When Perfectionism Strikes. And 5 Minutes With God.

I have a confession to make. I know it’s true….simply because of the discomfort I feel.  As I spit out this unflattering, unChristlike, prideful rising truth….

“I am a perfectionist.”

I often have this unsettled insistence that things be just perfect. In fact, when I was little….I used to go up and down the isles.  Aligning boxes in the grocery isle, so that they would reach the surface…all completely equal.

Yep, that’s right.  A little OCD.  🙂

I mean…..I keep this bar above my head that I constantly attempt reaching.  However, the higher it goes. The more I keep jumping.

And with perfectionism.  It is like having a bar placed so high…you can never possibly reach it.  No matter how high you jump.

And my legs are weakening.

This high jump life.  With beds not made.  And laundry reproducing.  Exhausting me.

I sit.  Rest.  Admitting.  I am weak.

There.  In the sofa of all my conjured up hopes and dreams.  Where imagining and envisioning….is my escape from reality.  Taking me away from the mundane around me.

See….I want to live simple.  But “Big Life” tends to come and take over.  Devouring, like a shark, in the deep waters of life.  Eating up the joy in this daily grind…..

And I want out.  Out of high tides.  Where life simply trickles.  Where I cannot drown.

Finding joy in the laundry.  Dishes.  Getting ready for soccer for the jumillionth time.

So I sit. Where truth is.  Rooted in Him.  Depleted of my own strength.

And I do what I have been needing for quite some time.  Instead of talking about my list. Instead of ranting to My Savior about what I want and what I am in need of….

I listen.  Simply listen.

And everything changes.

Like the sweet breath of a child’s whisper dancing straight through me….

His Words.  Relationship.  Heart to heart.  Breath to breath.  Changes everything.

And I hear….

You are mine.  
You were bought and paid for with a price. My blood. My blood, my child.  
I have already forgiven you.  

I love you despite what you were.  What you are.  What you are not.  

Come to the water of my ways.  Let me wash over you.  
Drink from the goodness of my good pleasure.  
Drink from the tranquility of my love.  
Delight in me as I delight in you.  
Each day is a gift.  Accept it.  Persevere.

And like a child being rocked by His Father’s words. My fighting spirit….surrenders.  Peace washes over. The revelation of His love again draws my fleeing soul.  Nearer.

And I realize.  Perfectionism is simply not knowing that we do not need to be perfect.  It is loving.  Accepting.  We are forgiven.  Loved….just the way we are.

Not because we are not broken.  But, despite the fact we are.

And who perfect…..needs a Savior?

And in the chaos of it all…..it took simply 5 minutes.  5 minutes of my day.  Close to God.  To change the way I think.  To reveal to me the unforgiveness I have been feeling that makes a young child line up boxes obsessively.

Taking off the weight.  Jumping into the deep.  Tensions subsiding.  Peace washing over me.

Stepping over the bar.  Now dropped to the floor.

Smiling inside.  And rising to go….

Do laundry.

What has God said to you lately?  Try stopping right where you are and spend 5 minutes with God?  What does He say?  How does He speak to you?  If you have a second to comment….I would really love to hear.

(Linking with AnnShandaMichelle)

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  1. awesome…I love the bar dropped to the floor and now you can just step over it…I get this…I wrote today of a place God came…uncovered to bring me greater freedom. I am so thankful He is so patient and Kind. blessings to you sweet Jen.

  2. Ro – Ya know, it’s so crazy. After writing this, I am seeing a similar theme all throughout the bloggersphere. God is just so amazing, like that! I will be by shortly, to check it out. Always love your writing!

  3. And here I sit, at 2am, stressing over a speech for Saturday at a conference for Cape Town. All others were done but this is hanging. I just need to stop and go to bed. I need five minutes with God, to stop stressing it.
    Thank you, my friend.

  4. Shanda – Praying for rest & for your speech, my friend. Knowing God will speak to and through you as you as point to Him & lean on His glory.

    Denise – Thank you. Your so sweet!

    Jennifer – Oh yes, His wonderful, glorious love captivating us like a ragging sea! May it flood your life as well as those around you this day, my friend.

    Brittany – Congratulations to your family for their new additions! That is SOOO exciting! May His grace be upon you all, bless you, & refresh you as you seek to be a blessing to others.

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