“You are a daughta of The KING”! Palms up, flinging arms around, and around…like windmills going nowhere, as my legs chase my seven-year-old, wildly through the figure eights in our house.
She throws her head back. Laughs hysterically. I play this little game with theatrics and this strong fake British accent, in hopes that somehow the message will sink into my seven-year-old’s brain. This reality of who she is.
“Moooom.” Her words draw on long. But I know from her laugh, she finds a lightening and a joy in her new “English mom’s” game. “Don’t you know?” I go on, chasing her exhaustingly. “I tell you…’YOU are a daughta of THE KING.”
We laugh and run….and laugh some more. Finally I catch her, tickling her until she curls up in her new identity, the giggles, and the joy escaping effortlessly.
Me dramatizing one last time, this phrase I have been saying over and over. While emphasizing “King”, and accentuating “daughta”.”You are a DAUGHTA of THE KING.” We both fall to the floor laughing on some more.
You see…
My once parent-less child is no longer an orphan. She is now an heir to His Lordship. She is no longer lost or forgotten…but became royalty upon adoption, chosen for His glorious purposes.
This weekend our family attended an orphan conference. We saw what faith, perseverance, and a calling straight from heaven can do in response to God moving inside you.
Faith can feed 15,000 children around the world. Faith can speak something that only you knew was there. Faith can call you, out of crossed arms…and into your calling…if you say “yes” to it.
Faith has feet. Fear doesn’t. And I want to have feet to walk forward…wherever He is leading. Don’t you?
I have been thinking a lot about our identity lately. About what it really means to walk, live, breathe moment by moment…really knowing…who we are in Christ.
And one thing He has been teaching me, is that we can never lead others through the door to an area of healing…unless we have walked through that door ourselves.
- And how many of us still have areas in our hearts, rooms locked, parts of us that are still bound and held captive?
- How many of us, still have an orphaned spirit…looking at our lives, our situations, our circumstances out of desperation or from a place of imprisonment?
When God is our Father and the King of Kings, Lord of Lords is still Sovereign, high above all principalities, powers, and rulers of this dark world in this age and in the one to come.
- What if we knew that the veil was really torn? That we have the power to come straight to the throne room of God, because of what Christ has done for us?
- What if in confidence, we really approached the throne room of grace, and receiving mercy in our time of need?
- What if we took our place, as ambassadors in His Kingdom, instead of letting His blood be shed, in order that we might look no different from those who have not yet received Him.
- What if we stepped out of our orphaned spirits and really embraced the adoption we have and the daughtership/sonship we have, knowing…really understanding….
“We are daughta’s of the King.”
I wanted to share really quick something God gave me to evaluate my own heart, and how free I really was/wasn’t.
Just a quick note: An orphaned or adopted spirit is not determined by whether you have earthly parents. It depend on how you see yourself in relationship to your identity in Christ. If you haven’t accepted Him, maybe now is the time.
Will you read through this list too, to see if you are walking in all the fullness God has for you?
Now I just want to encourage you today, as I use these words, this silly game I play with my seven-year old to encourage her too…
Let’s go out. Let’s live our lives, walking not in the shadow of fear, but in the royalty of one who is “A Daughta of THE KING!” Amen!?
If you want more to read on the subject of royalty. Won’t you consider reading Melissa Deming’s new book that just came out today? You’ll never guess what it’s called?
Ready? Yep, you guessed it…. “Daughter’s of the King“!
You have to love that title, right!? This is not your average, everyday e-book. Melissa is quite the theologian and I guarantee this book will challenge you in your walk and discovery of who you really are as a Daughter of THE KING!
(Please note: I have never, ever promoted a book before on my blog. This is the first, only because I so believe in the importance of knowing…really knowing…what our identity is, in Christ!) You can find the link to Melissa’s book HERE.
- Please take a few minutes to add a link or the button on the right side-bar to your blog.
- Also, please take a few moments to visit other blogs! I guarantee you will be blessed!
The day it became alive in me, not just words, that I was a daughter of the King – that I was an insider, not an outsider – it changed my life. Your post is a message that cannot be delivered enough! Awesome, needed message!
Blue Cotton – Thanks! And yet, oh how I realize more and more, the fullness of the metamorphosis that awaits the fullness of this Daughter-ship we have!
You wrote on something that I think we all long to be reminded of each day. Why is it so easy to forget and to fill our minds with other untruths? Thank you for your sweet encouragement today…
Jen, thank you so much for telling everyone about my book! It is such an important concept that we grasp our identity in Christ. It changes EVERYTHING! Blessings!
Amy – So true! It’s like a filter where we unconsciously let any and every opinion through…instead of looking to Christ for who we are in Him!
Melissa – My pleasure! Such a life changing topic! Great book!
Hi Jen, Stopping by from Titus Tuesday. I love your inspiring message about Daughters of the King; we certainly are and we should rejoice. I linked my post to your link and will add your button to my link tab. Blessings.
Kim – Welcome! Thanks for adding our button to your blog! Hope to see you on UNITE often, friend!
Thanks so much Jen for the party today!!! I always enjoy your blog and the special way you express what you say.
Judith – Thanks for showing up & linking Judith! You are a blessing!
Your words also provide so much encouragment Jen. THANK YOU! Once again, I love this!!!
I love this – Orphaned/Adopted. Such a strong message!
Thanks for the link-up! I’m glad I found you… I will be participating.
Wishing you a blessed day.