We were still in our first house, half the size of the one we’re in now. Our kids, eight and eleven, watching us, to see what Christianity was.
And I didn’t want them seeing simply lifeless pews, half-hearted, stagnant views. Dead religion as a substitute for a Living God.
So, we said “yes” when friends asked us to go to Guatemala with them, to do children’s ministry, stay at an orphanage, and help them disperse wheelchairs with their non-profit organization.
Time to, “go into all the world….” Or so, I thought.
The problem? The cost. We only had a little over six-hundred dollars in savings, which took years to accumulate.
The thought of going seemed ridiculous, yet we said, “yes” anyway.
We fundraised. Collected shoes, clothes, and supplies requested by the orphanage we are staying at.
We trusted God. But, as the day to pay for the plane tickets drew near, it was hard to think how we could come up with the $650.00 immediately.
All our options, tapped empty.
Hadn’t we sent the letters? Hadn’t we agreed to where He wanted to send us? Had we heard wrong……
To read the rest of the story, click here.
Today, I feel so blessed to be writing for “Missional Women”! It’s a website originating from “Beholding Glory”. You all know, Laura Krokos and her beautiful heart for Missions!
Take a minute. Stop on by. And discover if we ever were able to take our family on mission. And how God provided!
Enjoyed reading your article over at Missional Women Jen. What a great way to show your children living faith.
Wanda – Thank you! That is my prayer, dear friend, to show my kids, we live by faith…not by sight!
Bless you & thanks for taking the time to leave a comment!