Our husbands had prayed for us. Humbly on our knees. In the house before we left. “Open doors” they said. May God lead you to, “open doors.”
Pastor, with God ears. Listening. Hearing too. Though He wasn’t in that house that day.
And it wasn’t until we stood. On an island. There in China. That we began to see more fully…how God answers prayers.
Winding around. Through strangers. Selling idols on their tables. Tauntingly beckoning us. From where we so desperately want to be.
People stopping us, for pictures. As if we’re famous. Yet, if they could speak English, I gladly could point them to, the real Famous One.
And it is this last bend. On a long days journey. A cross calls, in this communist country. Drawing us, like the blind one, beggar, paralytic ones must have been. To the beauty of our risen Lord.
And as we wind around. We see our Savior, painted white. Holding a precious sheep. And oh, how I can relate.
Fragile. Longing simply to be nestled safe. Close to my Father’s chest too.
Then, we look up. In the distance.
And why is it…the greatest things come when our hearts are looking upward?
And there it is. An open door. One of many on this journey.
We climb the stairs. And find them waiting. Meeting us. A brother and sister, from the church we now enter into.
Making small talk. They then quickly, ask us to pray.
And why is it the greatest Saints, don’t waste time with empty words? Knowing more…Who to go to? Where to turn?
And like this circle that represents UNITE, we join hands. Begin praying. There. In this church. On an island. In China. In a language we all understand.
The female in the group, starts in…
“Lord, bless these two women from America.” And then, through prayer, she shares her story of another two…..
I came to salvation because of two like these. I was just walking down the street,
when two women from a different country came up to me.
They held out a Chinese Bible. Asking me to help them translate one specific verse.
And as I did, scripture sunk deep down inside me. I understood it. I understood it all.
And it was just this one verse that led me to find the one true God.
At the hand of two women like you, passing through this land.
And as she spoke, the fire of God. The power of God. The truth of the Sovereignty of God. Burned through our bones like never before.
See, He had chosen. He had predestined, those two women, years ago. That one verse. And a Chinese girl, to UNITE together. That very day. That blessed hour of her salvation.
UNITING two world, two languages….and making them, one heart.
Simple words of the Father doing the work of a thousand men. Convincing. Piercing. Drawing people from different languages, cultures, skin color….closer to Him.
So, why do we make it so difficult? Not lifting Him high, so that He can draw others to Him?
Yes, even in writing this. I confess at how much striving I have done….trying to earn souls. Trying to be a “good” Christian.
When I forget. I forget that in a second. With one verse. In an instant….the veil can be lifted. He alone can do the work of drawing a lost world to the wonders of Him.
Yes, why do we forget. He can do it all, without us ever lifting a finger? For doesn’t He continually whisper….”It’s not by might, not by power, but my Spirit”?
And I forget this. Lord, let me not forget this….
As we leave those open doors, in that Holy place in China. And head into our world of steeples and scattered people….
Even more hungry. For the hope of Christ. Than those walking by. Where God’s grace and mercy encounter them…
A world away. Where simply one scripture. Translated. Results in salvation.
While we, labor for souls. Intensely. Yet, to often, come away….
With nothing.
UNITE No-Rules Link-Up
It’s time to UNITE in our weekly blog hop. If you can, take some time to wander and check out other people’s blogs!
And remember….All are welcome! It doesn’t matter who you are! This is an all-inclusive, blog hop!
amazing post and story, thank you.
Thistle – Thanks so much for reading!
Oh, Jen, I LOVE it when God answers prayers in tangible ways. This story gave me chills. And just imagining that moment when your husbands prayed over you makes me smile. Ah, the power of a praying husband!
So very touching Jen; as always your words leave a lump in my throat!
What an amazing journey full of rich blessings to every heart you touched, and for those who touched yours!
Blessings and hugs,
We always seem so amazed when God moves even though He told us that our ways and His are not the same
We also tend to make things more complicated too. Imagine now how your visit and willingness to open doors will be a part of someones story as the two women who went before you are part of those ladies lives!
It’s amazing how we can unite across waters or here in one place. God lives and works wherever we are. Beautiful writing and photographs.
Oh, Jen, this brought me to tears. It is all by the power of His Spirit. I hear Him saying, ‘rest, rest in me’ too.
Such a beautiful story–thank you!
Dear Jenn
I relate dear friend! When we try to lead people to Jesus in our own strength, we are trying to do His job. He builds His own church through those who are receptive to His grace. We can strive all we want to, but if it is not the Hole Spirit drawing a person to Jesus, we labor in vain.
Yes, God is sovereign and at work throughout the world. If we are alert we can participate in His work. Great post!
The power of the Holy Spirit – AMEN!
{I’ll be linking up with UNITE soon – very cool!}
Oh – how I would love to know what that verse was! God is always prepared – always planning for each of us. Beautiful, heart-filled testimony:) Just beautiful!
Love every part of this story. From the first sentence when your husbands were praying for you to the very, very end. Thanks for drawing me in.