No Less Than God.

Did the strangest thing today.  Instead of writing. Reading. Praying.  I got out a pen and paper.  Opened the Word.  And was prompted to write down the truths that I read.  Not just any truths…

But the truths about Jesus.

See, I have known Him my whole life. Sang songs of Him since I was knee high.  But somewhere in the roller coaster of life…Jesus became a shape shifter of sorts to meet my own discontent life.

During one era…Friend.  Another….a man.  Sometimes, a preacher.  Another….a distant, historical philosopher.

But now…..I simply want more of Him.  An insatiable thirst….to learn more of who He really is.

The truth. So I look in God’s mirror to see what the Bible says.  

So as I read in Luke, I write….

  • Jesus put out His hand and healed a man with leprosy. 
  • Jesus told another to wash in mud and made the blind man see. 
  • Jesus commanded the spirits and they came out. 
  • Jesus rebuked the fever and it left immediately. 
  • Jesus lay hands of every one of them…and they were all healed. 
  • Jesus called awake the dead…and made the demons retreat.

There is power in The One I praise.

And why is it we forget…Christ was more than a man….but…A healer who sets free?

And I read on…

  • Jesus calls sinners to repentance. 
  • Jesus calls disciples to himself. 
  • Jesus calls His followers to abandon all. 
  • Jesus calls for intimacy and unity in His people. 
  • Jesus calls for Holiness…to be holy as He is holy. 
  • Jesus calls the outcast, the broken….the least of these to become His mouth pieces.

 And it becomes clear….the need to rise… the Word.
….Not just to read it and go on…. 

But respond.

For, there must be more….than stiff Sunday School chairs…..So I keep reading….

  • Jesus rebukes fear, calls forth faith.  
  • Jesus sends people and appoints them to do His work. 
  • Jesus instructs His followers to heal as He did.   
  • He declared the Kingdom of God…and told His disciples to do the same. 
  • Jesus said, “go” and gave the power over the enemy to His followers who obeyed. 
  • Jesus patiently taught His followers to pray. 
  • Jesus himself embraced solitude….going away...

To be still with the Lord.

  • And Jesus said, “Wait, for power from on High” 
  • And of His death…He himself prophesied.  
  • Jesus heard and obeyed only His Father’s voice.   
  • He was merciful…and fed the thousands because of a willing boy.

And I see Him so clearly.  His Word….the mirror.
He was no man…..restricted, limited, incapable….like us.

He was in fact the risen, resurrected God.

And I keep writing…..with passion….

  • Jesus…God incarnate…perceived thoughts and spoke to people’s hearts 
  • Jesus saw peoples faith and forgave people’s sins. 
  • Jesus moved with compassion so foreign to us.   
  • Jesus spoke in parables and rebuked the greedy.  
  • Jesus challenged the Pharisees.    
  • Jesus walked with no fear.  
  • Jesus took on the cross…though He never had sinned.

And how we can make His life containable, controllable…instead of remembering…

History shows us.  Documentation records….He was not less that God.

Thou man melts Him into religion’s pot….

So His sweetest doesn’t mix with the bitterness of our own sin. So He is small enough to fit in the palm of our hands.  So we can attempt to understand the things He said and He did.

But God cannot be contained. 

This man…that I read about for hours and hours on end.  Luke explains…

Who are we that He is mindful of us? 

This risen one.  This miracle worker.  This man of power….


No less than God. 

(Linking with BarbieMichelle)

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  1. Hi Jen, this is such a great post. One often sees posts on the names of God, not so often of who Jesus is, what He is capable of doing and how we should strive to be like Him, strive to know Him more… Yes, great post my friend
    God bless

  2. Hi Jen! Wow, God was really speaking to your heart, wasn’t he? How he loves those who seek him, and you were certainly doing that.

    Jesus walked with no fear. I love that. Because really, he had much to fear, but he didn’t let it deter him. Just kept walking. What a great image to meditate on!

    Happy Saturday!

  3. Tracy – Thanks so much, Tracy! How full my heart gets when tucked in the joy of His Word!

    Ceil – Yes friend, oh that we too might press on to our own person Jerusalem, seeking just as diligently God’s glory!

  4. Thank you Jen for your blog. I found you by “Next Blog” – so happy to have done so!

    You have a real gift of words, your message gives Him the glory. I’ve joined your site and I’ll be back for more. 🙂

    Blessing to you.

  5. Barbara – Welcome! So glad you are here! Can’t tell you how much I rejoice at your words, as my greatest desire is to give Him all the praise and glory!

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