So much in this world is defiled today. Tainted with a bitter taste, taking what is sweet and lacing it with a little arsenal.
And sadly, even in the church, we entangle religion with poisons from our culture and try to feed them to the people, hoping they won’t taste bitter.
Yet, people are leaving. The church. Each other. Their families. Their livelihood. Hurting. Sick. Suffering with discontentment…….Or a false notion that they can get satisfied from a substance, anything other than Jesus.
But James 1:27 tells us that…..
Pure and undefiled religion before God, is this:
to visit orphans and widows in their affliction,
to keep oneself unstained from the world.”
And although clothes of white can attempt to hide hearts, poisoned. There is nothing like serving the poor, meeting the needs of the orphan, children; the widow….

Because I find, in nearly a decade of foster and adoption ministry…..
Orphan care is trench work. Meeting the needs of widow or child, the needy…..
Has no accolades from man.
There are no pulpits that bring exoneration. No fanfare. No paycheck. No name tags that leave us filled with flattery or esteemed by pious men.
Orphan care strips us ever so beautifully, like no other, from all false intentions, any worth built up……separate….from the holiness of God.
Serving others. I mean, really serving others….painfully freeing. It’s the quiet work, we accept wilingly out of love for God. The humble work that says,
“Here, I am. Have me. Continually. Always. Every part of me God.”
It’s the God centered servitude that is willing to let a Living God, be the bandage of others souls, the Comforter, the Savior, the Healer of another’s wounds.
It’s the place we get to and truly know. He must do the work, we can’t.
When we took our first foster baby, almost ten years ago. I was not perfect, chosen, well equipped for the call.
I was simply broken. Humbled. And wanted to serve God. I wanted perfect religion…..not some artificial substitute tangled with lies.
I was still. Quiet. Had been reading the Bible as if it was going out of style. I was shaken by a scripture calling us to step up and answer the call…..
To do more than sit and hear. But, rise and go…..
To be the light of the world.
And even broken people….no, especially broken people….can be lights. For brokenness often reflects so much better than the shiny, standing strong postures of “I can”.
Yes, the pieces of our life, He uses. When we leave them in the potters hand.
And He begins. To make something beautiful. As we offered us all to Him.
And it was that very first “yes” that led us to foster. That step that went higher, to a place lower, for His Kingdom.
The next “yes” was missions. Another “yes” visiting an orphanage, in Guatemala. Then, a “yes” to sponsor children. Then, “yes”, adoption. And now, I leave a few days away, to go to China. Again. To advocate for, serve, in hopes to bring those waiting…..
To find parents.
And I used to think that my fancy skirt, and high heels, and not sliding down the banister at church would get me into heaven.
But, it wasn’t until Jesus found me. Really found me. That I learned….
What perfect religion is…...
Loving. Like Jesus did. And willingly serving……
The least of these.
Not because we are good….but despite the face we aren’t.
What a beautiful post!! That’s so neat that you have adopted!! And I love how you said perfect religion is “Loving. Like Jesus did. And willing serving… The least of these.” Amen!
Such a good post. God Bless you!
Hannah – Thanks! We adore our little girl & are HUGE advocates for adoption! And yes, what a great example He is to us of love, isn’t He!?
Pamela – And blessing to you also!
Beautiful post! I’m so thankful God is capable of using the ill-equipped for His glory. We were 6 months pregnant when we adopted our sweet girl. Certainly ill equipped. But God was enough. And now, as we start the licensing process to foster parent we again stand incapable. But He is still enough. Thank you for sharing this amazing reminder of what our faith in Him should look like.
Wonderful reminder that Jesus uses us in the middle of our brokenness! Great blog post.
This is such a great verse. As I shared on someone else’s post…this verse has great meaning to me too. This past year I did an in depth study of James and as I was working on memorizing it, I was in Mexico at an orphanage for kids with disabilities. The experience and the timing really hit home and gave this verse new meaning for me. I am looking forward to my return trip to the orphanage in April.
Great post!
Great verse!
TheKnightFive – That is so exciting to hear you not only adopted, but then simultaneously had your own bio child. I commend you for stepping out into foster care! God bless you!
Kirsty – Yes, He equips the called, more often than calls the equipped.
Jill – I love when God calls people to orphanages in 3rd world countries. Am headed to one in China in just a few days! There is so God’s heart there….like in few places I have been. Please come back & share your story after you return!
Regine – It’s all His!
Oh, that our religion might be pure….
YES!!! I love this post, because it is exactly how I feel. Thank you for sharing!
Sonja – Bless by your reading it!
Agreed – spread the word, not “religion”.
Loved the stepping stones of yesses here.
Once in awhile, you’ll come across blogs that makes a world of difference. Your blog is that one. Thank you for walking in your call. Im your newest follower.
Happy Friday, Time for visit and follow.
would be great if you can join my blog hop Friday.
Have a nice day.
What a beautiful post Jen and overflowing with nuggets of life-giving truth. My son and daughter-in-love (also a Jen) work with inner-city at-risk youth and your blog reminds me so much of them and there work with One7. I’m going to sign up now to receive your post notices.
so true! Great post!
what a beautiful heart and urge to walk out life’s most important call – loving one another.