The 1 Gift that UNITES the World! LINKY

If you don’t know Rosetta yet, you will.  She is the Lavender Hippo I wrote about a few weeks ago.  My six-year-old daughter’s new best friend.

Today is my seventeen-year-old’s birthday.

This morning, I asked my six year old.  What would you like to get your sister for her birthday?

I just assumed we would go buy something together, or she could make something, or draw a picture.

But, with innocent revelation lighting up her youthful face, she looked up and joyfully exclaimed….

“I know, I will let her have Rosetta, for a whole week.”

Now you have to know….Rostetta goes everywhere with our six year old.  She sleeps with her, eats breakfast with her, goes out in public with her.

Rosetta is my first graders very, very, very best friend.  She treats this stuffed animal like the child she wants to have.

And my mind wrestled with the thoughts that she would give, the thing she loves the most….I mean, her very most precious possession in this world…..

To her sister.

And instead of a human gift, wrapped in bows, costing money earned and then simply spent….

She gave her sister what was priceless.  All she had.  The one thing she held most dear.

And it makes me think of Jesus.  How He came and died.  How our Father gave up His only son….

His dearest, most precious beloved child.  For a season.  For our sake.

And how that is perfect love.  Perfect Unity. Perfect fellowship….To sacrifice who we are, what we have, what we know….

For the sake of another.

Perfect love, laying it all down for another.

And it was in that surrender.  That giving and giving over….That led our God to send the UNIFIER.

So that we would give all.  In the same way for each one of our brothers and sisters.

Like a six year old….

Offering what was temporal, for a love she somehow knew….was eternal.


It’s time to UNITE!  

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Have fun!  Enjoy UNITING!  And I look forward to reading all your posts throughout the week……

(Linking with Cowgirlup, Jen @ SoliDeGloria, Titus2TuesdaysHeartfelt BalanceWordless Wednesday)

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  1. Oh, this is such a rich gift. I love it. I hope you’ll remember this story forever to tell over and over to your grandkids one day. Wouldn’t it be great if we all could be so giving with the things we love the most!

  2. Hi! Just found your blog and link-up! Love the story of your daughter sharing what is most precious to her heart! We can all learn much “from the mouths of babes”!
    In His Love, Ann @ Christ in the Clouds

  3. Hi Jen,

    What a beautiful and sincere gift; I can only imagine how it melted her big sister’s heart! (And yours!) What a blessing and memory to keep forever with you! 🙂

    Blessings and joy my friend!

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