretching my ear, to listen through the silence.
And all those years, I had worked so hard, striving in vain to make myself up. Hoping to pretty myself in order to feel worthy to enter the throne room of God. I wanted to be good, worthy, beautiful enough to enter the gates of a place I never felt worthy enough to enter.
But striving was futile. This striving of flesh that has left me here with this dance that I hear. This silence making me choose the course of my future.
But guess what? We don’t have to beautify ourselves before entering the sight of God.
Though the world tells us otherwise, overlooking plain, simple….those that don’t work tirelessly, doing works in their own flesh?
Where and when have we made God into the form of man? Deeming Him deficit of love? Or sitting on His throne “judging”, like us….according to outward appearance?
Did we forget the adulterous? Rahab? Tamar? Who in the Bible were perfectly clean before God chose them? And who of us are holy, special, and significant on on our own, apart from His blood that washes us, making us whole?
So instead of running, trying to primp ourselves in order to be Holy enough, worthy to come near the throne room of the Holiest of Holies….
What if we threw down everything we had, everything we have known and ran into His arms, just like we are now. Broken. Child-like. Barren. Naked. Exposed.
is accepted by God.”
What if we knew…I mean could really know, It doesn’t matter…
- The brand of our clothes.
- The size of our jeans…or the kind for that matter.
- The color of our skin, or the origin of our nationality.
- Whether we are sick, or run marathons, or have permanent disabilities that we struggle continually with.
- It doesn’t matter if we have come from jail, or are old, or are in college.
- If our families are educated or if no one in our family has graduated.
- If we grew up in broken home, had divorce parents, or we come from a Christian family that does everything “perfect”.

God loves us! YOU are loved!
Realizing, really realizing, embracing, fully knowing….None of us are worthy. None of us godly, significant, holy…on our own.
And isn’t it this Esther chosen-ness where He is the one that beautifies what was unworthy, plain, simple? Isn’t it He, the one that takes us into His courtroom and beautifies us with a touch from His countenance.
Wouldn’t we feel less pressure? Wouldn’t we stop striving? Wouldn’t we be content, filled with greater peace, if we knew how beautiful He already sees us…Regardless of our wrinkles. Regardless of whatever we have or haven’t done?
For isn’t beauty in the eye of the beholder? And don’t you know…He beholds you! You are God’s beloved!
My prayer for you today friends is that you would see yourself as God sees you; worthy, beautiful…LOVED.
Just like you are. Needing nothing more before entering the presence of God.
Won’t you UNITE with Him…and join us today at UNITE?
UNITE is a blog hop seeking to break down walls.
- Add your link.
- Post the UNITE button on the right hand side bar of this blog/or a link back here on the post you link up.
- Visit as many friends as you have time for and take a second to comment. All of us bloggers love encouragement.
And remember, UNITE has no specifics on what you post, as long as it is family friendly, sharing your heart through writing, art work, or photos.
Hi Jen…great post Sis!
Unfortunately, there lies in most of us a desire to impress and compare ourselves to others. We believe we need the approval of others to fulfill our dreams and desires, and we often thirst for and crave the riches, fame, and even the beauty of others. But God never asks us to compare ourselves to others; He desires us to place our uniqueness and integrity entirely in Him. He doesn’t judge by appearances or riches, but rather by our faith and character!
Blessings and bunches of hugs beautiful lady!
Denise – You always bring wisdom. Thank you.
We don’t have to beautify ourselves, because He sees Christ’s righteousness instead of our sins. Loved your post!
Rhoda – Oh how we can rejoice in that truth!
Thank you for this beautiful encouragement today! I long to REALLY know this love…how high, wide, deep and long is the love of Christ. Blessings…
Amy – My prayer for you today friend…is that you do. Blessings, Jen
This is beautiful and something God has been working on inside of me. To walk in this understanding of his love and his proclamation over me as his redeemed child is a sweet place to be. I just forget this truth at times and start “doing” things in my own effort not in hopes to make him love me more but just because I feel better when I can DO something for God. But to walk in the place of resting in his love for me is where I want to live my days. It makes a difference. I love your blog. I look forward to reading more of it.
Melody – Welcome! So glad to have you UNITING here with us! There are some amazing ladies here…so much wisdom. Hope you continually keep coming. The door is unlocked and always open for everyone! Looking forward to getting to know you more!
Just like I am. Oh, that I will remember that each and every day. Thank you for this powerful message. So glad I came by.
Caring through Christ, ~ linda
Amazing, His grace…huh friend! Just like we are…no more, no less.
Dear sweet Jen
Oh, I agree 100% with the futility of striving! Al it does it to give us religious burn-out! The only way we can live a godly life, is to allow God to live His godly life in and through us!
Blessings XX
Ugh…ya, “religious burnout”. Been there. Done that. Not fun!
This was so encouraging and just what I needed to read right now. Thanks. I’m so glad I clicked over from the link-up party. I’ve linked up a couple things here and will be adding the Unite button to my blog. I love the heart behind your link-up! Looking forward to joining this community!
Tina – Thanks so much for adding our UNITE button! So glad you are here!
The words and verses you share here are encouraging and contemplative. Our faithful heart is all He requires. Thanks for sharing and hosting your link-up,Jen!
In His Love, Ann
Ann – Thank you for being a part of UNITE!
So true, Jen. Isn’t it silly that we care so much about some things that are so external and unimportant. I’m so glad that we can come to God without “make-up” of any kind. Bless you for this reminder.
Gail (sending you love from Croatia)
Gail – Yes…what a good God who loves us celulite, puffy eyes, wrinkles…and all!
This is so beautiful Jen!! Thanks
Thanks sweet Judith!
I can’t believe I didn’t leave a comment on this post. I remembered reading it and came back to steal a link for this post as I’d like to include in a post I’m writing that will highlight some of my favorite reads from the past week. This was one that really spoke to me. I hope you don’t mind me using.
Thanks, Jen. Blessings to you.