Who would think last weeks encouragement challenge would “strike a cord” with so many?
As a result, we are continuing to UNITE our worlds, lives, families through encouragement again this week!
Remember, NO RULES TO THIS LINK UP! Simply….
1) Link up.
2) Encourage at least three people in your world. (Stranger, neighbor, friend, family member.)
And as I do….I have been thinking…
Where “thanks” is the training ground of the heart, the tool whose purpose is to soften hard soil, leading us out of the deep ruts of a once impenetrable mind…..
Encouragement is the overflow of a thankful, tender, well tended soul. It is the blossom found in the harvest that brightens a dimly lit world.
The God eyes to see good vs. bad. Blossoms coming forth though it is not yet spring, yet. The tomorrow eyes that draw out what is good….in an icy, barren, frozen, cold, impenetrable land.
- Encouragement in short is….seeing what is good and simply speaking it out.
Encouragement is the igniting power and rising of faith that chooses to see the harvest awaiting. The crop coming. The produce promised by our gracious Father.
And if eyes are dim, tainted. Heart frozen to where spring seems like it’s never coming…
Pray. Pray for eyes to see like He sees. The one who saw….
- The awaited deliverance in a prostitute.
- A disciple resurrected from a tax collector.
- A risen man, in a once dead Lazarus.
Pray for those eyes. God eyes. And then do more than see. Or leave thanks at the door of your heart. But, let it overflow. To a place that UNITES the world.
Offer words that pull a broken, lonely world. Together.
Encourage. By giving intentional, thoughtful, specific praise. To a world desperately, awaiting…..for someone to see….
More than what they were….
But what they could be!
Hi Jen,
We are certainly accountable for our words of encouragement and words of love are initiated out of love!
Loving words build up, enlighten, uplift, and encourage; caring people speak words of love through compassion, by way of understanding and truthfulness.
Thanks for your loving encouragement, and hosting this blog to Unite!!
Love how simply you described encouragement. Now, that doesn’t sound so hard, does it?? Way to encourage US to encourage OTHERS.
i love the thread that is tying hearts across the blogosphere this week, friend… i love that God is lifting the hearts of the weary… bless you dear jen.
What? You are hosting a link-up? I am obviously out of the loop! Very, very cool idea, girl.