We walk down this path. Again. You and I.
The one you “held back on”. Almost a year ago. When your eyes. Downcast. Heart. Hard. Your smile…..
Shadows of pain. Covering your soul.
Conversation. Difficult. Careful. Cautious.
You. Uncomfortable. Mentioning. The word, “Mother”. Ruffled memories. Making way to unsettling silence.
Your fear. That paralyzing fear. Crippling you. From moving. Forward.
I. The student. You. The teacher. Learning. Who you were. What you felt. And what you needed.
And I learned….didn’t I? That you are not mine. You are not theirs. You are not anybodies. But a beautiful story. Tucked deep inside. Waiting to be birthed.
And now you have the chance. To write whatever words, you want to say. Define you. A story where you are not the supporting actress. Tucked in a horror movie. But the princess. The starring actress.
Carefully redeemed. Ready to meet her King.
Will you pen carefully? Intentionally? Creating beauty? That is the question, my child.
And today. As we walk. Again. I can barely recognize. Who you were.
Carefree. Laughing. Running at your own pace. Making your own direction.
Talking. Freely. About mom’s. And hurt. And loss. Facing fears. Taking on this trail….arm and arm. Linked in love.
Where before….I could not touch you. Reach you. Before….you wouldn’t look me in the eye.
I was just one more person. Who could hurt you.
You walked at a distance. Not letting anyone near. But now, you are fully engaged. Ready to take on life.
Like a flower emerging so gracefully from so much pain.
And you are your own story. Your own person. A special. Free one. Who no longer needs to live from your abuse or your history.
A fresh warrior. Ready to take on the world.
And you will always be my child. No matter where you go. Always. For I have partaken in the birthing you. From pain. And hurt. To where you are now….
And nothing can change that. No once can change that. No, new “mom”. No new life. No new dreams. Will take away the piece you are inside my heart.
And I whisper as we walk. Still arms linked. Smile plastered at the joy of it all.
“I love you.”
And so freely. You say….“I love you too”. Back. Now. Freely.
And no future can rip apart a heart weaved from two. A broken story. Mended by the love of Jesus.
And we get to the end of the trail.
Why do we always get to the end of the trail?
Always the worst. Hardest. Most difficult part of the story.
And I see you jump. And laugh. Carefree….
Skipping. Uninhibitedly. Many steps in front of me.
As whispers of “Thanks” dance from my lips. Looking to heaven. Rejoicing. I had the chance….
To raise you. My special one. Tatooed on my heart. This emerging jewel who has waited for so long….
To shine.
Go. With grace. And take in your reigns. All truth. And hope. And peace. And joy. Waiting to be unwrapped. Found in tomorrow.
Open wildly. All God has for you.
You are worth fighting for. Believing in. Cheering on. Reaching the end. Looking back redemption in the face. Learning to defeat. It all.
You can accomplish anything. That warring spirit. The world cannot kill.
You are worth. Happy.
You are worth so much more than what the world has been offering you.
Do you believe it?
Please my child it’s the only thing I ask of you…..
Believe it.
Your story has just begun.
What wonderful things God’s love can do!
New follower of yours from HBHL blog hop … beautiful description of God’s love… I look forward to reading more of your posts
Michelle – So true, isn’t it!?
Granny – Thanks for the follow! Hope to see you often!
What a beautiful post! Now following you on twitter and facebook from the blog hop. If you have a moment to follow back that would be great! You can find me at:
Beautiful post Jen. So very thankful for you!
I love the story told, through your pictures and through your words.
Glad to meet you via Fresh Brewed Sundays!
PS Our son was adopted from Guatemala…and are currently in process of adopting again.
So happy to read that your girl is doing so well. God’s grace and love at work through you.