Deserts Not Racetracks. Where God’s Voice Is.

Day Starts.  World says, “Go”.  Run from the gates like a competing horse, in the Kentucky Derby.

Be, “it all”.  Just “do” more.

But, I defy the nagging urging pressing me to stuff more….onto a plate, already full.

Instead.  I do something. Almost unheard of.  In a life with my pace. In a culture that has an app. for nearly every thought and place…..

I stop.

I stop the race.  And sit down.  Not “doing”, “going”, “achieving”….Anything.

But, rest in the quietness of the morn.  Sitting.  Still.  Letting the world…..float by….

Fixing my eyes.  On Him.

And there.  In His still.  Thoughts unravel.  Heart gets unlocked.  Blood slows down.  I can actually hear my thoughts.

And I let them sift through Him.  Through the hour glass of His time.  Through the truth of what His life is…..

Then, listen.  For who He says I am.

And I am more than all these labels.  Sticking to me.  Until I am unseen.

I am more than a thoroughbred running, trying to keep up with those I am competing.

I am a lone rider.  On the horse of salvation.  Running through deserts.  With God.  My companion.

He leads me, through timeless sands.  In ways….I don’t always understand. And unlike racetracks bound by everlasting circles.  

The Star is my guide and the land….has no limits. 

And I find in this place.  I am never thirsty.  I find in this quiet.  Hooves trodding.  Heart beating.

And me.  Actually listening to it all.

Each gallop taken, is because He leads me…..not because I “have to”.

Each valley I am led in, is even more abundance. There where streams of living water lie.

And I close my eyes.  And am caught in time. In this beautiful communion with the Lord.  And I.

Here in the quiet.  While the world is still dark.

And all has not awakened, to the truth still untold….

There is more than turf tracks, and whipping jockeys, and winning for gold….

In it all.

There is freedom.  Freedom in the quiet.  To walk.  Or run.  To hear….

The voice of God.

If you are willing…..

To leave race tracks of old.  Where fences lie.  And crowds cheer.  And saddles and blankets hide your shining, God given coat.

If you are willing…..

To venture to the dessert.

And stop.  Listen.

To the beauty of it all.

(Linking with Tracy @ Winsome WednesdaysEmily)

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  1. Jen,
    I have to tell you that I just love your blog! You are such a blessing and inspiration to me. My husband and I are praying about becoming foster parents, so please pray for us. Some days I feel like yes, absolutely, this is what God wants us to do, and other days I’m not so sure. Did you struggle with this at all? I know full well that I am called to be a mother, and I have always had a passion for adoption/fostering, and simply loving the least of these. Again, please be in prayer for us as we are still carefully listening to what God would have us do.

  2. Ashley –
    So excited to hear you might leap into this great calling of parenting the broken ones close to His heart!
    Much like you I have always had a heart for adoption/fostering. His timing however, was made known pretty undeniably to us (I have that post ready & will share soon) However, I know there are times our flesh can question or even those closest to us can try to thwart us from His plans & purposes.
    Of all the leaps of faith we have ever taken, regardless of how hard some of the kids we have had have been….we have never once looked back & regretted expending our lives on behalf of these little ones…not once. (Asked our older bios also recently & they too said the same exact thing) It is a humble work, but one His grace is evident in & His hand with these little ones becomes ever so clear. Praying for you & your family. And trusting, as you follow Him, He will rain down blessings & grace…in a way like you have never seen.

  3. Hi Jen, I NEEDED to read this. Time for me to stop, and focus on my Saviour. Great reminder friend and I appreciate you linking up.
    God bless

  4. Elizabeth – Amen…the endless circle that goes nowhere. Glad those moments I can be free from it as well.

    Denise – Bless you!

    Tracy – Praise God! So glad God could use this & His perfect timing.

  5. Ashley – So, so glad! I don’t have a ton of extra time (as us all) but if you ever have any specific questions, feel free to e-mail me. I would love to try to answer them for you! Continued prayers & blessings,

  6. Kelli – So agreed! Easier said than done sometimes…at least for me! But, what a great gift…the courage to be exactly who God made us!

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