LINK UP. UNITE. And Friends, Keep Climbing!

Welcome! And thanks for gathering at UNITE.  I am on a sabbatical….writing frantically a book.  However, I promised you, I would be here to connect with
you each week, at UNITE.

So here I am!  🙂

I never imaged myself being one filled with fear.  After all, I repelled off a mountain.  River-rafted willingly.  Para-sailed fearless, in Mexico.

The only thing left on my bucket list?  Skydiving.

But, as I write.  As I run towards ministry for orphans.  I find the snare of the enemy, growing quickly around my feet.  Entangling me, before I ever even see it coming.

And when I try to step forward.  I can find myself stumbling.

Yet, the Lord calls us to be free from the things that entangle.  Eyes fixed on the Redeemer with the Sword of the Spirit….gripped safely in our hands.

Still, as I type these words.  I see a mountain.  Rising before us all in this land.

And sometimes it can be like….The higher we climb, the steeper the terrain.  The more elevated we become, the more narrow the road before us gets.

The other day.  News reports.  “One fell off the mountain side.”  Rescue crews were looking for him.  No one was near him to help him out.  He was there three days.

And how I don’t want to go hiking alone.  I want to be sure footed.  Positioned perfectly.

My goal being, us all getting to summit. UNITED.  Together.

Friends, please let me encourage you!  That glorious summit awaits!

And even if we are not sure footed.  The Lord has us harnessed in, closely by His love.

So, what do we have to fear?

I urge you friends, today in love….

  • Pack light.  
  • Shed off fear that easily entangles us.
  • Make sure you do your journey, with many, so there will be those around you….catching you, if you slide off the bank, into the thickness.
  • Do not get tripped up, by stumbling blocks.  The enemy throws at us.  Offense….like little rocks before us, wanting us to stop our journey.
  • And trust.  Trust the harness of His love.  It won’t let go…even if we do!

For, the higher you get.  The less you will settle for flat terrain.  Want to go

down into the soft land of the complacent ones.

Lift up your eyes, oh friends.  There in the clouds of the summit awaiting, is His Shekinah Glory!

See the flat land for what it is.  Small.  Minute.  Not worth dwelling in….

So, as I conclude.  I head my own words too, willingly.  Shedding this fear, like a winter coat….in the sunlight of His presence.

And continue climbing.  Persistently pressing on to His beautiful magnificence.

For, it is there…..No fear exists.  No noise.  No restlessness.  Only peace.  Quiet.  Still.  Temperance. Persists.  There in the clouds of the mercy of His goodness.  

Waiting.  There….

Where roads narrow. And faith keeps rising….

Every step we climb.

Higher into His love.

(Linking with Jen)

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  1. You are such an inspiring and encouraging lady my friend! It isn’t always easy to accept God’s challenges, and climbing those mountains in our lives can be very difficult. Many times it can be tempting to give up and run for our lives! But I know that He wants us to endure any situation or opportunity with faith and trust and climb to the top.

    Have a week of joy; blessings on your writing!

  2. Dear Jen
    I am so glad to hear of your book and your plans about the orphans. Yes, dear friend, where else would we want to be than on the top of Mount Zion with our Lord Jesus. Praying that Pappa would open all the doors you need to go through.
    Blessings and love.

  3. This really caught my attention, as I have a great fear of heights! I get shaky and anxious at the top of our ladder…can’t imagine mountain climbing. But it’s true…with God by our side, we can be at peace, no matter how high we climb!!!
    Blessings! Ann @ Christ in the Cloud

  4. Jen, this is both inspiring and encouraging! While I’m afraid of heights, you inspire me to climb. “The Lord has us harnessed in, closely by His love.” Fabulous my friend! I’m sorry I don’t comment more frequently, but thank you so much for your weekly UNITE link-up.
    Blessings, Beth.

  5. I’m praying God will bless your project. I’ve been on a blogging break myself and it’s been hard to get back in the swing of things. It was necessary and God was able to teach me many lessons in my month away. What a faithful God we serve!

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