“Jesus had a boat constantly ready for Him, because of the crowd, lest they press hard upon Him and crush Him.” ~ Mark 3:9
Ever felt crushed? Ever felt the crowd pressing? People pushing? Circumstances moving closer, toward you….so much so, that at times you feel like you might be trampled?
I have read through the Word who knows how many times….but for some reason. This time. This verse. God highlighted. It stuck out. Until it was like I literally couldn’t read further.
And I have learned. It is when we allow that God-prompt to stop us in our tracts. And we listen. Wait upon. And ask….“Lord, what are you speaking to us”…That He is faithful to come. And His Spirit will answer. Bringing us ever clearer into new revelation.
And it is not until His Spirit speaks to us….that everything changes.
Scripture without obedience (that God-prompt) can be empty knowledge without implementation.
And as the days grow closer, the world gets drearier. People look for light more insistently, wanting hope for their future. Yet, scripture tells us….
“We are to be, The Light Of God set upon a hill.”
Yet, I wonder why is it sometimes easier, to hide under a lamp stand, where it is safe?
And though Jesus was God incarnate. He still felt this same pressure we do. The idea that men might suffocate Him…..
So much so that it might have crushed Him….if He didn’t get away.
And I am wondering….
What is your escape route when the world comes creeping closer? When children fight? Husband takes flight? Or it seems like everyone needy comes out of the woodwork all at the same time….and your job is to point them to Jesus?
Ever felt almost crushed in ministry?
And I am thinking, the more we submit and let His light in, the more needy people will be drawn to Him, in us. This weight and responsibility growing ever more eminent as days accumulate.
Life ever pressing, as we walk increasingly in the presence of Jesus.
And this got me thinking….what is my boat?
Is it something of this world? Or like Jesus….Do I seek to float in order to have communion straight with God? And that is the reward. His protection from the storms?
And I am guessing. Jesus didn’t just get in the boat and turn His back on people when He felt tired or weary.
We have a pond (more like a lake) in the back of our property. And I know that when we are in a row boat away from the shore. The voices while floating on the water….echo. They echo so far we can hear them. Acres away.
And isn’t that what we want. Less effort….yet greater voice and magnitude in our ministry? More tranquility as He takes the oars and leads. Us sitting back, simply speaking what He is whispering?
So, my prayer is to not run from the crowds suffocatingly drawing nearer…..
But, press into The One. Float upon His Spirit. As the harvest is ripe and workers are ever frequently growing weary.
Do you have your boat of faith ready when trails press nearer?
As the world, and people, and circumstances lean in and make you weary?
For didn’t God called us light. To rise. And shine. And the only one being crushed….
Should be the enemy under our feet!
(Linking with Ann WFW, Emily, Proverbs31, LifeintheComment, Almost Friday, Faithfilled Friday)
1 Comment
Wowee, Jen. This is one of those posts I’ll be chewing on for awhile. I love it when that happens. God bless you, Sister, for sharing with us.