For months I trained. Had my carefully laid out weekly plan of how to run my
race. Treadmill becaming my place…Of refuge. Time away. Worship. Yet, when the day came. Rocky soil. Hard pavement. Was not anticipated. Not the same as a revolving, mechanical machine, I found familiarity in.
See, I had imagined I was running the course. I had considered the hills and the hard floor. The people and all….
But no planning, hoping, wanting, or dreaming….can ever be a substitute for actually running the race!
See, I had not really felt the steep hills. Anticipated all the people, running, pushing, competing with a psychologically fury that intimidated me.
It’s easy to run the race in the quiet of our homes. It’s quite another, to actually get out into a ferocious crowd…and do it!
I started to compare. Worry. Hesitate from the beginning. “Oh no, maybe I won’t be able to finish the race.” That is until. I silenced the world. The runners. All the shadows that filled my mind….
And started worshiping. Ears gripped with only the sound of the songs pushing me forward, towards the finish line.
And once I fixed my mind on Jesus, the reason I was running….everything got easier!
And yet, as the finish line approached. The last hill rising toward an ending filled with people. I started worrying again, “When I run, do I look funny.” “What place am I going to come in.” “How fast was I going.”
And it was then, I started looking around. Taking my eyes off my goal, beginning to run to please the crowd. But, we each must run our own race. No earthly crown will ever fully sustain us.
And I think again, “Keep your eyes on the author, perfecter of your faith.” “Run not for ‘man’ but in obedience to Him.”
How much faster, harder, stronger would we run then?
Still, at the end of my race, I got no reward. Yet, we have a great cloud of witnesses cheering us on. We have a prize that is greater than we could ever think of.
See, I think it’s not that we don’t want to race. It’s just sometimes, we don’t fully comprehend the fullness of the prize we will receive when we get to the finish line.
For when we comprehend the full value of the prize, nothing can keep us from it. We will run stronger, faster, harder….solely drive by, the fullness of the reward waiting for us at the finish.
And oh friends, I wish I could give you a glimpse of the heart of God. A love, consuming. A peace surpassing our understanding. A fire that burns through our futile thinking. Try to remember your most loved and peace moment here on earth. Now magnify it by one million. That’s what it’s like to be in the fullness of the presence of God.
The Bible describes it like this. In the presence of there Lord there is:
- Fullness of joy! ~ Psalms 16:11
- No loneliness! ~ Matt 28:20
- Thunderous power! ~ Psalms 68:8
- Full Refreshing! ~ Acts 3:19
- Continual protection! ~ Psalms 31:20
- Fullness of rest! ~ Exodus 33:14
- Every Good and Perfect Gift! ~ James 1:17
- Light without shadows! ~ 1 John 1:5
- Complete forgiveness, healing, and redemption! ~ Psalms 103:1-20
- Eternal life! ~ John 11:26
- Perfect peace! ~ Philippians 4:7
- Truth, wisdom, and understanding! ~ John 14:17
- Full satisfaction. No hunger or thirst! ~ John 4:13-14
- Abounding love. Continued faithfulness! ~ Psalms 86:15
I could go on and on about the goodness of God. But, the point is….
I don’t know about you, but I long to UNITE with God. Not just in this life…but in anticipation of eternity to comes!
So, I encourage you friends….keep on running! Keep on running to where and what God has for you! We have a prize that no thieves can steal, no moths destroy….We have a prize that is worth more than any earthly reward!
For joy is found when we know, at the finish line…there will be rest. And I promise you friends, all the glory of this earth looks dim, in light of His beautiful countenance. His breathe-taking, awe-inspiring, glory-filled Holiness!
(Linking with Jen @ Soli Deo Gloria, & Titus(2)Tuesday)
It doesn’t matter where you come from, or who you are! YOU are welcome to UNITE here!
Last week I can’t tell you how much I was inspired by all your posts! Love how God speaks through you, exactly when we need it the most!
Ready, let’s get started! Here we go!!
Fixing our eyes on Jesus…yes, that is the way to run our race. Actually run it. I’m good at planning, but the running IS different, as you say. Thanks for all the great scriptures.
Oh, thank you, Jen, for all the scripture here today- a feast for my weary soul (legs?) I’m going to be mulling on this today–“It’s easy to run the race in the quiet of our homes. It’s quite another, to actually get out into a ferocious crowd…and do it!” Blessings on your week.
Dear Jen
Your post reminds me so much of Paul’s words where he compares the contending for our faith to a race. The most. difficult thing he had to do,I think, was to leave his life as a religionist behind to be found only in our Lord Jesus. Let us strength those tired feet and run this race of being saved by grace alone. Thanks again for being our gracious hostess.
Hi Jen!
Reminds me of Colossians 3:23 “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as though you were working for the Lord and not for people.” When we cross that finish line for the Lord and not for people, there is no race too big or too small; no “race” is too insignificant (and definitely not temporary!) when we have the right motive and perspective.
Blessings and love sweet sister,
I love the list of verses you shared with the main point of the verse. Being I used to run, I can identify with your post today.
Thanks for hosting the linkup today.
{tears} What an encouraging post. I just felt my heart fill up with each word. I’ve taken my eyes off Jesus before and each time resulted in heart tragedy. People will disappoint, but Jesus–never!
Happy Wordless.
Thanks for link up at my blog.
Have a nice day.
This is beauuuutiful, Jen! So many phrases I want to keep in my heart! :^) patsy