We care for orphans. It’s just what we do. From the time I was a little girl, I had a passion to help the lost, rescue the hurting, advocate for those treated unjustly. It’s hard work and not always fun.

Still, there is something inside us that constantly longs to be carried inside our velvet lined litters. You know, those wheel-less chairs, propped up by other people. Deep inside our sin nature…if we are honest, transparent….we all long to be high and lifted up, acknowledged by other people.
Yet, even Christ came humbly, quiet, in a manger. And contrary to some thinking, God calls us to…
To continue reading,
“When Social Justice Leads You Away from Jesus”,
click HERE.
Please join me over at Missional Women today, as I am contributing with Laura Krokos, as well as some other amazing women who desire to live missionally right where they are.
You don’t have travel half way across the world to reach others for the glory of God.
Believe me….You can touch people right where God has placed you!
Missional Women, is an online magazine, provide multiple weekly articles to help you live in light of His Kingdom.
Hope to see you there!