We snuggle in a booth. After twenty years. More in love than ever. Rain slays sheets of regret. Washing away tomorrow.
One of those days. All is just right. The light of of new beginnings. Shines bright in hearts fully wanting.
And I hear them cheer. Down center. From the bar, a little too near. Tipsy with delight at a tackle of their worries. Gets driven harder. Adding points. To wandering. Uncertain lives.
Then, he enters. Waiters scramble. Pass. With furry.
And they miss him. Do they see? The ragged one. Hiding under hat of water dripping.
And my soul melts deep. I double take. Unbelieving.
Why would he enter this place of business? Is he looking for something to eat?
And he stands there. Invisible. And I wonder if I am seeing things clearly. As a world filled with purpose. Passes him by.
Then. Quietly. He scoots up in a booth. Quick exit by the door. No one sees. No hostess takes her menus. No escort wants to know….
This man.
And who would guess. His face is front and center. His filthy, over-sized army coat stares vehemently toward my love nest.
And our honey moon. Is over.
I can’t take my eyes off. This unfit piece. Trying to hide from the rain……in a world full of busy.
And why is it. Just when we get comfortable. Curl up in our seats of safety. God prods. And pries. And tries to awaken us. Open our eyes. Making us uncomfortable. Asking us for more than to watch….but “do”. Something.
And is it not….the call of all believers to allow that “God tug”? To respond? Instead of just sit and watch. Listen. And see….
When a world of ball. And touchdowns. And food. And honeymoons……would be easier.
He finally orders. They notice.
And between dirt mixed with sloppy wet faith. I wonder how he will pay.
Husband looks at me. As I think. What he begins to say.
And after twenty years. We seem to know what the other is thinking. I nod my head….before he finishes….and I whisper….
“I was thinking the same thing.”
And sometimes rain drowns us with sorrow….so that when troubles comes. And needs rise like the waters in the puddles of our soul….
We don’t know how to tangibly help. So we give up. And end up. Doing nothing at all.
But husband and I have learned….are learning….when God speaks. We must respond. Even if its the most menial way of serving. And just giving…..
Doesn’t make any sense.
So we offer our bankcard to the same waitress. As we leave. His eyes down turned, not suspecting. Anything. And she says….“Do you want me to tell Him.”
“No”, I blurt out. Not very eloquent. And I write on a napkin….
“May God bless you and keep you. As He looks after and provides for you.”
And I pray the waitress gets it. To give the message to the one we paid for. Because giving from the Lord doesn’t require any praise….
But, He alone should be pointed to.
And we have learned. Quite frankly. That more often than not….when we give…..our left hand doesn’t need to know what our right hand is doing.
And I am thankful that my husband and I are so much in tune. With each other.
Then, I hear them cheer. Again. In drunken stoopers that I too am all too familiar with….from before I knew….I mean, really knew Christ.
And I see all these wandering ones. The praise shouters. Misdirected.
This downcast one. All wet. Risking anything…..to get food.
And what if we…..when downcast. Were so bold? To come in from the rain. Sit down in a place…..even if it was foreign and vain. And anticipate. And expect. And believe. In faith. That somehow God is good….
And that He will pay. Our debt. He will provide all our needs. He will take care of us…..
As we bow our heads. And come boldly….
To the the throne room of grace…..
Seeking. Food, shelter, company…..
Whatever we need. According to His glory and pleasure.
And how much greater is grace than money.
(Linking with Emily, Word-filled Wednesdays, Proverbs31, Michelle. Laura, On,In,& Around)
Hi Jen,
I love your blog and have nominated you for the Liebster Blog Award! I know you have more than 200 followers, but I thought you deserved it. Read the details here…
What a wonderful story. Thank you for having eyes to see and hands to help…and for using them.
Amen-as much to the story as the way it was told.
Thank you for the blessing that came of finding you at the Wellspring.
Peace and good to you.
Ashley – Wow! What an honor! Thank you for this Leibster Award! Can’t tell how much this totally blesses and humbles me….
Brandee – Thanks for reading. Ya, more & more I am realizing that we don’t need to save the world….just bless those God puts in our path. So glad we were able to encounter this man. His faith to come in. Sit down. And expect more than empty stomach & rain. He is the teacher. Me…just a student.
Beloved – Wellspring is a treasure & glad also how the Bloghersphere brings so many together!