When Bellies Roar. And Laughter Prevails.

I hear it.


Dancing across rooms.  Opening up souls…as laughter always does.

Why is it laughter – Not a crow bar – can pry the steel gates of souls.  Yet, interrogating, drilling, & all efforts of man won’t?

The great release.  

Empties bowls of long forgotten messes.  The unifier.  Unspoken communicator.  All languages.  People. Cultures.  Join in.

Made one…when bellies roar & smiles prevail.

Children.  Examples.

Knowing the secret World Leaders have not achieved yet.  Fail to perform. Their formal debates, intellectual interrogates, or convincing public relations gatherings lack….this freedom, wide eyed wonder, & transforming power.


A group silent. People come.  Unifier rises over the crowds. Spectating, communicating, & opening up doors long closed.  Smiling.  Expressing.  Engaging in humors ways.

Innocence gets it.  The free in heart comprehend it.  The childlike can achieve it…. 

Yet, many adults don’t.

Grim.  Under the weight of miseries crucifix. Joyless. Quenched.  Burdened.

Yet, don’t they know…death has no sting?

What troubles can come..where in the morning…JOY won’t find them?

If we look, we will see, pain all around.  And spoil the secret to our souls waiting to get out.  Medicine to all doubt.

Contradictory to our deepest, darkest hour.  Yet, even there joy is for our taking.  

Do we want it?  Seek it? Covet such treasure, this fountain….living well?  Toxic release bubbling out?

The choice?

Weaknesses. Doubt.  Trouble….or laughter.  I hear their giggles & I know…they get it.  Laughter is the medicine to our souls.  

It makes all things broken…whole. It has a strength, offers freedom, & has a power…

Even we do not yet fully know.


(Linking with Ann)

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  1. I had to read this twice because I’ve been pondering the Proverbs 31 woman lately; the woman who laughs/rejoices at the future (when I spend too much time worrying about the “what ifs”).Definitely gonna pray for some of that “joy of the Lord which is our strength”.( Ne. 8:10 ) Love & prayers, in Jesus, Cynthia

  2. oh, don’t i know it? laughter is the stuff of sweet communion. like you said — no matter how great our differences may seem.
    and i loved this line: “What troubles can come..where in the morning…JOY won’t find them?”
    i need to put that above my bed, so in my dark nights i will remember what comes in the morning. 🙂

  3. Cynthia – Ah, good stuff! I love that Proverbs 31 goal! And what a glorious thing when laughter fills our soul.

    Jacqui – I don’t think any of us do it enough, my friend.

    Kelli – Ha, I love that idea! I could use that in my house too! 🙂

  4. I love the fact that God created laughter! I really really like how you put it: Yet, don’t they know…death has no sting?
    What troubles can come..where in the morning…JOY won’t find them?
    What an amazing God we serve! 😀

    Thanks for stopping by my blog, Jen!


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