It is nearing 6:00 p.m. here in Seattle. And the pressure to get my post up for UNITE is looming over me. I wrote my post days ago…about an angel and a bookstore. But, after today…something is stopping me.
There is a need to follow this God-prompting. For even once listening to our own flesh, can…in the long run…lead us miles away from where He is calling.
Yesterday, something happened. A storm brewed. A car drove. And God spoke in a way, much clearer than He has in a long time.
It was a desperate prayer I had lamented before Him recently. On the carpet in my room…“God speak. Please God speak to me ever clearly. I need you.”
But little did I know, this God-moment would cause my car to pull over. Words of grace to show the way I was to be going. Hearing simply…”love radically.”
See, we never know how, or when, or where God will speak. When He’ll come. Or if today is the day He will decide to take us to that glorious resting place.
After that, I drove straight through that wall that had been dividing. Apologizing. Making peace. Hugging. Shedding a multitude of tears.
Then God drew me to a mountain where we could climb higher and higher, up into the heavens. There was no rational explanation. All I knew was that I had to go.
And there…I saw glimpses of God. 360% view of rivers, valleys, and mountains everywhere.
It was from this God view that I began to shrink even further.
And it is crazy cause when we are humbled, then sit high, in the heavens. We somehow then, don’t want to judge, criticize, and divide the world any longer.
It is then, there, with that heaven’s perspective, you simply want to scoop the world right up in your palms….and love all of creation. Unconditionally. Fully. Completely. Radically.
And oh how I want to see as God sees….following all He has for me…
Whether high upon the mountain. One the side of the road. Or humbly on my floor desperately pleading….“God speak to me.”
A theme…not because I told anyone what to write about…but because God likes to speak to us through fellowship and community.
God speaks most when we have willing, humble UNITY.
I just love when God works like that! And then I wonder why I expect so little of Him so often.
I hear ya! He is the God of the impossible…so why do we doubt His ever reaching, miracle working, constantly pursuing love for us?
Beautiful post and amazing photos! Thanks for sharing today. : )
Thanks Cathy!
Absolutely just a beautiful post and gorgeous pictures. Thanks so much for sharing right from your heart today. Thanks for hosting too.
Judith – You are so incredibly sweet. Your presence at UNITE is a blessing!
I love when God uses His creation to speak so powerfully and clearly.
Hi Danette! I agree! It can be incredible how all of creation sings of His goodness!
So lovely Jen; gorgeous pics! God listens and sends us a message in many different ways when we are fully surrendered to Him. If we listen very closely and look all around us, we nearly always hear the voice of God or get an indirect message from Him every time we are in need or He is trying to lay something upon our hearts.
Blessings and a lotta love my friend!
Denise – Yes! Your comment reminds me of Job 33:14 I think it is. “For God does speak to us, now in someways, then in others, though man may not perceive it.” Blessings to you as well Denise.
Jen, I know this all too well—“For even once listening to our own flesh, can…in the long run…lead us miles away from where He is calling” Love the beauty in this post. Yours. His. The mountains. Thank you.
Alicia – Thank you. Yes, I think we can all fall into that teap…starting strong but ending up being far off. Thankful how He constantly draws us with love back to where we belong.
Beautiful post, photo & thoughts. I join you in praying today, “And oh how I want to see as God sees….following all He has for me…”. Amen!
Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
Have a blessed Tues.!
Joanne – Oh and many times I have thought I had seen…but had been blind all along.Yes, open our eyes oh Lord that we truly see as He does.
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Hi Jen! What a beautiful retelling of God’s call for you to ‘pull over’. I guess we all need to do that. Take a break from all the stuff…pull over and look at what God has created.
Your photos are amazing too! My son recently moved to Sammamish, and I know that’s close to Seattle. What a lucky guy
Ceil – You are kidding? I used to live on the east side. Lake Sammamish Blvd right on the lake. I am very familiar with where he lives. Would love to meet up for coffee or something if you ever come this way to see him. Such a small world we live in!
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Jen, the photos you took are stunning but your words are powerful, too. Espcially these lines, “It was from this God view that I began to shrink even further.”
Thinking about the ‘God view’ this week.
What a great perspective!
Hi my friend! Yes…still oh how much shrinking I have left to do. Praying you and your family are well. Blessings abundant!
It’s a beautiful thing to see God working in our lives and it’s amazing to witness God’s handiwork in the lives of others in a similar fashion through expresses or experiences to oneself.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts on WW!
Indian Boundary Lake
Rejoicing that there is no limit to the beauty of His handiwork. Blessings to you today!
Jen, you have such a beautiful heart! Praying the same…that we may see as God sees.
Much love to you,
Any beauty you see is only a reflection of God’s heart in me, dear friend. Blessings.
Just joined the link up once again, sharing blessings. Thank you!
Garden Chef – So glad your here with us linking up!