Having blonde, naturally stick straight hair; it can sometimes be a challenge, trying to fix my adopted daughter’s African American kinky hair. The other day, it took two of us. My husband and I. Together.
Our six-year-old sat on a bench. While we each grabbed two strands of hair. Lathered them. Then, wound them tightly around each other.
Twisting. Winding. Gathering. Intertwining. Two strands of hair.
Nearly two hours later. We were done.
And there seemed to be a theme here. But, I didn’t get it. At first.
I go to church and sing, “Faith will rise as we wait upon the Lord….wait upon the Lord….wait upon the Lord.” Everywhere I go, the word, “wait” aggravates the depth of my being.
See, sometimes we take what we have learned, and apply it to what we hear. Then, through the filter of our tainted understanding, we filter sand, from water that was meant to be pure.
The word, “wait” used over one hundred times in the Bible. Yet the theme throughout scripture, still calls us to “wait”.
- “Wait” for the coming King.
- “Wait” for the day of our Salvation.
- “Wait” for the Lord to vindicate our enemies…
- “Wait.” “Wait.” “Wait.”
But the verse that struck me?
See, “waiting” in my culture doesn’t equate, strength. According to culture…
- Power means strength.
- Body building or fitness means strength.
- Money or prestige equals strength.
- Image, influence, education, or success gives people strength.
But, “wait”? How does that equal strength?
Then, I read….
“Wait” in the Hebrew being “qavah”. It’s a verb. Meaning two things….
1) Hope, look for, expect.
2) To collect, bind together (with the life of God).
The part that shocked me? “Qavah” is not a noun, but a verb.
“Wait” in the Bible doesn’t mean, sit down. Rest. Stop doing what your doing. What it does mean is to continue going about your routines. Fervently, patiently hoping that He will consummate His rule….in His time.
“Quavah” also means, to actively intertwine our lives with Gods. Like the braids of my daughter. Weaving ourselves in. And around. And through one another.
It is in the intertwining all things with God, where we are made strong. Not in the English, noun-like, passive understanding of the word, “wait”.
He who “waits”….according to scripture….is continually, actively, hopefully expecting; while twisting His life with Gods.
Another Hebrew word for “wait” in scripture is “Yachal”. It means….Trust. Patient hope. To remain in anticipation. Waiting, while not taking matters into one’s own hands.
So, why is waiting so hard?
- Is it because we think “waiting” means sit passively by, brain dead?
- Is it because we want to run ahead of God, for in Him we don’t trust?
- Is it because, we want to be the God of our situations, simply discontent that He is taking so long?
I struggle with these questions and more. Like a mother, carrying an infant of great faith, deep in her womb. I want to bring so many visions He has planted, like seeds in my heart, right now to birth.
But, I know…only the God of the Universe knows the time, path, and the fruit of what He is doing.
And isn’t it…
The longer we wait. The healthier the baby? The better the eternal gift?
And don’t we want to give birth to visions, full in meaning. Purposes rich with the life He wants to use as a witness in us?
Days later. I try to take out my daughter’s twisted dread locks. I think it will be quick. But, like those who wait on the Lord, and become one with His purposes…
It is hard to find the line between each strand we originally started with.
Separating tightly wound hair, or lives, can be difficult.
And oh, how I want to be like that. So intertwined with God, while I am waiting….that there is no dividing us.
So UNITED with His intentions. With His will. With His purposes. That when He says stand. And go….
It will be natural. And effortless.
So, I urge you today, friend. Whatever you are going through today. UNITE with Him. Actually “wait”….trusting, hoping, believing….He will bring good out of your circumstances.
- He is a God who does not disappoint.
- He is a God whose arm is not too short that it cannot save.
- He is a God who will bring salvation to those who look to, wait, and listen to His ways.
How can you be more UNITED with Him today?
Jen, what a wonderful metaphor! I’ve been writing a weekly study of Psalm 37 and the first week we talked about ‘actively waiting.’
I had no idea about all the Hebrew roots–this was an awesome post. Thank you.
Thank you for the invitation to connect, and for your honesty in this post. I love it when love pushes us way past our comfort zones; the image of a string-straight blond-haired mama (and dad) twisting beautiful, fiercely independent African-textured hair made me smile and shake my dreadlocs in pride. I am certain that you will always teach your daughter that she is perfectly beautiful and perfectly made, like every one of God’s originals.
Wait as a verb? This speaks to my heart as sometimes the best I can do to is achieve what I call an “active peace.” Cannot wait to read what you’ll write next.
Peace and good to you, sweet sister, in Jesus’ name.
Jen, I just love words and I, too, like to find the Hebrew meanings of words and spread them out before me to digest the real meanings, God’s meaning. You have done a fine job for me on “wait”. I need to wait for much as most of us do. These definitions provide a clearer way to waiting then I have known. Thanks, and thanks for stopping by “Being Woven” tonight. Caring through Christ, ~ linda
What a great post! I love the meanings of the word wait and how you related it to your sweet girlie’s hair. Lovely.
“Separating tightly wound hair, or lives, can be difficult.”
Beautiful words here, lady.
Thank you, thank you, thank you for this post. Our culture is such a RIGHT NOW culture that sometimes we forget how to wait. We are so used to things moving quickly, rapidly, that we forget to be still. And wait. Thank you. This was lovely.
I lllooovveee this post!!! Thank you
Wait is what I have done throughout this Lent. Little did I know that is was a verb that fits right into my vow to live a more adventurous life. Thanks.
Your writing is so incredibly powerful Jen, and is always such a blessing! I love the way you tied you story in with fixing your daughter’s hair.
Sometimes things just don’t happen the way I hope and expect them too, and it’s hard for me to accept setbacks and delays. But I know that God uses these opportunities to stretch my faith, and when I accept and acknowledge that He has His own agenda, I actually grow during these times of waiting.
Blessings and hugs sister!
Dear Jen
Thank you for informing us of this wonderful explanation of “waiting” on God! This is, to my mind, what body life in our Lord Jesus is about. We as members of the body being so intertwined with our Head and with one another. I also have a little black girl at home, but her granny always takes her to a hairdresser to have her hair braided.
Much love
Hi Jen! Found your blog hop over at the Linky Here website! Thanks for hosting! Lovely blog btw…following you now! Have a blessed week!
Michell @Prowess and Pearls