Stumbled upon a pastor friend’s Facebook status this morning. Was trying to run out the door. Do Christmas shopping. Grocery shopping. All that kind of shopping that looses it’s fun. Right around this time of year.
And of course I made the mistake. Left Facebook open. Beckoning. Calling. Luring me….until I read what I needed to.
A pastor friend’s status read…. “If you spend more time criticizing your brother or sister in the Lord than trying to win souls, whose side do you actually think you are on.”
Ouch! And how did this sister even know, that I had just been on the phone. Struggling around all the issues facing a mental health hurting one. And how my request for prayer turned into a venting session. And how concerns and faith and help and hurt…..
All seem to blend into the same melting pot of a conversation.
And how can we mix, “For” and “Against”. “Faith” and “Division”. “Criticism” and “UNITY”…..all in the same conversations?
Faith trying to rise, believe in, support, & encourage our brothers and sisters.
While our carnal nature bends toward division, frustration with those most needing to be build up, supported, believed in…..lifted up in prayer, the one’s most needing Him.
And don’t we already have enough t.v. watchers. Spectators at life…..criticizing the game instead of suiting up. Getting dirty. Unfraid. To get real. Get serious. Stand up and get in the game of life?
And what if we all ran arm in arm. Linked for the goal. Instead of running. Haphazard in directions that fight against what we need to be fighting for?
And I wonder if half the time we even know who’s side we are on? When…
- Prayer requests turn into venting sessions.
- Criticism puts us on defense.
- Rushes for touchdowns shift us from what God wants our eyes on.
- Distractions take us from the game He commissioned and intended for us.
Shouldn’t instead we turn to the Lord. Fill ourselves with faith and the Word….
And start winning souls?
Forgive us Lord.
Woo Hoo Ladies! It’s that time again! Ready to UNITE???
First, here is our featured friend who linked up from last week….(Next week it could be you!)
Tracy…..O.k. the 1 thing I can tell you about Tracy from A Daily Walk In His Grace is that she is Spirit Led. I have read her blog for over a year & I would say 98 to 100% of the time, she always writes about exactly what I need to hear at the time!!
Some may call it luck or chance, but I call it the Holy Spirit. I just know, Tracy prayerfully seeks the Lord, only writing and speaking exactly what the Father has told her to say! It’s beautiful!
If you don’t believe me and think I am just all flattery, here is an example of Tracy’s Post as I write this. It’s about being around positive people. Yep, that’s right! Not critical, dividing people!! But, those who are positive & UNITE like we all are doing here.
Did I e-mail her ahead of time to tell her what I am writing on….or even that she would be my features blogger for this week? ….NOPE! Just God, I tell ya! How cool is that?
If you are not Tracy’s follower, I encourage you to use her short, scripture-filled posts, packed with personal relevancy, as your daily devotional too! She is the essence of UNITY, uniting each reader directly to God. A pearl of hope to all who read her!
Wonderful post! Learning how to live a motivational speaker for everyday living, knowing how to build up and not tear down – that is a life-time of living training!
I find myself in these situations sometimes too Jen, and my negative thoughts and hurtful words leave me feeling ashamed and remorseful. In 2 Timothy, we are reminded to avoid foolish discussions that lead to more and more ungodliness, and are useless and harmful. The uncontrolled tongue can do terrible damage, and we can’t stop the results once it has spoken or reverse the damage it can do. We need reminders like this to keep us united and on His side!
Blessings and love for a joy-filled week!
Wow, I love this AND Tracy! I am linking up because I so agree with the SPirit of Unity and trust God to correct me (as well as a fellow believer) if I get off track! Linking!
Bluecottonmemory – Amen my sister! So true! Still learning…
Denise – It’s like a trap, isn’t it…that draws us in and snares us when we least expect it. May our words be only edifying, building up, encouraging…simply by grace.
Dawn – You got it, Dawn! It’s a Spirit! Where the spirit of the Lord is…there automatically IS Unity! Oh that we might soak in, rest in, & continually dwell in His Spirit. Where none of dwells..and only God lives in and through us!
Great post. Thanks for sharing this and jogging me into thinking.
Thanks for the linky. I joined up again.
May your day be filled with Smiles,
Oh I forgot to tell you. I am following you now in my little Blue Slippers.
Oh my, I needed to hear this today. Losing sight of a calling because I’m going for the glory, prayer request turned vent-session – thank you for the reminder, especially in this busy season.