Sitting one car away, waiting patently, for caffeine. Drive-through stops, like a river halted by the town-car in front of me.
And I have been learning….Anything not moving, not growing, living, breathing….will eventually die.
Breathe starts slowing. Counting. 1….2….3….4….5 minutes pass.
The car before me keeps chatting with the Starbucks worker. Maybe there is a problem? Maybe something serious happened?
I wait longer. 6….7….8…..9 minutes. Patience is shrinking, like a cloud covering thinning, sun beating down revealing the truth of what’s in me.
“What do I do?” I ask myself. “Do I honk?”…”No, that just seems rude.” I am really not in a hurry. But time keeps accumulating and I simply just want to get moving.
I feel like a river. Stopped up. Impatience, anger, frustration, rising like debris, stopping the life, joy, peace I had in me…prior to coming to Starbucks.
I role down my window. Stop. Think. Role it up again. If words slip out…I know they won’t be “Christian.”
I feel anger welling, a volcano of emotions I never knew I had, surfacing within me.
I don’t see a reason for this hold up. Still, emotions can flare when we have no understanding or explanation for difficult situations happening around us….
Barista and town-car in front of me keep talking. Now laughing. While I am a branch….slowly dying. Needing grace to come and snip off these emotions running through me, at a rate I never could have anticipated or expected.
“God give me patience.” I mumble under my breathe.
Then, I hear it. “Pay for the car behind you.”
“What?” I argue. “You have. Got. To. Be. Kidding me.” I am now angry. 10…11….12. The clock keeps ticking.
It will be a miracle if I don’t give an earful to the attendant….”But YOU want me to pay for the car behind me?”
I wrestle like Jacob. Feeling the weight of His presence pressing down on me. In insistence.
How will I explain that to the worker? Instead of cursing…I want to bless?
Finally the cars move. I breathe. Expecting an apology or at least some explanation as to why I had to sit in the drive thru for 15 minutes.
I anticipate seeing the barista tired, worn out, or distraught from whatever conversation took so much of her time. But instead, she smiles as if I hadn’t (we all in the line) hadn’t just wasted fifteen minutes of our life.
I gasp and whisper under my breathe. “I am not paying for the driver behind me!” She is not even a little apologetic.
A tantrum flares inside of me like a child inside me come to life. And I feel like a two year old needing to choose whether she will grow from this situation…or die from the pride welling from inside.
It is a very real choice. My choice.
However pride can sometimes seems so much more gratifying when the world doesn’t go our way, when people seem selfish, and the drive-thrus of life leave you stagnant or dismayed.
I had over my bankcard. Funneling through the choices. “I am NOT going to pay for the person behind me.” I keep repeated silently inside of me.
Using all grace within me…just to hold my tongue.
But then the weight of His presence fills the car once again. Pushing emotions aside and reminding me that not doing what He calls us to do…regardless of how irrational it may seem….is no less than disobedience.
Finally, I ask begrudgingly between my teeth. “How much is the bill of the car behind me?”
“What? Oh! Let me check. It’s $7.58.”
She seems surprised. Ugh. I slide down in my seat a little. “O.k. I want to pay for whoever it is in the vehicle behind me.”
“You do?” The voice of the attendant climbs willingly an octave or two.
“Yes.” There. I did it. Nothing more. Look God, I am being obedience, I want to shout at the top of my lungs, no more humble than when I started.
I drive away. Still not ecstatic at what I had done. Still fuming that the barista so
painfully took too long and didn’t. even. apologize.
But then, the freeway comes. Oh that glorious freeway where stagnant people can’t stop up the open road calling me forward. I go a little bit faster this time…trying to assert my freedom.
But it is there, He speaks to me again.
“We have a choice. We can let hate, anger, resentment flood, freeze, stagnate people…car after car…situation after situation. Or we can cut it off…and choose to love instead.”
I think of the branches and how hate is like leaves shriveling. A dead branch.
I imagined that if I was mad and was one cup away from my glorious coffee…how much more angry where cars five, ten, fifteen people behind me?
I remember how at that same Starbucks ,a while back…for three days, there was a rally of every person paying for the coffee of the one behind them.
It was love so radically, they even wrote an article about it in our local paper.
A river of love, a love revolution moving, starting with simply one person, choosing to think of others instead of themselves.
And I realized why God had called me to break the cycle….of one person ruining the day of so many behind them.
I needed to cover over those hurting behind me. And offer love where there had been hate birthing.
I realized obedience is more about His plan to change a dying world, an angry world…than it is about my own personal circumstance….Or how I felt in the heat of the moment.
And when we listen to Him. He has the power to cut off branches. Growing love and fruit and joy and peace….where there had only been a stick suffering from the effects of other people.
And hadn’t I been wanting a life that bloomed?
So, I bowed my heart in that car on the freeway. Saying “Thank you. Thank you God that you lead me to your truth….and showed me that LOVE is always the way. Trusting you (despite how we feel) is always the way to have a life that really blooms with the fruits of your Spirit.”
Love. Kindness. Blessing. Not because we want to or always feel like it….
But because loves covers over multitude of sins…And I too have been, the one stopping traffic…
By thinking of myself…instead of seeing first, the needs of other people.
Wow…how great would the world be if more people made the same choice! :O)
Yes, only by grace might God take our fleshly responses, calling us to trade them for love instead.
Oh the choices…OH.THE.CHOICES!!! Everyday. I feel your conflict coming through your writing, but what a wonderful choice you made and what a beautiful reminder to your readers!
It’s amazing how angry responses can seem more natural, at times. But thankful for love and how even when we “hold up the line” God still loves us fully and unconditionally.
Hi Jen! I am so sorry that I goofed up my link…I had to paste up twice. Would you please erase my first blog-link? It doesn’t work.
So sorry for the problem!
Ceil – I will see if I can figure out how to fix it. I’m a little new at all this.
Jen, I can actually picture myself (a little impatient at times!!) sitting in that car wrestling with the same thoughts-ha! There are certainly times in our lives when we feel mistreated and attacked, but I believe that sometimes God places these situations in our lives as an opportunity to trust Him and go against our natural inclination to respond back with an eye-for-an-eye response. You listened and handled it with perfect obedience; trusting in Him!!
Denise – Wish this was always the case. Sadly….on many other occassions I don’t always listen for what He is saying in these moments.
Oh Jen, how I love your stories. Here’s where my heart is on all of this – I was actually getting angry just reading about your waiting in line! I would have been furious. But, I love that God spoke to you, and that you listened. AND OBEYED!
Patience is a virtue that can only be developed when God allows situations that make us impatient. Ever realize that? We can’t learn patience when things are going smoothly.
YAY for your choice, and for the wonderful lesson you taught me. Choosing kindness and love can be tough, but it’s what God calls us to do.
Sharon – Love it when we can work through our thoughts through dialogue like this. Thanks for sharing the truth that often lessons are learned through hard things we are confronted with.
A beautiful post! It is amazing that when we bow before Him & obey, He blesses us with more of Him.
So glad you shared this today.
Happy Tuesday,
Joanne – So powerfully and well said!
Dear Jen
You make me think so much of Jonah sulking unders the cucumber plant when God wanted Him to know how huch He loved Even sinful Ninive!! I had to giggle at our sulking sometimes. I am just so grateful that Pappa is so patient with us!
Blessings XX
Mia – So good. Yes…how much more might we rejoice than belabor over such trivial things.
Oh, Jen, thanks for a peek into your wrestling match. It’s so often the “small stuff” that makes great big change, isn’t it? change in we who are faithful to obey those small nudges and change in the ones who benefit from our decision to say “YES” to God. Love your heart, friend.
Alicia – Agreed, my friend. Agreed.
Jen this was so real, so honest. We can all identify with your struggle to love because we all have similar experiences when we are asked to do something that just doesn’t make sense (to us). Thanks
Judith – Yes, wondering why those senseless steps most often reveal the greatest lessons and benefits? Could it be because faith is required to take them…? (Just thinking out loud here, my friend. Lol)
Wow. Awesome post, heart, and lesson. I have to give you credit… my fuse isn’t close to being that long, but one example helps me, just like the ones who followed your example of paying for the person you didn’t even know. Nice job, sister.
Floyd – Thanks for connecting at UNITE & for your honesty in responding.
Oh my! Awesomeness!! I find myself praying what you shared stays with me as a reminder to have this same kind of obedience. I’m in awe. I felt like I was in the car with you by the way you shared your story. Bless you.
Beth – Funny thing is…likely I will even forget my own lesson…and will have to repeat it again and again and again until I finally “get it”.
Jen –
How I know that obedience thing – it’s so HARD sometimes! I’ve tried talking myself out of God-moments a few times… What a wonderful post – and great reminder to those of us (me…) who need more than a nudge on occasion.
Janet – Oh I think I can be the most stubborn of all, at times…needing God to knock me in the head with a brick…in order for me to follow in obedience.
Janet – Oh I think I can be the most stubborn of all, at times…needing God to knock me in the head with a brick…in order for me to follow in obedience.