The Bridge to Head Over Heals, In Love Relationship

According to Universe time…my husband and I knew each other about three seconds before getting married and starting a family.  We were in our early twenties, being children in every sense of the word.

Survivalist searching for a fairy-tale love, some romantic fulfillment that promises, “Love does exist”.

But while offering our lives to work, serving the church, spending sleepless nights caring for broken, hurting children…somewhere along the way, life got busy…Too busy.  We almost naturally just floated away from building relationship with each other.  Taking for granted the love that drew us together in the first place.

And although it can be easy to take for granted relationships, skipping moments needed to keep the bridge between loved ones connected….

And although distance may not make people fall out of love for one another…

When moments between interactions become less and less frequent, canyons can stretch out wide between you….with no seemingly way across.

And that is when we had to stop, step back, and begin building the bridge….the time needed with each other….to fall head over heals in love again.

We started weekly dating. Doing a daily husband and wife devotion together. We did little things, like holding hands and doing mundane seemingly simple errands together.

And slowly, in building the bridge of time spent together, our relationship almost effortlessly took us back to where we were when we were twenty again.

But scripture tells us, we also have a First Love.  A love that should rule and reign our hearts more than any earthly passions should.

The neatest thing is, He doesn’t spend long hours at work, or have divided attention with sports, chores, or anyone else….but you.

He is God.  Forever standing at the oak across the gap breaching the distance.  And all we have to do is stop, seek Him, talk to Him, take the first steps.

For God promises to meet us….not because we are perfect, but because He longs simply for us to want the unadulterated goodness of His presence.

Scripture tells us, the measure we draw close to God…He will draw close to us.

The other day, my husband and I traveled across a suspension bridge in Canada.  It seemed long, unstable, almost incapable of holding all the people that were tiptoeing across it.

Yet, eyes can sometimes deceive us.  There stood thousands of pounds, held by the swaying bridge somehow suspended in the middle of nowhere.

Yet, the bridge…like the bridge of His love…wasn’t about to fall.  Not even for a second.

Little moments with God….can be like those faith-steps across the bridge that distances us. They lead to reconcile us.  Wanting hearts always propelling us closer to the heart of God.

And even if silent devotions seem lonely or insignificant.  Each moment we stop and make a date with the Creator of the Universe….I guarantee, there will be fruit in our sacrifices, eventual benefits to our obedience.

Last night was a terrible storm.  And I thought about the investing my husband and I had done.  Yet, there in the storm, we didn’t need to talk. Instead we just clenched each other tight, resting in the sweet presence of each other.

And when the world stops when you are with the one you love, that is when the time you have invested together has paid off and you know you are head over heals, passionately in love again.

Will you take a few minutes out of your day and invest your time, energy, your heart to communicate with The One who offers you, the most beautiful love relationship you will ever experience?

He is waiting across the bridge.  Will you step toward Him in faith?

(Linking with TracyJudithEmily)

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  1. Jen, your writing reminds me so much of our first go-round in marriage counseling. 1000 times over, the counselor kept saying, “Grace is the bridge. You have to view your spouse as Christ views your spouse. Grace IS the bridge.” Quiet time has always been significant to me, but it’s easy for me to sluff it off for another date with the snooze button. The last couple of weeks, I have on purpose, awoke in time for that quiet time, and what a game-changer that has been in my relationships–with my husband, with my kids, with my colleagues. The benefits FAR outweigh what that ol’ snooze button offers! Thank you for sharing!

  2. Hi Jen! That suspension bridge looks both cool, and TERRIFYING! But I guess that’s what it’s like when I decide to get up the guts to cross that bridge to speak to the Lord and to his people.

    Great visual! And congrats to you and your husband for all the years of love. God sure knows what he is doing, right?

  3. girl, yes, God has been calling me back to my first love… to him. i resonate with this. and where were you in canada? was that in banff? if so, you were only six hours from my house! xo

    1. Emily – Not sure if it was banff…I will have to ask my husband. I know it was a little north of Vancouver B.C. Wouldn’t that be neat if it was just 6 hours from your home base! 🙂

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